Friday, May 3, 2024

Started reading Twisted Love by Ana Huang


Hello there Bookies,

I have another audiobook I'm listening to. It was this one that told me that my ear isn't quite healed when I put my headphones on. So this is going to take a while to read. I don't really remember anything about what this book is about and that is probably a good thing. I know it is a popular book since it is on the Lucky Day shelf at work. Also I had to wait a long while to finally get my hands on any version of the book. I'm just happy that I got the audiobook, but it couldn't have come at a worse time. Hopefully this whole ear thing will get better soon. But I bet you that this is going to follow the same formula as The Fine Print. You know the formula. Rich guy falls in love with average girl that changes his perspective on life. He messes it up and breaks the girl's heart. He begs for her to take him back and she does without a second thought. Then they live happily ever after. If that is how this book goes, I will not have anything to say about it because I would just be explaining every other romance book I've read. Wish me luck.

So until next time...


Finished reading The Fine Print


Hello Bookies,

I'm not quite healed yet, but I had a two days of an hour drive to a conference. So I took advantage of the opportunity. Nothing much really happens in the book other then the typical romance stuff. The two main characters try to be casual, but fall in love with each other. Even though they don't want to admit it. Then the guy gets scared and breaks it off with the girl with harsh words. The only thing I appreciate is that even though he said the right words, the girl didn't jump right back into his arms right away. She made him work for it. But eventually they get back together and get married. Then live a happily ever after. The typical romance trope. Again, I really wish I would find a book that would really mix it up a bit instead of following the usual storyline. It is getting really old. And, since this book follows every romance book I've read, it get two stars. I'm not saying that it isn't good, I'm just bored with how romance books follow the same formula. 

So until next time...


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

I'm sad

 Hey there Bookies,

I haven't been able to update any of the books I've been reading because I haven't been reading them. I'm trying to go through my audiobooks at the moment but something happened where I had to stop. With allergy season flourishing, I ended up with fluid trapped in my ears. Which is causing a lot of pain. The doctor has ordered me to not wear any kind of headphones until I no longer feel pain in my ears. Which means I can't listen to my audiobooks. My life feels empty and now I'm extremely bored. After a few days of allergy medicine and rest, I'm starting to feel better. I still have some pain, so still no headphones. This is probably the saddest moment of my reading life. I want to escape into my world of books but I can't because I can't wear headphones. Hopefully in the next few days I can get back to reading. Just thought I would update y'all on what is going on in my life.

So until next time...


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Reading The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

 Hey There Bookies,

I had a little break after the reading challenge that I didn't complete. I was seven books off of the full twenty-four. I was close but with my lifestyle, it was hard. I'm happy with what I got done though. The last book I put into the challenge was The Fine Print. Only because I started reading it, but I didn't finish it. I'm slowly working on it. But I do have a small complaint about the trope that these romance novels fall into. The trope where you have the rich millionaire who trusts no one and is very cold that meets a woman who is naive and too good to be true. They have this whole round about of being attracted to each other but they don't give in to those feelings because they are complete opposites. The same old same old. Anyways, I don't have much to say about the book so far. I'm almost halfway and I pretty much summed it up with my complaint of the trope. I can probably think how this book is going to end because this is just a overdone trope. I'm to the point that people really need to mix up the rich man and struggling woman trope. I need something different.

So until next time....


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

I read Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

 Hello Bookies,

It has been a while, but I've been busy with work. Having an audiobook is a good thing to have when I'm just staring at a computer all day. I'm on the fence with this book. Some of it is pretty boring, but the conversations between the two main characters is cute. For some reason, it feels like two different people wrote the book. I think it has to do with the conversations and banter is the thing I enjoyed the most in the book while everything else was boring and felt a little forced. This book is probably going to get three out of five stars from me. I am rounding up. If I could, the book would get two and a half stars. But the rounding up is due that I love LGBTQIA+ books. The only thing I have against this enemy to lovers trope is that it is the typical one that everyone goes for when writing a story about a male relationship. The trope where the two main characters think that their feelings is mutual hate for each other but then it turns out that it is just sexual tension. I feel like this is over used a little bit. I need something a little different when it comes to the male in love with male enemies to lover trope. I don't know how it could be done, but I am willing to read it. 

So until next time...


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Almost done reading The Atlas Six


Hello Bookies,

There is only one thing about this book, there is a lot of world building. A lot of getting to know the characters and their stories. Also a lot of talking between characters about what they were going to do about initiation. That is it. I can see why some people never finished the book. If I was reading it instead of listening to an audiobook, I probably would never finish it as well. Nothing really happens in the whole book. There has only been a few parts where it is interesting, but they are so far apart, you forget about it by the time a new scene shows up. But I gave the book a chance. I'm thinking that this is one of the series where the first book drags on because you are just learning the different characters. Then by the next book, things pick up. Hopefully I am correct. But it will be a while before I pick up the second book. I will need a small break from this world. Sadly, this book will get only two out of five stars from me. The slowness kind of gets to me and I didn't really learn anything about the world other than the characters. Figures crossed that the next book is better.

So until next time....


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Finished reading The Teacher

 Hello there Bookies,

I'm trying to cope with how this book ended. I literally have no words because all of the twists and turns this book took me through. So much happens that I don't know what to say other than, this was a really good book. I highly recommend it if you are into thrillers that are full of twists and turns. There is one part that was pretty predictable, but it didn't ruin the book at all. Only because the plot twist that follows just makes you forget that there is some predictability in the book. You also assume that most of the characters are around the same age, but they aren't. That is the only hint I am going to give you. If you want to learn about what happens in this book, I suggest you go to your nearest library or bookstore and get it. This is my first Freida McFadden book and I was not disappointed. This is the first book that gets five stars only because I just couldn't stop thinking about it when I was reading it. It didn't make me cry or feel any emotion other than wondering what is going to happen next. Loved the book. Now I'm going to try to recover from the book hangover this book has caused.

So until next time...
