Saturday, January 31, 2015
Started reading Fracture by Callie Hart
Since my mother thinks that it is funny to hide books on me, I'm forced to start an Ebook. So I decided to go with this spicy series. For all of those who remember me talking about the first book Deviant, you know that this series so far pretty much makes Fifty Shades of Grey look like the bible. I can't even read this series in the same room with other people. It kind of gets awkward. If you know what I mean. Anyways, I'm already about 20% into the book and things pretty much pick up off where the first book ended. That is all I'm saying because it is far too detailed for me to talk about. But I'm going to go book hunting because I'm so close to finishing Captivated by You, and I really want to finish it. Also I want my new book back. My mother can be so mean sometimes. So until next time.....
Friday, January 30, 2015
Started reading Beautiful Redemption by Jamie McGuire
I have come to realize that I have an unhealthy obsession with the fictional characters known as The Maddox Brothers, Travis more then the others. With that being said, I had to read this book. It was just sitting there all sad and cold, waiting to be read. So I decided to pick it up and bury my nose in it. Sorry Sylvia but this series takes high priority. I'm addicted to the Maddox Brothers and I'm already dying on who is next in line. Also I may have checked out to see what Jamie had for the next book, all I got was the title. No fair and not cool Jamie. Can you just give me a little hint on who it is? Please? But I guess all I have to run on is the fact that the next one is called Beautiful Sacrifice and it possibly be out in the summer. Thats all and it makes me sad. So until next time.....
Reading Captivated by You part 2
I'm about a third away from finishing the book, which oddly makes me happy. I think it has to do with the fact that I just got Beautiful Redemption in the mail. I so want to read it right now, but I can't because then I won't finish Captivated by You. I have to finish this book first since I have to return it on Tuesday, my time. So I might rush through this book just so I can read my new one. Then I'll go back to reading all of my library books. Maybe. Anyways, lets talk a little about the book. Gideon's sister jokes about him having kids one day. It scares the crap out of him, but he is still willing to take the risk with Eva because he loves her oh so much. Also Eva is thinking that she will be the down fall of her husband because of some past decisions that she has made. Also it doesn't help that she has an ex-lover begging her to use footage that was caught of them together. Along with the fact that he wants her back, even if he never had her. In all honestly he just wants what he can't have. Typical human nature I say. Anyways, I'm going to head out and hopefully wrap up this book by tomorrow. I know how much you guys are just dying to hear what I have to say about Beautiful Redemption, and I'm just dying to read it. So until next time....
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Started reading Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead
I'm currently reading like five books at once, so bare with me with all the posts I'm doing lately on all the different books I'm reading. I'm trying to make up for lost time. And since I'm pretty sure that everyone has read the series already, I'm just going to jump right into talking about the book. If you want a recap on the series or any series that I'm reading, just let me know. I'll do a post strictly dedicated to the recap that you want. Anyways, lets get talking about Indigo Spell. So Sydney gets invited to a wedding. Its supposedly strictly just business, but she can't help but enjoy everything around her. She has to do it on the sly because her boss is there, but she isn't as hostile towards it like a fellow alchemist. Also she has no idea how to act with Adrien practically throwing himself at her. Poor girl. But I give him props for being determined. Honestly I don't think anyone knows how to handle Adrien when he puts his mind to something. I'm still waiting for when those two finally end up together. So until next time.....
Finished reading Backstage Pass
So I finally finished a book after all of the weeks of not reading. I think it has to do with the fact that my grans is now home and is doing so much better. Anyways, I'd like to talk about this book. After our main character Sasha has a little disagreement with her best friend and goes on a bad date with a selfish guy. She is finally with our musician Jesse. At this point you are saying about time after you think that the girl has some mad skills on proving to the guy that she wants him. Okay she basically attacked him. But he was the one that saved her from the worst date ever. Anyways, I'm glad everything worked out in the book. Even if I knew that they would. What kind of romance would it be if the lovers never ended up together. That would be horrible. But I'm out because I'm cold and I have lots to do tomorrow. So until next time.....
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Reading Captivated by You
I actually got some reading done. I'm amazed by that. I think it has to do with the fact that my mom went back to work and we are no long spending our free time watching Bones. Anyways, I'm not halfway through the book yet. But I'm close enough that I can comfortably talk about what is going on. Sadly it is taking me a while to remember what happened in all of the other books because it has been so long. Please Sylvia don't wait for what feels like two years to come out with the next book. I would cry if you do. But lets get talking about the book already. As we all know, our favorite couple secretly got married during a weekend getaway. Very few know their little secret, while the rest of the world thinks that they are only engaged. Anyways, the book starts with a little heated discussion that results in what I assume is good make-up sex. Also Eva heads off to visit her father with her best friend, because he has a huge life change himself. You know having a baby and all. But I have a feeling that it might not be his, I could be wrong. That would make a good twist though. So Eva tells Cary about her marriage. Sadly he isn't happy about it. Also sneaky Gideon follows Eva for 'business reasons'. Really he just can't stay away from her. Kind of makes you wish you could find a guy like that, but also not because a girl needs to breath every once in a while. But I could see his reason for following her since her ex is still in the picture. That's all I'm going to say right now. I just love the drama in this series and I can't help but wonder if Eva might end up getting pregnant before Gideon is ready. So much to read still, and so little time. I'll post again when I can. Depends how far in the book I get by tomorrow. So until next time.....
Sunday, January 25, 2015
I feel like I'm going crazy waiting for Beautiful Redemption being released. I want the book now. I envy those who were able to read the book ahead of time. Anyways, I thought I'd let you guys know that I'm pretty much at a stand still. I'd really like to tell you guys what is going on with my family, but due to the request of privacy, I can't. So due to all that is going on I'm slowly losing motivation to read. Luckly I'm a third of the way through Captivated by You, but I'm not far enough to tell you what is all going on in the book. I have to be at least half way through that book to do that. But I'm going to head out. I might do another update while at the hospital tomorrow. So until next time.....
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Sorry for not posting.
Hey guys. Sorry I'm not posting much or even reading. My family is in a huge time of need due to the fact that my Grans is in the hospital. She got pretty sick and now she is just trying to tough it out enough so she can come home. I was all excited to get certain books from the library, but with everything that is going on, I just don't have the motivation to read. Even during the trips back and forth, I don't read much. I think it just has to do with all the stress that is going on worrying about my Grans. But I'm sorry again and keep her in your prayers. So until next time....
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Backstage Pass by Elizabeth Nelson

I figured I'd tell you guys about the book that I'm reading while its too dark for a normal book. So this is the ebook I've been reading. Actually I've only been reading it for like a day and I'm almost done already. I will also have to say that this book is basically a lesson on how you can't judge a book by its cover. I say this because our main character meets a musician and she thinks he's all about the parties and groupies. That he isn't up for a serious relationship and that his head is in the clouds. But he is proving otherwise. So this book defiantly puts the saying into play, which I like. But I'm going to finish up this book and I'll let you know how it ends. So until next time......
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Started reading Captivated by You by Sylvia Day
I have waited what feels like forever to read this book. I mean there was no amount of begging that was going to get me this book. Even when I hinted that it came out a day before my birthday. No one was nice enough to get it for me, but I finally has the book. And from what I noticed, I have to pay close attention. It tends to change point of views with out telling you. Either way I've only read three chapters and I already love the book. I'm trying my best to not peak. I'll ruin it if I do. Anyways, I'm off to go visit the family member that had caused us a very stressful week. Luckly she'll be coming home tomorrow, well sort of. So until next time.....
Monday, January 19, 2015
Finished reading Point of Retreat
I'm sneaking this post in between shifts. My mom and I got night shift so I have nothing to do during the day. We have no news on what is going on with the family. It has just been a roller coaster. Anyways to keep my mind off of things lets talk about the book. I may have almost cried a few times. Also I believe this is way better then the first book Slammed. Sorry to say that but I think its true. Anyways, I loved the book and I don't know what to say other then that. It was a really good book and I don't want to ruin any of it. So I guess you'll have to read it. Sorry I'm not much help on what goes on in the book but I'll hint that an ex causes problems, best friends show true colors, and other friends have to face life changing decisions. Thats it for now. So until next time....
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Reading Point of Retreat
I found my book. Yay! So far its a cute book and has made me laughing out loud multiple times. Which resulted with me getting weird looks from my mom. Always good. But I didn't get that far since I found the book. Only because I had some family issues to address. So don't be surprised if I disappear for a while. My family is going through a tough time, and hopefully we will be able to get through it. All of us. But I will continue reading since I'll be car pooling with family members to travel between towns. It is basically going to be a big mess for the next few days. I apologize a head of time, but my fam really needs me right now. So until next time......
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Hey guys!
I know I haven't read in a while. Sorry about that. My mom hid one of my books. Sad face. Which also means that I can't read Point of Retreat, since that was the book that was hidden. My mother wants me to spend more time with my family. Not something I like doing since one of my brothers are starting to sound like my grans. I could smack him for it because I don't want to be down graded for my career choices by a thirteen year old. He says I should do a hard job like working at Walmart. Basically his is calling me stupid. Anyways, enough of that. I have some hunting to do for my hidden books. My mother could be so mean sometimes. Love her dearly, just wish she would stop hiding my books. I'll post as soon as I find one of them and read a little of the book. Sorry again. So until next time.......
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Started reading Point of Retreat....Finally!
The wait for this book was ridiculous. It was so bad that I was getting to the point that I forgot that I requested it from the library. And I thought the wait for Stepbrother Dearest was stupidly long. This book had less requests and it took twice as long to get. I really need to get a job so I don't have to wait for books to come to the library. Anyways, I'm pretty sure everyone has read this book. I'm one of the few who have not because well, I'm lame like that. Also I'm to poor to buy my own books. Sad face. Anyways, I can't say much because I just started reading this book. Like I'm on page four and that is about it. But I wanted to be nice and let you guys know what I'm reading. Right now I'm going to remove a dog from my view of the computer and have the other one be moved so he stops kicking the computer in his sleep. I love my dogs but they make reading and writing very difficult sometimes. So until next time....
Finished...ish reading Sometimes It Lasts
One day I'll figure out how to do this on my ipad. Until then, I'm hauling my laptop around. Anyways, I'm almost done with the book. Yay me. I have to read Point of Retreat before next week, so you can say I'm making good progress. Also my mother is still hogging Opposition. She's doing it on purpose, I swear it. Also I was finally able to pre-order Beautiful Redemption. Pretty excited about that. I may have even done a little happy dance. Anyways, lets get talking about the book. Not sure what to say since a lot happens in the book. Also a lot happens that could ruin the book if I told you. So I'm just going to say that I love the book and that you all should read it. No joke. Read the book. If you haven't started reading the series, read the damn series. I'm almost caught up with everyone else which has me pretty stoked. Sadly once I'm all caught up, the series is over. Sad face. But the bright side is that I don't have to bite my nails while rocking in a corner waiting for the next book in the series to arrive. I'm doing that for the Rosemary Beach series as we speak. April can't come fast enough. Also if I remember correctly that is when Jay Crownover has Asa coming out. I can't fricken wait that long! Tear. Anyways, I'm going to wrap up this book. Once again, go read it if you haven't. You will not be disappointed. So until next time....
Friday, January 9, 2015
Started reading Sometimes It Lasts by Abbi Glines
Oh hey, another Abbi Glines book. Lucky for you I've almost read all of the books they have of hers that the library has. Sad for me, but lucky for you. So here is the low down. Not much to tell only because I just flippin started the book. Anyways the book is in fact about Cage and Eva. The prologue had me scratching my head and I hope to god that the book makes sense of it. At first I didn't even think it was Eva's point of view. But I have a feeling this book is going to be really good. But I haven't had a chance to read much only because no one believes in quiet time in my house and like to blast their shows full blast on tablets. But I'll most likely have this book done by the end of the weekend. That is my goal at least because I finally got Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover from the library. Still with it was Never Never, but fate has it that I can't read the damn new book. Sad face. But I"m going to head off and pout and wait until everyone goes to bed before I pick this book up. No wonder I'm so tired all of the time. So until next time.....
Finished reading Lead
Before I say anything about this book, I will have to say that I'm highly jealous of those that are able to read Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. Just reading the teasers let me know that it is a good book. Hopefully one day I'll be able to read it myself. Until then I'll pout.
Anyways, lets get talking about Lead since I finished reading it. For one, I have to say that I love Mal. So sad I never finished that book, but its not like I missed much with the last page. Anyways, the book was pretty predictable. Sad to say. Still loved it. I liked how the author used Mal as a comic release. It was well need to for the drama created by the complicated relationship between Lena and Jimmy. But I'm glad that it all worked out in the end. The way Jimmy begged her to come back could of been a little more romantic, but I'm not complaining. I wish I could say more, but my grans is highly against creativity right now. So until nest time......
Anyways, lets get talking about Lead since I finished reading it. For one, I have to say that I love Mal. So sad I never finished that book, but its not like I missed much with the last page. Anyways, the book was pretty predictable. Sad to say. Still loved it. I liked how the author used Mal as a comic release. It was well need to for the drama created by the complicated relationship between Lena and Jimmy. But I'm glad that it all worked out in the end. The way Jimmy begged her to come back could of been a little more romantic, but I'm not complaining. I wish I could say more, but my grans is highly against creativity right now. So until nest time......
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Reading Lead
I should be at least halfway through this book by now. Heck I should be done with it by now. But one, I'm still getting over a cold. And two, I've been easily distracted lately. Not sure why. Anyways, I'm enjoying the book quite well. Actually had to try really hard not to laugh during a part because I didn't want strange looks at me. I'd tell you about the part, but that would ruin the book. Even if it is within the first or second chapter of the book. But I will have to say this. What the hell did Lena, our leading lady, expect to happen after living and being around a guy nonstop for two months. Also she had a feels for Jimmy before they even began this whole agreement. It only made sense that the girl was going to fall head over heals the moment he started opening up to her. Now if only the guy would admit what she really was to him. I'm going to head out because my brother is trying to be funny and is trying to close my computer. So until next time.....
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Anyone want a book?
Okay so here is the thing. I have a two of the same book. A friend of mine was supposed to pick it up, but I haven't heard from her in over a month or two. So the spare is pretty much just taking up space where I can put some of my other books I have. So I thought I'd just give it away. The book isn't signed or anything, but hey, its a free book. So I'll post the book cover in this post and if you want it, but leave a comment that is telling me that you want it. And we'll go from there. So until next time.....
Started reading Lead by Kylie Scott
Alright I have the third installment of the Stage Dive series. I've been waiting to read this book and I'm not sure when the next one is coming out. Honestly I wasn't sure I was going to get a chance to read this book after what happened with the last book. I still feel horrible for that. Also I'm never putting a book in the microwave to dry anymore, because they just might catch on fire. Anyways, I'd thought I'd let you know what I'm reading now. This is the book I have to read in like seven days or less. Yikes. Wonder if I can pull that off. So until next time.....
Finished reading The Golden Lily
I finally finished the book. Feels like a huge accomplishment. Anyways, I was also saying that towards the final scene between Adrian and Sydney. But she pretty much walked out on him in the end though. I wanted to slap her for that. How could she walk away from him? Especially after all he said to her. I could of slapped Sydney when she broke out the whole 'we can't be together because its wrong' speech. Who the heck cares? Anyways, I'm hoping that the next book will have these two finally together officially. Or else I'm going to throw a temper tantrum. Anyways, I read my next book since I have seven days to read it. Only because I want to finish reading it because Point of Retreat finally arrived at the library. So until next time.....
Monday, January 5, 2015
Halfway through The Golden Lily
Vampire Hunters are real! Or, at least in this book they are. Figured I'd start the post with that because I was slightly excited. I have a feeling I'm actually right on this one. Also Sydney's boyfriend has to be a vampire hunter too. Did I forget to mention that Sydney has a boyfriend? But you probably already know this since everyone pretty much has read this book besides me. Anyways, things are getting serious with Adrian, but no one sees it yet. Or at least still in denial. I apologize if I spelt any names wrong. I'm too lazy to look them up to know what the proper spelling is. Sorry Richelle for not doing your characters justice. But I'm going to read some more to see if I'm right. Best motivation to finish a book that you know everyone pretty much has read. So until next time....
Kiro's Emily by Abbi Glines
I can imagine how sick and tired you are all getting with Abbi Glines, but I don't care. She's a good writer. Also if there is any misspellings or phrases that make no sense, i apologize. I'm writing this post without my glasses and it just looks like a big blur of white with black lines. I'm too lazy to hunt down my glasses since it is like four in the morning. I can't sleep. So I read and finished this book. I loved it by the way. I meant to read this sooner but due to the holidays it just didn't happen. It also kind of makes me wish for a love like that. I think Kiro's and Emily's love story is the best one of all. Also I could just b saying that because it is highly relatable to me in a way. Just saying. But I loved it and I'm still hoping that Emily will miraculously return to her former self. That would just make the story even more perfect. Also it would feed their love story with proof that something that shouldn't happen can happen. Now I must wait for the next book to come out, which makes me sad. Only because it doesn't come out until like April. Why you do this to me Abbi? So until next time....
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Reading The Golden Lily
Okay I understand that this is a pretty old book and then everyone pretty much has read it. Pretty much read the whole series by now, but I don't flippin' care. I'm going to talk about it anyways. So suck it. Anyways, I remember bits and pieces from the first book, which I read like three years ago. Doesn't seem long, but when a whole series is out in that time span, its pretty fricken long. I think this book just came out when I read the first one. That is a pretty long time. Anyways, enough of my rambling. The first book has our main character Sydney go under cover to protect a vampire/moroi princess. She is joined by two dhampirs named Eddie and Angeline to help protect the princess, Jill. Also there is another vampire with them named Adrian. If you read the Vampire Academy series, which I'm sure you did, you see that all of these names are quite familiar. Anyways, in the first book there was some illegal trafficking of vampire blood to make forbidden tattoos run by Sydney's partner. Sorry for the spoiler if you didn't start reading the series yet. But after everything is solved in that book, everything since fine and dandy. So I'm not sure what this book is about. I pretty much just plain forgot over the years of avoiding it in a sense. I just jumped right in with out reminding myself what was going on. So like me. Anyways, Sydney did some business with the organization she is part of. Comes back to the school she has been staying at undercover to find out that Angeline won't follow rules. Stress factor right there. Also she gets pressured in a date with a friend of a friend, which brings out signs that Adrian might actually have the hots for her. Sadly only Jill knows what Adrian is really feeling towards anyone because of their bond. But it is pretty obvious that there is going to be some forbidden romance going on in either this book or later on in the series. Now the question is, will Sydney stick to everything she has been taught? Or, will she throw it all away for a forbidden love? Hopefully this thought will keep me motivated enough to read the whole series. Also who are these vampire hunters that an old vampire keeps talking about? I think he's not crazy at all and that Trey is one of them. So until next time.....
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Finished reading Against the Wall and started reading The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
Okay, so I got my books from the library. So sadly I have to put down Sign. As much as I'm enjoying the craziness of the book and wondering what the hell is going on, I have a time limit on these books. But I can say that I did at least finish one of the books that I was reading before the library books came in.
I kind of enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and pretty good. Also you could also say that it was quite predictable. Especially after all of it was worked out after the huge misunderstanding. I wish there was more I can say about the book, but sadly I don't. Lame I know but there isn't much to say since my last post. A lot just happens in between that wasn't really not worthy. But the proposal was kind of cute. If I was a huge sports fan, I'd like that kind of proposal. But I'm not, I'm a huge music fan waiting for a proposal made for the books. I leave that for someone to think over. Not saying who because that would loose all of the mystery.
Anyways, I've been trying to read this book for what feels like forever. And I'm not saying that meaning that things keep coming up that prevents me from reading this book. Truth is that I literally have been trying to read this book for what feels like forever. I think it had to do with the fact that I got sick and tired of reading vampire books for a while. So now I'm determined to read this series and finally finish it. Sadly this is a second book of a series. The first one is basically a start of this series which is a run off of another series called Vampire Academy. I liked that series more then this one. So far. We'll see if that changes. I'd tell you more but I'm being told that I have to clean the house. So until next time.......
I kind of enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and pretty good. Also you could also say that it was quite predictable. Especially after all of it was worked out after the huge misunderstanding. I wish there was more I can say about the book, but sadly I don't. Lame I know but there isn't much to say since my last post. A lot just happens in between that wasn't really not worthy. But the proposal was kind of cute. If I was a huge sports fan, I'd like that kind of proposal. But I'm not, I'm a huge music fan waiting for a proposal made for the books. I leave that for someone to think over. Not saying who because that would loose all of the mystery.
Anyways, I've been trying to read this book for what feels like forever. And I'm not saying that meaning that things keep coming up that prevents me from reading this book. Truth is that I literally have been trying to read this book for what feels like forever. I think it had to do with the fact that I got sick and tired of reading vampire books for a while. So now I'm determined to read this series and finally finish it. Sadly this is a second book of a series. The first one is basically a start of this series which is a run off of another series called Vampire Academy. I liked that series more then this one. So far. We'll see if that changes. I'd tell you more but I'm being told that I have to clean the house. So until next time.......
Friday, January 2, 2015
Almost finished reading Against The Wall
Okay, I'm amazed on how quick I have gone through this books since I started reading it again. I mean, I didn't expect to be almost finished reading since the last post I made about this book. You might believe it, but I don't. Anyways, I know you are all wrapping up the holidays and going back to your normal lives. So the last thing you want to read is a post about a book that I've put aside so I can read books from the library. Its pick up day so I'm going to rush through this book along with Sign. Hopefully I'll finish at least one before heading to the library for pick up. Holidays suck because the place is closed. If only I was allowed to go to the book store. Of course after spending almost a hundred dollars on books the last time I was there, my mother tries to keep me busy enough not to go. Sad face. Anyways, lets get talking about the book.
So I'm not sure where I left off with the last post, but our main character Shel is enjoying her 'non-relationship' with her 'non-boyfriend'. If you read the book you'll understand the reason for the air quotes that I used. Anyways, things are all dandy between them. They are so dandy that she is allowed to date other people because he doesn't feel like he needs to worry. Also when the holidays come around, they separate where Shel must face the music with her family. And, I mean she has to face the music of her mother telling her how to do everything and try to hook Shel up with approved suitors. Sounds like something my grandmother would do. I don't know why Shel doesn't tell her mother that she is already seeing someone at this point. Anyways, Shel's brother hooks up with her best friend. The horror she must feel going through that. Then the new year rolls around and things get complicated. Nothing like having your ex plant one on you right in front of your boyfriend. So tons of miscommunication there. But everything works out and our couple is now officially a couple. Like they weren't before. But that is as far as I got and this book will probably end with a proposal. So until next time......
So I'm not sure where I left off with the last post, but our main character Shel is enjoying her 'non-relationship' with her 'non-boyfriend'. If you read the book you'll understand the reason for the air quotes that I used. Anyways, things are all dandy between them. They are so dandy that she is allowed to date other people because he doesn't feel like he needs to worry. Also when the holidays come around, they separate where Shel must face the music with her family. And, I mean she has to face the music of her mother telling her how to do everything and try to hook Shel up with approved suitors. Sounds like something my grandmother would do. I don't know why Shel doesn't tell her mother that she is already seeing someone at this point. Anyways, Shel's brother hooks up with her best friend. The horror she must feel going through that. Then the new year rolls around and things get complicated. Nothing like having your ex plant one on you right in front of your boyfriend. So tons of miscommunication there. But everything works out and our couple is now officially a couple. Like they weren't before. But that is as far as I got and this book will probably end with a proposal. So until next time......
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Happy New Year!!!!!
I honestly tried to find a picture that was more related to the blog, but no such luck. Anyways, Happy New Years everyone. Its a time for new beginnings and everything and so forth. Basically its a time where its a new year to just do whatever because everything in the past year means absolutely nothing. It just took part in making who you are today. My previous year was pretty boring, so I'm moving. Simple as that. Not sure where, but I'm leaving the state I hate so much.
Anyways, for those who have been paying attention to my Google+. I lost my bookmarks. Most likely were stolen from my baby sister. Found out that she did in fact stole them. Which resulted in me praying that she didn't feel the need to cut them up because I really want to give them to four of you guys. Luckly she only hid them to get the joy of me freaking out. She is a little evil things, isn't she?
So I won't talk about any books at this time. I am honestly wrapping up Against The Wall and I'm about a third of the way through Sign. Honestly I don't believe that. I look to be at least halfway. But keep an eye out for those posts. But if you don't see them that will be because I got new books from the library. I like to get books from the library. Now if only they had half of the books I have on my to-read list on Goodreads. It would make my life so much easier and then I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on books. Oh well. Beggers can't be choosers. So until next time.......
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