So I'm reading one of the books I have won just recently. So far its pretty good. I'm getting the autobiography vibe going on. Not sure if it actually one or not. But so far it is pretty interesting. Anyways, the book is pretty short and I'm going through it pretty quick. Honestly I don't know what to say about the book except that each chapter title explains what the chapter is about. Like the first one was about her parents and how they met. Like I said, its interesting and I'm looking forward to what this book is all about. So until next time.....
Monday, August 31, 2015
Finished reading The Nymph King
I would of posted this sooner but I was still recovering from my best friend's wedding. Anyways, I finished the book. It didn't have an epic ending like I had hoped, but the dragons did come. Anyways, not a lot happened in the book. Which was kind of disappointing in a way. But I will say that they did end up ticking off the sea god. Maybe the next book will be more exciting. I wish I could write more, but I don't know what to write since not much has happened. So until next time....
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Something Beautiful by Jamie McGuire
I got my Maddox fix. I'm also really sad to see this series coming to an end. I believe there is only one book left and that comes out in January. I don't want it to end. Anyways, I loved the book as always because I just love the Maddox boys. They all love just as strong as the other. Also I'd like to say thank you to Jamie for almost giving me a heart attack by nearly killing off a Maddox, again. If I remember correctly that is the fourth one you almost killed. But I think I was just as happy with the reunion as the characters were. The moment made me cry. I wish I could say a lot about the book, but that would just ruin it all. We all know its about Shepley and America. This is there love story, well kind of. But it was sweet none the less. But I'm going to head out. I have a wedding gift I have to finish. So until next time......
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Halway through The Nymph King
Hey guys. Your favorite slacker here. Okay maybe I'm not your favorite, but I'm still a slacker. I am sorry about not posting as often as I usually do. I have seemed to have overwhelmed myself with the loads of books I decided to read. Not a smart idea on my part. But I can at least say that I'm halfway through a book. I'm actually surprised with how fast I'm reading this book. Usually it takes me forever to read it because I never have the motivation. I'm probably knuckling down on the books because NaNoWriMo is coming up. I'm most likely thinking on working on Donny during that. Then I can work on the sequel in April. But enough of my writing. Lets get talking about the reason why you are here. Our lovely leading lady is completely resistant to our nymph king. Which puzzles him and intrigues him. Well she isn't completely resistant to him. She just has some really strong will power. I'm just waiting for the chapter where she finally gives in. Then you know the sparks will fly. The dragons are also probably going to show and all hell will break loose but I'm getting ahead of myself here. I didn't mention that one of the king's men decides to challenge him for the throne. Luckly the guy learned a valuable lesson and was able to be carried away with his life. But now our king has claimed our leading lady and declared her his queen. Thats pretty much where I have left off in the book. Not a lot has happened. Just our leading lady constantly being put to the test with her attraction to the nymph king. There is just so much a girl's heart can take before she gives in. So until next time......
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Started reading The Nymph King by Gena Showalter
Nothing like reading two books at once. Why is that? Because I have too many damn books at the library and I'm pretty sure they want me to get rid of them. Or at least cut down on the request list. I'm terrible when it comes to books. Anyways, this is my latest library read. You all know that I read The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter. Well, here is another on of her books from a different series. The Nymph King is third in in the Atlantis series. So far I've had to deal with dragons, a woman called the Jewel of Atlantis, Vampires, and now sex driven Nymphs. And if I remember correctly, I will be reading about a vampire lord in the next book. Anyways, the book starts off with the Nymph king surrounded by woman that he slept with the night before. Apparently the nymphs get their strength by having sex, and while our king was getting strong, his men are getting weaker. Good thing he felt guilty or I would be highly upset. But now they are on a mission to find women to make the king's army strong against the dragon forces. And that is pretty much where I left off. I've only read like two chapters. But I still learned a lot so far. So until next time.....
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Started reading Killing Katie by B.A. Spangler
My next read is Killing Katie by B.A. Spangler. The author was nice enough to give me the ebook version of the book. He didn't have to, but it was still nice enough of him to. So I thought I'd return the favor by making it the next book I talk about. I will have to admit that I now nothing about the book though. I've had it on my reading list for a while and I completely forgot that it was there. But at least I'm reading it now. I'll make sure to post more once I've actually read some of the book. So until next time.....
Almost done reading All Fired Up
So I only have one chapter left out of this book and things get a little crazy. And it all has to do with Lynn's ex-boyfriend who actually turns out to be a complete psycho. Good thing she got out of that relationship and into the arms of Parker. Sadly that only mad the guy more crazy. Anyways, I like the book. Its was pretty good. A lot of steamy moments. Funny moments took. But it defiantly hints at the next book in the series. Which is pretty cool. But I suggest you go check this book out. Its pretty good. I liked it a lot and I wish I could say more, but I don't want to ruin anything. So until next time...
Saturday, August 22, 2015
About halfway through All Fired Up
Defiantly not a book meant to be read in public. Its super detailed for certain parts. I really need to stop reading these kinds of books. They aren't good for my health. If you know what I mean. Anyways I am kind of curious on how this book is going to play out. Things just get more interesting the more I read the book. But lets get talking about the book. Well, we know that we have a company that helps men with special dates and events. Of course while doing recon works, our leading man Parker takes on more then he can handle. He ends up having the hots for our leading lady at first sight. It actually takes him by complete surprise. Anyways our leading lady finally comes to her senses about a third of the way through the book. With a little help with her carefree best friend. But I don't her best friend wanted our leading lady to end up sleeping with our leading man and his best friend just hours into her new found single life. And that is where things start to get really steamy in the book. Like I need to take a break from reading just to cool down kind of steamy. But sadly our leading lady's good mood got smothered by her stupid brainless ex because he still doesn't know anything about her. At least she has Parker to turn to when she wants her favorite flowers. I just wonder how and when Parker is going to tell her the truth. So until next time......
Friday, August 21, 2015
Finished reading This Man
In all honesty I have about two chapters left but I peeked enough to let you know what all happens. Ava finds out something she doesn't like about Jesse. Then she leaves him. Calls off their relationship and everything. But its not that she doesn't like this type of thing, its because he kept if from her. So basically she feels lied to. Betrayed. Then she finds more things about Jesse that he refused to tell her about while being together. So you can see how upset this woman is over certain things. So she cuts him out of her life completely. Luckly this is only the first book in the series. If I remember correctly there are three books in all. And I'm already requesting the next book from the library. But I loved the book. Its a little slow in the beginning because the two main characters are on each other like rabbits. But the story line is really good. I loved it and I suggest you all go read the book if you haven't yet. But I'm going to head out. I have some Ebooks I have to read, so expect posts on those. So until next time........
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Only a little bit left in This Man
I am not sure if this is going to be my last post on this book or not. I guess we will just have to see. Anyways, our leading lady Ava has finally admitted to her feelings about Jesse. Even though he is still a complete mystery. We also still don't know a lot about the Manor yet, but I have a feeling that its coming up pretty soon. I bet it will be during the social event. Also I'm still trying to figure out what Sarah is all about. The woman is defiantly a character you can hate. The woman is everywhere and as fake her boobs. Well at least according to Ava. So far I'm really enjoying the book. I stopped when Jesse had to grab Ava from the club after she promised to not drink. He is extremely pissed at her. I just wonder what all is going to go down since he hasn't spoken a word to her since they arrived at his place. Also I want to know how this social event is going to happen. We all know that if you put the jealous female friend in the same room as your girlfriend, drama is going to explode. I can't wait to see how that is all going to go down. Sorry I couldn't write more. If I said anything else, it would just ruin the story. So until next time.......
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Halfway through This Man
So I'm about halfway through this book and I can say it is defiantly not meant for children. Things get steamy by the third chapter. By the fourth chapter the characters are on each other like rabbits. Thank you for making this book highly awkward to read in public. I really appreciate it. Anyways, things are happening in the book. Our leading lady is stubborn and likes to over think things. Why? Because she is an idiot and the author made her that way. I guess its not a good romance with out one of the main characters being difficult. But it still makes an interesting story line. Also makes me want to slap the main character. Also I am tempted to jump in the book and spray our leading man, Jesse, down with a fire hose. The man needs to chill. In more ways then one. If you are or about to read this book, you will see why. But things are in fact getting interesting. Our leading lady is finally giving in to her desires and says some things she would never say sober. Also her best friend is against her in this whole entire book. Gotta love the best friends that help the one doing the chasing then the one being chased. Anyways, I'm really enjoying the book right now. And, not because it is full of steamy naughty scenes. The drama is really good and so is the mystery of Jesse. Like who the hell is this guy? Hopefully that question starts getting answered soon or I will be begging my mom to give me enough of my money to by the next book. Big mistake making her keep track of my finances. I can't by anymore books. Sad face. So until next time......
Friday, August 14, 2015
Started reading This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas
Oh this book. I just started it and the drama has already started. Also our leading man is throwing the desperate vibes as if he was a waterfall. Anyways, I honestly started this book yesterday, but due to personal events I couldn't post until now. So far I'm enjoying the book. I'm about twenty percent in and things have already started to get steamy. But there are still some questions going around as I read the book. Like who is Sarah? Why is Jesse Ward so smitten by Ava? What is his hotel really? Stuff like that. It kind of makes me want to read this book more. Now if only I don't get too embarrassed reading the sexy parts in public. I don't know why, but I do. Don't judge me. Wish I could write more. So until next time......
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Finished reading When You're Back
I am going to make this quick because I'm tired and I was pretty much up all night just to finish this book. Things got super interesting, but Reese and Mase proved to people that their love can withhold against any obstacle thrown their way. Mase gets told that his cousin has the hots for him and that every one saw it but him. Reese tries to be civil with Captain and it back fires. Reese also gets her past thrown in her face and then has a huge life changing moment or two. But the main question that doesn't get answered through out the whole entire book is, who the hell is Captain? We all know that he is Blaire's brother and all. But we don't actually know who he is. Especially when he does something in the book that just makes us go, What? I wonder what the next book has in store for us. I can't wait to find out because we all know that Abbi has to answer that question. I'm just dying to know who Captain is and if Nan finally gets the personality change she so desperately needs. So until next time.....
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Started reading When You're Back by Abbi Glines
Surprise, surprise. Its another Abbi Glines book. You guys have to be getting so sick of me talking about her books. I think I only have one more series to start reading and another to finish up. Unless she comes out with more books. Anyways, this book is the second installment of our favorite cowboy, Mase. I honestly thought that the last book was going to be the only book about him, but I guess I was wrong. Which I usually am, so that is no surprise there. But according to the back of the book, yes I actually read the back this time, things get a little complicated. You all know how much I love complicated. It makes the book more realistic. Anyways, Blaire's brother is going to cause some problems along with Mase's cousin. Things are going to get good and they are already starting to. Captain has his eyes on Reese and has already started filling her little pretty head with doubts. I wonder how this is all going to play out. So until next time.......
Finished reading Compromising Positions
Nothing like keeping the computer home to get some reading done. I was able to read and finish the book. Which is a good accomplishment for me. Anyways, the book was okay. I liked it, but I'm not a fan of slow books. I am all about the action happening right away and all the drama that makes a good romance. But this book did have some good drama towards the end. Wasn't the tear jerker like I had expected, but still good. If you guys want to know what happens in the book, go read it. Not much happens really since the last time I posted about the book. The two main characters finally give in to their feelings. Some secrets get revealed. The two main characters break up. And I'm pretty sure you can guess the rest. Not one of my faves out all the books I have read, but not one of the worst books I have read. Its just average to me. But either way. Don't let my words make you not want to read the book. If you want to read it, go right ahead. You just like it more then me. So until next time.....
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Almost finished reading Every Last Breath
Its sad to see that I am almost done with the book and the whole series. I really enjoyed it. More then enjoyed, I loved it. Also Roth is not a party pooper. Anyways, I have like thirty pages left of the book and I can't tell you everything that has happened. I wish I could but that would just ruin the whole book. But I can give you little bits our of the story line. Starting with that Roth is not a party pooper, Layla meets Grim and her mother, Roth looses Bambi, all hell breaks loose at a makeshift church, someone dies again, Layla learns something big to save the world and Roth tries to talk her out of it, Layla makes a sacrifice, and that is about it. There is more but that would just ruin the book. But this is defiantly a book I'd recommend for everyone to read. In fact I'd recommend the whole series if you haven't read it. I just can't wait to see what else Jennifer L. Armentrout has in store for us. But until then I'll have to catch up on everything else she has written. So until next time....
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Halfway through Every Last Breath
This is a bitter sweet moment. I'm halfway through the book. I say bittersweet because I am almost done with the book and have almost all of my answers. But I don't want the book to end. Anyways, Layla made her choice on who she wants to be with. I ended up doing a happy dance at that point and was tempted to jump in the book and slap the sore loser. Hopefully the sore loser will come around and at least try to make things right with Layla. Anyways the book is getting really exciting. Layla fights her jerk-of-a-father, he then gets killed by the bad demon on the loose (Not sure why yet), Layla finds out she can get Sam's soul and send it to where it belongs, and Roth turns into a big party pooper. Come on, we all know that is what Layla is thinking at this point in chapter thirteen. Honestly maybe he isn't? I haven't finished the chapter quite yet to know. But I'm pretty sure he is a party pooper. But I'm going to head out right now and see if he really is a party pooper or not. So until next time......
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Reading Every Last Breath
There are so many secrets in this book right now and I'm only one chapter five. Its killing me. I want answers, not more secrets. I don't even want more questions on what is going on in the book. Who is Layla going to pick? What did Cayman whisper to Layla? How are they going to defeat the big bad demon? How are they going to save Sam's soul? Where does Layla go after all of this is done with? Most important question of all that I have said before, WHO THE HELL IS SHE GOING TO PICK? I can't take it anymore. I must know. I hope its Roth. They guys is doing some things that even make my heart go pitter patter. Come on. Even the words he whispered to her when she was healing from a fatal wound was amazing. He even says some more pretty amazing words in this book. Team Roth for the win. So until next time.....
Reading Compromising Positions part 3
Before I put everything on hold, I actually got pretty far in the book. Not far enough that I can tell you a lot that is going on, but enough to let you know that our leading man is an idiot. I would of reacted the same way our leading lady did if a guy gave me a car as a thank you and a goodbye gift. That would just make me feel used. Also David has no class. He does something he has never done before and then tries to pull away the next day. Like he is trying to gain the control he lost. Another reason why our leading lady was about to kill him and why he is such an idiot. But I'm not saying our leading lady isn't all innocent in this messed up complicated relationship. She has her faults too. Like the fact she overthinks everything. She kind of reminds me of....well me. Thats just sad. So until next time.....
Started reading Every Last Breath by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Everything is on hold. Why? Because I just got my hands on a book that I've been dying to read. Its still freshly on the market by being out for only a week and a half. I've heard some good things about this book and I just know its going to be good. Best series so far by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Even though the Lux series was pretty good and I hadn't read the other series she has, this one still takes the cake. I am dying to see who she chooses. I'm one hundred percent Team Roth right here. If any of you know who she picks in the end, don't tell me. It would ruin the book if you do. But I'm really excited to get this book opened and get back into the world of gargoyles and demons. But I'm going to head out right now, I'm already on the 13th page of the book and its already getting good. So until next time.......
Friday, August 7, 2015
Reading Compromising Positions part 2
I know I have gone missing in the past few days. I'm sorry about that. We got an unexpected visit from my great aunt from Oklahoma. Also I've been trying to figure out where my damn missing book went. I went to go get it so I can go back to read it and it wasn't where my mother said. Trust me, I will go back to reading The Devil Laughed the moment I find it. I promise. My brother most likely hid it really well this time around and I'm kind of tempted to tie him up until he talks. But at least I can go back to reading Compromising Positions.Well, sort of. I say that because the book is taking a long time to read. Its a slow book. Actually its getting to that point where I am about to say screw it and just say I read it and call it good. I'm a horrible person sometimes. But if I do that, I'll let you guys know and then someone else can read the book for me and send me their review on the book. Like I said before, this place is just one big book club where we read together. So if the book doesn't pick up in a few more pages, I'm going to hang it up. I really don't want to, but its taking me forever. So until next time.....
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Started reading All Fired Up by Vivian Arend and Elle Kennedy
Since I have so many Ebooks, I think its time to read them. It would also help having me catch up on my reading goal on Goodreads. Anyways, the only down side to these Ebooks is that I don't know what they are about. I go into these things completely blind. I can't even peak at the back to get a little hint on what the book is about. It is just all completely a guessing game. Kind of makes it more fun in away. Anyways, my latest read is All Fired Up. So far I've only read the first chapter and I didn't get much. All I got was that we have this company that helps men be romantic and that the latest client is completely clueless. And I'm not saying about being romantic, he is completely clueless about the girl he is dating. Honestly I'm not sure why the girl is with him. The guy is an idiot. It also doesn't help that he is two timing our leading lady with one of her co-workers. Shocker there, not. But I'm kind of curious on how this story is going to play out. We all know she is going to fall for one of the guys at the romance company called DreamMakers. We just don't know which one. So until next time........
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Almost done reading Love Unscripted
This will most likely be my last post on the book. A lot has happened since I last posted and I have no idea where to start. You know that the book has stalkers, obsessed fans, possessive bodyguards, and a relationship that has to fight every obstacle to survive. Taryn even almost dies. Also I got to experience these two lovely main characters get the greatest news ever, only to have it ripped away from them. That was mean of you Tina Reber. You made me cry. Anyways, they went through a serious rough patch to the point that the possessive bodyguard saw and opportunity of weakness. The jerk tried to tear these two apart. And he seemed like such a nice guy. I hope the guy loses his job and gets arrested. Anyways, I have to finish the last thirty pages of the book. I hope everything works out between our star crossed lovers. I am really falling in love with this book and I can't wait to read the next one in the series. Please go check out this book. Its worth it, even if it may be a little slow in some parts. But that is just to prepare you for whats to come in the end. So until next time......
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