Monday, May 27, 2019

Started reading Born of Vengeance by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Hey there Bookies,

I'm pretty sure this is the last book in the series and the thought of it makes me kind of sad. I take that back, I just looked it up and there are three more books in the works. So doing the happy dance right now. I'm not that far into the book and I'm a little confuse, but I know the more I read it will make more sense. I love the series a lot and I will read whenever I get the chance. The school year is wrapping up and I will have more time. Wish me luck guys.

So until next time....

Just letting you all know

Hey there Bookies,

I started another blog and this one is probably going to stay. The blog is where I write my stories for you guys to enjoy and maybe give me some pointers on what to do to make any of the stories better. You can go to It has always been my dream to be a published author. But this is probably the next best thing because I can never finish a novel anyways. But I hope you guys enjoy and share the love.

So until next time....

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I tried...

I tired to read Allegiant, but I just couldn't. It is a very dry read for me and I can blame it being on the fact that I am very easily distracted. But we all know that I just don't like the book. I will get back to it eventually. I couldn't even watch the movie in full. Maybe I just secretly don't want to finish reading the series because it is that good. Who knows? Anyways, I recorded the pages that I left off at and I will get back to it when I can. Maybe when I have a week off from work, then I can just focus on it then. Sorry for not finishing the book or even getting halfway. It just wasn't fair to the writer if I can't even make myself read it.

So until next time....

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Started reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Hello Bookies,

I have to be honest here. I remember nothing from the second book and apparently I've read it. I should have finished the series long ago before I'm sitting here trying to remember what happened in the last book. I am kind of hoping that the more I read the book the better I will understand all that is going on. Also since we are being honest, I haven't started the book yet. I'm about to. I've seen all the movies and I can't even remember much from them either. So I'm doing well with my first impressions. I guess I just need to read the book.

So until next time...

Manga Post #18

Hey there Bookies,

Lets be honest and see who all missed these posts. It's been a while and I have all the books in my hands that I have been working on. Or at least the series. If I remember correctly, I actually finish a series in this post. So I will be hunting down a new series to take it's place. But enough of me blabbering and rambling, I'll get to talking about the books.

We all know that I love One Piece. It is no secret. Anyways, the battle against Don Krieg comes to an end and it seems so much shorter when I am reading it instead of watching it on the anime. But I still like getting the back story on how each of the members joined the crew. Sanji is now a part of it and it is time to help Nami out. I'm pretty sure that one is going to feel short as well. I don't know what to really say when it comes to One Piece. Pretty much everyone that is as big of a nerd as me has read it. Right now everything is all review on me and I can't remember where I left off in the drama. But I'm pretty excited to get to the point where I left off and learn more about what is going on. Wish me luck guys, I still have a lot of volumes to read. And for those that haven't read these, you are free to start. You won't be disappointed and you will fall in love with the characters just like the majority of us.

I am so much farther into the anime then I thought I was. It all is still review, but I think I am getting to the part where I left off. Sure I've missed some parts or haven't seen it, but it all still looks familiar to me. Of course, why is reading these battle scenes shorter than watching them in the anime. You would think it would be the other way around. Right? Anyways, I forgot all about the sand village coming to the rescue. And they ended things without really breaking a sweat. It just shows how strong these guys are. Anyways, the next battle is probably going to be the whole next volume. Naruto and Sasuke battle it out. Naruto tries to stop Sasuke and Sasuke is trying to get to the person who had promised him power to finally defeat his brother and get revenge. I'm kind of excited to see how that battle plays out. I've only seen bits and pieces of it and I have to say I should have read the mangas first because they are way better. Anyways, this volume didn't take long for me to read. I got it done in about an hour and it was pretty good. Not the best because I watched it in the show. But still pretty good. Check it out if you guys haven't all ready, but I'm pretty sure you all did.

I'm pretty sure this is the last volume. So all of the fighting will come to an end. I can't remember much of the past volumes, but that just could be because it has been a while since I read last. But the big final battle is going on and people are dying on both sides. And that is pretty much the whole volume. It is just a huge battle at different areas. Eventually the battle stops and they all take in what was lost. Some of the doves are badly wounded and can no longer work. Others are emotionally damaged while others are either dead or missing. The only think I like about this volume is that it ends in a cliff hanger. Like there could be a spin off later. Kaneki fought until the end and is most likely dead even though other ghouls believe he is still alive. But that doctor that turned him into a ghoul wants to create him again. Also the doctor has a handful of the missing doves, ready to turn them into experiments. But this is the last book and there is no more story to tell I guess. It kind of makes me sad to see this go and think that it went a little too quick. Anyways, you guys need to check out the series. Its pretty good, sure there are some slow parts but they are necessary to tell the story.

I'm off to find my next adventure. These were all pretty quick reads and I'm glad to have read them. Now I have to find a replacement for Tokyo Ghoul.

So until next time....

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Finished reading Beautiful Burn

Hello there Bookies,

I finished the book. It wasn't as dramatic as the other books in the series, other than Tyler getting sick and tired of being pushed around by our drunk of a leading lady. She knew she had a problem and I kind of wish that instead of running away from it, she should have just gotten the help that she needed. That way she didn't have to constantly push Tyler away and give him constant excuses. Also her sister is a little messed up to purposely try to sleep with Tyler as pay back for sleeping with a guy that wasn't even dating her sister to begin with. But like I said before, all of this could have all been avoided if there was honesty instead of secrets. Also getting help sooner when people were offering it. But then the book would be really short if that was the case. Either way, I loved the book and I can't wait to get my hands on the next one. I'm pretty sure I am almost done with the series. I think there is only one book left and that kind of makes me sad unless Jamie McGuire writes more in this series. But go check it out if you haven't yet. The whole series is worth it and I'm sure you will fall in love with the Maddox brothers as much as I have.

So until next time...

Monday, May 6, 2019

Halfway through Beautiful Burn

Hey there Bookies,

I think I should have gotten this book sooner if I wanted to get back to reading. Anyways, I'm a little halfway through the book and I can't put it down. But sadly work makes me do that. Anyways, our leading lady is trying to turn a new leaf. It was a little rough to begin with, but now she is doing pretty good. Not sure where the drama fits in other than that her sister's ex keeps throwing in her face that they did something neither of them can remember. My thought is that they should just rip the band-aid off and just come clean with her sister. That way her sister can appreciate the honesty and get over it. Or, hate them forever. But I think she would be less angry if they just told her instead of her finding out through someone else. That is something I would want if that ever happened to me. But our leading lady rather keep it a secret and pretend that it never happened. Instead she works hard with her new job and slowly falling in love with Tyler Maddox. I don't blame her though for falling in love with the Maddox brother. I love all of them and they aren't even real. But I'm seeing where the past mistakes come to ruin everything and who's mistakes are going to do it. I'm halfway and there is still a whole lot of story to read.

So until next time...

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Started reading Beautiful Burn by Jamie McGuire

Hello Bookies,

The first book I'm going to attempt reading is Beautiful Burn. I love the Maddox series so much and have always been one of my favorite series of all time. I'm pretty sure that my time with the series is sadly coming to an end. I also know that I need to buy the books that I don't already have. I almost have all of them, but I still need to get this one and the one after this one. 

Anyways, the book starts out with our leading lady Ellie. She is throwing a party and trying to ignore the emptiness she feels when she has too much money and no parents around. Also Jamie McGuire wastes no time to turn up the heat between Tyler Maddox and our leading lady. Their relationship is complicated within the first few chapters. But I just started the book, so I didn't get too far into the book. I stopped right when Ellie realized that her parents have completely cut her off due to their life coach Sally. Right away I don't like Sally and I can see why Ellie doesn't like her. They could have left the girl with something to survive on instead of just throwing her onto the streets to fend for herself. Some life coach if you ask me. But I'm ready to see what drama this book is going to hold. I'll let you guys know the moment that I know.

So until next time.....

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Long time no read...

Hey there Bookies,

I am finally back after a long hiatus. And what have I been doing since the last time I made a post? I moved again. I was working until I didn't even know what sleep was and then I moved on to a new job at the local Boys and Girls Club. Probably the best choice I have ever made. Also I've been going through a tough time with my mental health and had to seek treatment for it, but I'm better now and back in business. Speaking of business, I also started my own business. A lot is on my plate that I didn't think I would have time to read ever again, but I'm willing to try.

Wish me luck guys.