Hey there Bookies,
I can't believe that I only have twenty-five posts related to mangas. I feel like I've read so much more for so much longer. Anyways, if you are all familiar with these posts you are fully aware of the two series that I started and have not yet finished because there are so many books. I'm pretty sure once I finish Naruto, I will start reading Baruto. I think that is how you spell it. Anyways, I know its a long series and thank you for holding out on that long journey with me. Speaking of a long journey, one of the mangas I'm currently reading is still on going. I think there are like fifty volumes if not more to read. I know it's one of my favorites, but I didn't realize it was that long or that popular. Anyways, is it sad that I can't even remember the first mangas I have read that started this little series? There is just so many out there that I'm sure this will keep going until I've read them all.

I know I originally thought that there were only fifty volumes of this series, but I was wrong. I actually looked it up and found out that there is almost a hundred volumes. The ninety-sixth one comes out sometime this year. I don't even know how many of those volumes are actually translated to English. I guess we will just have to find out the more I read the series. Anyways we left off with the last volume with Luffy and his friends trapped on an island where two giants are still fighting out an old battle that seems to have no end to it. Then one of the drinks one of the giants was drinking suddenly explodes, making the giant think that Luffy and his friends are the cause of it. Anyways, Luffy and friends fine out who is responsible. Seems like the Baroque Works is still on their tail and found out that the giants even have a bounty on their heads. So Mr. 5 and Mr. 3 along with their partners team up to capture everyone. But we all know that it wasn't going to go as planned because Luffy has the bounty on his head for a reason. Anyways, after beating everyone the volume leaves off with Sanji is Mr. 3's hide out house in the middle of the jungle. He then hears a snail phone ringing and decides to answer it. When he does, it's Mr. 0 on the other end of the line and that is where the volume ends. I feel like a lot happens in these volumes, but once you go to talk about it you realize that not a whole lot happens. It seems like the animes really drag out each battle when the mangas only need one or two volumes to get the point across. I love reading these and even though I know what is going on until after Mr. 0's defeat, it's still refreshing to read about it.

I remember absolutely nothing from the last volume other than that they are all on a scouting mission. I don't know what they are scouting or what they are looking for, but I guess we will find out the more I read. Anyways, they are on their mission and people are dying. Pretty normal with this series when you have titans chasing after you and eating humans. Then you have the abnormal who seems to be on a mission. Armin figures this out and tries to figure out how they could tell the person in charge of their area in the formation. I don't think he was able to get the message out, but it appears that by the end of the volume, they already knew about it. They had traps set up to capture the abnormal. I don't remember how this worked out in the anime when I watched it, but I'm hoping the next volume will shed some light on the matter. I feel like I don't talk much about this series like I'm not paying attention. But I really do enjoy it. The only problem is that is gets a little repetitive after a while. They are just constantly killing titans and trying to survive. Sure we have the whole mystery on why some humans are able to turn into titans themselves and that pretty much is the only reason why I still keep reading. Why do some people have while other don't? What is in the basement of Eren's old house? These things keep me coming back because I would like to know what is going to happen next.

I think I left the series off with the last volume just starting the battles against Deidara and Sasori. Honestly I don't even think the battle against Deidara even started. I think it was just about to start when the volume ended. But I know that Sasori's should be coming close to an end. Also it should hurry to end because Sakura got poisoned and if she doesn't take care of it, she could die. But she is a main character so we all know that she isn't going to die anytime soon. Also due to mean people giving out spoilers, I already know who is all going to die in this series. You people suck by the way. Anyways, the battle with Sasori ends and you would think I would remember how it happened, but I didn't. There were a few times I thought he was finally defeated only to have him suddenly appear elsewhere or regenerate. But they finally defeat him and go join Naruto and Kakashi. Which they are pretty much finished with their fight. But do we really call it a fight. They chase Deidara and then make him lose his other arm, making it impossible for him to perform any of his exploding tricks. Even if he uses his last move in the end in order to escape. Anyways, Gaara is finally saved with a cost, but at least he is now safe. I'm just curious if he is still as powerful as he was when he had the sand demon inside him.
So until next time...