Hello there fellow Bookworms,
I'm trying to find a new way to call all of you because someone pointed out that if I keep calling you Bookies, it sounds like we are all part of the mafia or something. We would be called the Book Mafia if that was the case. But anyways, I need a new name for you guys. Also I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. A lot of you don't know that my dog RJ, passed away last month. I've had this dog for so long that it doesn't even feel like it has only been 13 years. But his diabetes got too complicated and to save me from the heartache of watching him die, he died peacefully in my mother's arms while I was at work. I pretty much took his death really hard and I haven't had the motivation to really do anything for the past month. The only thing that really keeps me functioning is my dog Kaito, work, and my tutoring. Also Halloween, because I love Halloween. My love for Nightmare Before Christmas shows the love I have for Halloween and all that is spooky. Anyways, enough rambling and let's get to talking about why you are all here. I can finally read my mangas again. The library is now taking requests from other libraries and I couldn't be more happier. But due to it being so long since I read the last volume on some series, I will rely on you guys to correct me if I'm wrong on anything.

I've really missed the character of One Piece and I'm happy to finally be back to reading this series. I don't even remember all that has happened. Like I can't even remember the battle with MR. 3 and how it ended. I just know that it is over because this volume talks about how they barely survived and are on their way off the island. But as soon as they get off the island, Nami gets sick. So my first impression of the book made me think that this whole volume was going to be their adventure trying to find Nami a doctor that will lead them to their next crew mate Chopper. But to see if I'm right, I had to read. The first adventure they had was meeting up with Captain Wapol, who pretty much starts eating their ship until Luffy blasts him off. But then after that small encounter, they land on the island where their future doctor Chopper is. This is all still review with me because I got pretty far into the anime when it was on TV. I'm a big fan of One Piece and I can see why it is still going on due to it's popularity. Anyways, the volume ends with the start of the battle against Wapol. I forgot how this ended, but that is how the volume ends. The battle about to begin and then the giant snow bunnies start and avalanche. I'm ready for the next volume and I can't wait to read it. If you have not checked out this series or even the anime, feel free to go do that now. I highly enjoy it and I am glad that it is so popular and still on going. I will be sad when it finally comes to an end.

This is a series that I remember nothing about. It is a little sad, but I'm hoping the more I read the more I will remember. Also I know I watched a few episodes of Attack on Titan the anime and I feel like these volumes are going so much slower than the anime. But they provide more information and details that explain the story a little bit better than the anime does. Anyways, they have figured out who the female titan is and they try to carry out a plan to catch her. Sadly, she figures it out and makes things a little difficult for them. But as things seemed to be settling down after finding the female titan it appears no one can relax for too long. Not when one of the walls have been breached. If I remember correctly from the anime, this is getting to the point where I left off. Of course when I first got into Attack on Titan it was just starting out in the US. So all of this is going to be new and it feels like it was so long ago since I watched this anime. But things look like it is going to get interesting in the series and I'm quite exited for it. Anyways, if you haven't checked out the series or the anime yet, feel free to do so. I'm enjoying it all so far even if there have been a few slow parts, but it is all still pretty good. Go check it out if you haven't and give the author a whole bunch of love.
So until next time....