Saturday, December 31, 2022

Almost done reading Secrets Can Kill


Hello Bookies,

I have almost finished a book before the end of the year. I only have like twenty pages left and I'll finish that before bed. Anyways, Nancy is on the case of figuring out who is the killer of a student at Bedford High. That is right. A student found out the wrong secret and paid the price for it. I had a feeling of who it was and it turned out to be right. Now I just need to know how Nancy was going to reveal the truth and make it out alive. This was a great quick read and I'm ready for the next book. Sadly the book didn't follow the game or the game didn't follow the book, but it was still an enjoyable read. I just did this for the nostalgia. I can't really give this book a rank but if I had to give it one, it would be three stars. I'm sure if I was younger reading this it would be a higher rank. But I still love a good mystery. 

So until next time...


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Started reading Secrets Can Kill by Carolyn Keene


Hello Bookies,

I've started an old series. That is right. I started reading the Nancy Drew series. I grew up on the video games and my mother giving me the books a I grew up, I was looking for a bit of nostalgia. This is the case that the first Nancy Drew game is inspired by. Nancy goes under cover to find out who is stealing and breaking into things at Bedford High. Her case even started before she entered the school when a mysterious package showed up at her house telling her to not investigate. At this point everyone is a suspect as Nancy tries to get some information or some clues to help her solve this case. I figured this book will be a pretty quick read. It is just over a hundred pages and something to keep the reading going. 

So until next time...


Monday, December 26, 2022

Almost done reading Heart of the Sun Warrior


Hello there Bookies,

I'm going to straight out say that I loved this book. I gave it five stars. It had me tearing up at least three times and I'm pretty sure it is going to make me tear up on last time by the end of the book. I have less than a hundred pages left. This book was a trip and I have no idea what to say that won't ruin the book. The things Xingyin is put through in order to save the Celestial Realm is something that put her life in danger multiple times and also puts her in situations of things she doesn't want to do. She loses so much to the point I have no idea how this book is going to end. I'm hoping that it will end happily but with how things are going, I don't see that happening. But we won't know until I finish the book. But I highly recommend this book and the the whole duology. Go check it out. Highly recommend. I'm also pretty sure Sue Lynn Tan is one of my favorite writers of all time. I look forward to reading more of her books down the road. I went into this book with high expectations and it did not disappoint. Go read the duology. The first part in the first book is a bit slow but once you get past that, you will love this duology. 

So until next time....


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Halfway through Heart of the Sun Warrior


Hey there Bookies,

First I want to wish you all a Happy Holidays. I know you are all busy with your families and friends. But we can't forget about the fictional characters that are like family to us. And, I think I'm growing to attach myself to the characters in this duology.

To be honest, I don't know what to say about this book without ruining it. So much has happened so far. We start the book off with Xingyin living on the moon with her mother and attendant. Its peaceful, nothing much is going on. Xingyin is able to recover from her injuries in the last book. Life is just good. Until some visitors come. They all seem harmless but there is one that is a little different. Xingyin finds out a powerful secret on the moon and this secret pretty much snowballs out of control. The emperor gets offended because Xingyin's mother forgets about her duties during his birthday because she had received a letter about the mortal realm.  Xingyin finds her mother and tells her to return home but while there she makes a discovery. A discovery that could mend her mother's mourning heart. But first Xingyin has to go through some things, such as helping someone steal an elixir from the emperor and being forced to run away from her home as it's being destroyed. There is also a part where she has to make a deal with the empress to save Liwei from imprisonment because he is associated with Xingyin and is being punished for that reason. But I can't tell you anymore. Not right now though. But I can tell you that this book has almost made me tear up twice so far. The first time it wasn't too bad but the second time, I felt the sting of tears building up. This girl's world is shattering beneath her and she doesn't know why. Why is her family the main target for all of this hatred? I'm hoping there will be answers soon because this girl has been through enough.

So until next time....


Saturday, December 17, 2022

DNF - Poet X


Hey there Bookies,

I've been debating this for a while. Should I request this book from the library again and try to finish it? Or, do I add it to the DNF list? Judging by the title, I decided to not finish it. I was enjoying the book and the story it was telling through the poems. But once I got halfway, that was where it lost me. Things started to slow way down to the point I felt like nothing was happening in the book. I'm sure it would pick up more if I continued to read, but I just don't have the desire or the motivation to finish the book. So I decided to add this book to the DNF list. This book just wasn't for me and since I didn't finish it, it gets a low star rating. But I feel like it is fair to the author if I was honest instead of forcing myself to finish the book. If I forced it, I'll probably end up hating it in the end.

So until next time...


Finished reading Daisy Jones and the Six


Hello Bookies,

I have to be honest here. I thought the book was okay but not worth the hype it was given. Also I felt like it was mostly focused on Daisy and Billy the moment Daisy joined the group. There was a little bit of forbidden romance but it doesn't really play out. But it does show the struggle of someone trying to stay faithful to their significant other while trying to not fall of the rails. I give Billy props for not giving into his cravings to just go back to the drugs and the drinking. I've seen people close to me go through the same struggle and it isn't easy. It must be just as hard living a life of rock and roll. Also if you have a bandmate that was heavy into that scene and you are spending a lot of time with that person, Billy showed a lot of will power and I'm proud of him for it. You also don't find out how the book came to be until pretty much the end. It would have been nice to see how they came up with this idea instead of the person finally revealing themselves at the end. Even then they still didn't explain why they created this story in the first place. The book is interesting as a whole but not one of my favorites. I would recommend it as a good quick read. But I wouldn't push the recommendation. I was constantly told how good this book was and I had high expectations. Sadly the book didn't meet them. To me it fell flat and was a little disappointing. I'm probably one of the few that liked this book but enough to give it more than two stars. At least I can finally say I finished a book after being in a slump so long. 

So until next time....


Monday, December 12, 2022

Let's Get Personal #5

 Hello Bookies,

I was strolling through my old posts and I completely forgot I started this series back in 2016. Why not bring it back? That way you can get an update on why I don't post as much as I should.

The reason I haven't posted much is because I can't seem to finish a book. I either take so long to read it that I have to return it to the library and then request it again. Or, I just didn't like the book. It's a cycle that happens a lot lately and I've very disappointed in some of the recommendations I was given. Don't get me wrong, I loved some of the recommendations I had gotten. But some of them did fall flat. Also some of the books I read were just out of my curiosity. 

Now the reason why my posts aren't consistent is because I suffer from a thing called depression. I like to call it a little dark cloud looming over me when I get an episode. Episodes usually consist of me just wanting to stay in my bed all day and sleep. I really don't have the motivation to do anything when I have these episode. My mom literally has to force feed me because I don't even have the motivation to eat. I did go through a few spells over the past few months due to some stuff happening.

One of those things that caused an episode was the fact that one of my stories that I was posting online for feedback got stolen. Being a small poor writer that can't get thing properly copyrighted had no proof that the story was actually mine. So I lost that case. Now I'm scared to write again in fear that another story is just going to get ripped off. It also took my drive to read as well.

Also during that time I tried reading three books that just didn't cut it for me. I never finished them and left me wondering why I was reading in the first place. Which put me into another depressive episode. Because I love reading but those books just killed it for me for a while. It has been tough to get back into reading again and so far I haven't read a book to really get me back into reading yet. Hopefully I will find it soon.

But with the holidays coming up, I think my reading will be even more inconsistent. Between decorating, working, and planning a meal, it will be hard to fit time in for reading other than when I go to bed. But let's be honest, I'm pretty much too tired to do that most of the time. 

Anyway I just wanted to say thank you all for sticking it through with me. I know it isn't easy when I post constantly one week or month and then go silent for twice as long. I'm trying my best with the cards I was given. Thanks again and I really appreciate all of you who give the time to read this blog.


P.S. I can't believe this blog has been around for eight years now. Come July 5th, 2023, this blog will hit it's ninth year mark. Where did the time go?

Halfway through Daisy Jones and The Six


Hello there Bookies,

I could have sworn I made a post on this book but I guess I didn't. I must have started reading it and not bothered to let anyone know. To be honest, I just read a little bit of this book before bed when I can't sleep. Anyways, the book is okay so far. We got two groups of artists just trying to make it in the music world. I like to see a book talk about the industry like how it really is. Also I can see the flaws in this book. I have a background in the music industry, not as an artist, but I still saw how hard they work for their jobs. So in a way I can relate to this book. Talking about the long hours it takes to make music and then tour on the road. Sure this book takes place in the 70s but I can still relate. Now I'm going to share a very unpopular opinion here and a lot of people are probably going to hate me about it. Blame my background for it, but I can't see the hype about this book. Its okay and it is an interesting read. I don't hate it because I'm still reading it. But I also don't like it. It's in the two star area for me so far. Nothing fantastic has happened that made me think that this is a really good book. I'm taking my time trying to absorb it and see it for what it really is. But I don't see how everyone likes this book. Like I said before, you can blame my background in the music industry. My knee injury may have taken me out of the business but I still have passion for it. I'm sure things were different in the 70s but it still has that whole unrealistic feel to it. I know the book is fiction and everything in it is made up, but that isn't what I mean when I say unrealistic. I'm sure when people read this, they think it was so easy for these people to reach stardom so quickly. And I think that is what makes it feel unrealistic. It's like they get this one good song and they are on the high road to stardom. I wasn't really paying attention to how long it took between scenes but to me it felt too quick. I've seen groups spend twenty years to finally make a name for themselves. Twenty years of having some good albums that built them a good fanbase but not enough to be doing arenas. And again, I know this book is made up and the writer can do whatever they want. And it could have been completely different in the 70s. I wasn't there during that time. I don't even think my mother was old enough to have me yet during that time. But being halfway through the book, I just don't see it. I don't see why everyone I've watched on Youtube and TikTok love this book. It kind of makes me feel like I'm missing something here.

So until next time....


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Reading Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan


Hello Bookies,

I meant to read this book sooner. In all honesty, I wanted to have had this book done before it came out on November 18th, but life didn't go as planned. I worked hard and try to read my library books before they had to go back. Also fighting colds and infections isn't something you want to read with. Anyway I started the book officially a few days ago. I've been so excited to read this book and it isn't starting at slow as the first book did. The book is in three parts again. I'm wondering if we are going to get a slow beginning again, an okay middle, and the final part being the one that makes you refuse to put the book down. If that is the case, I'm already drawn into the book. Especially when a man who isn't who he says he is shows up and Xingyin's home. I literally just started and I'm already asking questions. Who is this guy? What does he want? Why is he after the seeds of this one tree? What use does he have for it? What will happen next? So many questions and so much to still read. I'll try to post when I'm finished with part one. Unless the book has me hooked, then you'll just have to wait for the end.

So until next time....


Manga Post #30?

 Hey there Bookies,

It's been a while since I wrote a post about manga. I figured I would get back into it after so long. The first one I read since my reading hiatus was Komi Can't Communicate. Not much goes on in the volume but I didn't expect much since it is the first one. All I know about this series is that it was recommended to me through a Youtube video and that the main character can't speak. Since I read this volume, I get an idea as to why our main character Komi can't talk. She has a disorder that keeps her from talking. She gets so nervous that she can't talk because she is too scared to. I think this story is cute to see fellow classmates trying to help Komi in their own way. Also they are all helping her achieve the goal she put up for herself. That goal being that she wants to have 100 friends. She wants to change and she tries to work at it. It's good that she has some friends that understand her enough to figure out what she is trying to say. I find this series pretty cute so far. I've already requested the second volume from the library and I'm ready to continue the adventure. 

So until next time....


Downside to Being Sick

 Hey there Bookies,

Remember when I was sick for a really long time and I didn't get any reading done? Well it turns out that during that time my library books ended up being due, so I had to return them all. Hopefully I recorded the correct pages that I left off in some books. If not, I guess I'll be restarting the book or hunting down where I left off. Both don't sound fun. Anyway, I'll try to request them from the library when I can. I have too many holds at the moment and I figured I'll only request one book at a time because I still get sick every once in a while. Winter is the season of colds and flu. Also getting a chest infection and recovering from it means that I'll most likely get it back if I'm not too careful. Anyways, hopefully I'll finally get caught up on reading. I really fell behind after getting sick and finding some books I just couldn't finish.

So until next time...


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Started reading Firstlife by Gena Showalter


Hello Bookies,

I'm breaking into my stack of library books finally and I picked up Firstlife by Gena Showalter. I'm a big fan of this author and it's my goal to read all of her books. Also I skimmed through the book to see what I have a head of me and it looks like the book is written in the form of emails. Interesting take and something I've never seen before so I'm interested. I predict this will be a quick read, but it depends if I can get into it or not. The only way is to read it to find out. Wish me luck.

So until next time...


Been sick and took a small break.

 Hey there Bookies,

I haven't been around for a while and I'm sorry. I ended up getting really sick for a two weeks and I spent most of my time just sleeping when I could. It wasn't covid, luckily, but might as well been with a respiratory infection. Do not recommend. But I'm well and during that time I didn't read. I did try to read but didn't get much done. I did have to return some books including Poet X. So I'll be taking a break from Poet X until I can request it from the library again. I know I went through two months of not reading. Life has been pretty busy and I haven't found a book that really gripped me to finish reading it. I have DNF three books so far and almost a fourth. Hopefully my next book will be a winner in me finishing it. Also hopefully I can post more frequently, but so far it isn't looking good.

So until next time...


Friday, October 14, 2022

DNF Glass


Hello Bookies,

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little disappointed. I've read half of this book and not much is going on. I breezed through Crank and I thought I would like and breeze through this book, but I was wrong. I guess this is just another book that shows how much my reading taste has changed. When I read Crank, I was reading other books with a similar subject. Like Go Ask Alice, Smashed, and other books like that. I can't remember them all but I was fascinated by those books for a while and I saw them as lessons to what happens if you become addicted to something not good for you. Of course, when I read these books I had also just recovered from my own issues, so you can say I felt like I could relate. But I just wasn't feeling Crank. It felt like it was too slow. As if nothing really was happening. Just our main character talking about how she was introduced to the stuff. How she ended up getting SAed to the point she got pregnant. Then she straightened up for almost a whole year even though she had that voice in her head begging her to go back. She was doing good, but sometimes that voice becomes too powerful. Then we read about how she gets her stuff. How she meets a guy. How she gets a job to pay for her stuff. That's all I got so far before I felt like we aren't really seeing the struggle of using this drug. We don't see how her life is falling apart. Right now it just seems like she is getting away with it. No one suspects anything different about her. I'm sure if I read more of the book, we would get to that part. But I can't do it. It's too slow. I wanted to finish this book and read the third one but I can't. It's like I'm forcing myself to read and it's just ruining my love for reading. So I made the choice to stop reading it. I'll be returning it to the library and maybe pick it back up at a later time. We will just have to wait and see. 

So until next time.....

Reading The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo


Hey there Bookies,

I know it's been a while. I had some personal stuff that I needed to take care of. It's still not resolved but I have done all that I can do at this point. So whatever the outcome is, it is what it is. Also due to this issue taking place, I didn't have much time to read. Also it doesn't help when I read two books I really didn't like. It pretty much put me out of a reading mood. But with the arrival of a book in the mail, I got that little spark to try reading again.

The book I picked up was The Poet X and this is supposed to be a quick read to get you out of your reading slump. Just what I need right now. I'm about halfway through the book and it is interesting. The whole book is written like a series of poems, which makes it an easy read so far. My only complaint is that there is Spanish in the book without translations. Being a non-Spanish speaker, I don't understand some stuff. I kind of get the idea but it would be nice to have translations somewhere for some words. Or, even an explanation of what some things are. Its just a small suggestion for those that don't quite understand but it isn't really necessary. It's just something I would personally like. But the story is interesting to show how our main character's mother is really religious and our main character is starting to wonder that maybe there is more than what the bible tell you. So far the story is just two generations clashing in ideals. Especially when our main character wants to become a poet but her mother doesn't want her to because it's devil's work. Or, something like that. It must be heard to express yourself in a strict household. But I am wondering if the main character is going to express her feelings to her mother or not. Especially about writing. I guess I just have to continue reading.

So until next time....


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

I DNF Allegiant

 Hey there Bookies,

So I thought my lack of love reading this book was because I was just too overwhelmed in the past. But after trying to read this book again, I have learned that I just don't like it. I've decided to not read the book anymore or try to because I'm slowly losing my drive to read and I don't want that. I stopped right when they were about to leave the city in secret and that is as far as I could make it. Will I pick up this book again in the future? Probably not, but it isn't entirely set in stone. I think through this experience that I'm just not a fan of these books. Or even the genre. I've never given a book one star before, well maybe once before. But this book is getting one star. I just didn't like it. It was slow and nothing exciting was happening. I know other people likes these books but I just don't. I will still recommend it to people if they like Hunger Games or other books like that. But I'm not a fan.

So until next time...


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Stared reading Glass by Ellen Hopkins


Hey there Bookies,

I'm still reading two books at once. I'm not really enjoying Allegiant but it's the last book of a series and I have to finish it. Anyways, when I take breaks from that book, I'm reading Glass by Ellen Hopkins. I had no idea that Crank was part of a series. So being the completionist that I am, I got the second book. This is probably going to be a quick read for me. The format is much like that of a poem book, so it's pretty easy. But it is a heavy subject, aka substance abuse, so I will need breaks from this book as well. It's a good educational book. You get to read about someone's struggles trying to overcome the monster they fell victim to. I know most school districts have banned these kinds of book because it "promotes" drugs. But I see it as a learning experience. Read about someone's struggle and how they overcame it and make your own ideas about what you want to do with your life. Do you want to suffer as much as the person in the book, or do you want to live a straight and narrow path? Who are we to tell people what they should and shouldn't do? I'm all about making your own choices and if you want to read this series, then go right ahead. 

So until next time....


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Started reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth...Again

 Hello there Bookies,

I'm back to trying to finish off this series. I've tried to read Allegiant before but a lot was going on and I just couldn't do it. I felt like I was forcing myself to read and I just wasn't enjoy the book at that time. But I will have to confess that I'm not a huge fan of this series. It's okay but maybe it just isn't for me. Anyways, I'm already a few chapters in and I have no idea what is going on. I take such long breaks between books that I just forget what happens to the point I get confused. I really need to stop doing that. All I know is that Four's mother has taken over the city and Tris wants to see what is outside the city due to a video she saw at the end of Insurgent. I think I said the title right. It's been a while. But once I finish this book, I no longer have to worry about the series ever again. I know there is a book through Four's point of view but I have no desire to read it. 

So until next time....


Finished reading Immortal Hearts


Hey there Bookies,

I finally finished the series. Its been so long that I have no idea what to do now. I've literally grew up with this series. Sadly, this book is only going to get two stars from me. It just isn't my cup of tea anymore. I started this series when Twilight was just getting huge. Vampires was the in thing and now it's not really anymore. But I did enjoy the book a bit. I know my younger self would have loved this series if it didn't take me so long to read it. But with life, you have to take breaks. Especially when your library doesn't have all of the books. Anyways, the book is just about Raven and Alexander working on their relationship to the point that Raven even thinks she pushed him too far. She was so sure that their relationship was going to end. But in her heartbreak, Alexander confesses to her the one thing that she always wanted to hear. He is willing to take the next step and spend eternity with her. So that is how the book pretty much ends. Nothing huge happens in the book. Sure Stormy, Alexander's sister, comes to visit but that was pretty normal. Raven seems to be meeting someone new in every book. Raven's brother, Billy, finds out about vampires after hanging out with Stormy but is promised to keep the secret. More for Stormy than anything. Stormy sees the true colors of Luna when she tries to help Jagger force a bond with Raven just to get back at Alexander. You know the typical Maxwells thing. That family can't be trusted with anything. I am a little sad that we don't get to see Raven's life as a vampire but I guess the whole series was based around Raven being mortal and dating a vampire. The struggles they go through being from two different worlds was the drama of the series. So I can understand why there won't be another book explaining Raven's life as a vampire. Maybe there is a spin off somewhere that will have that, but I think I'm satisfied with how this one ended. But I'm off to my next book.

So until next time....


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Taking a small break from Immortal Hearts

 Hey there Bookies,

I have to take a small break from this book. Only because over the years I've grown to not like this series but being someone that has to complete something they started, I continue to read it. It's hard when you don't enjoy the series as much as you used to. But I figured a small break will be good and not put me back into a reading slump. I have four books to read anyways, so I can read one of those and then come back to this one. I am a third of the way of the book and I think this will be a good system. So far not much has happened in the book. Just the usual stuff. Luna grinding on Raven's gears. Raven is able to finally share her world with her best friend, who is still trying to process all of it. Also Alexander's sister comes to visit and Raven wants her to love her as much as Alexander does. But Stormy thinks that the reason why Alexander hasn't returned home is because of Raven, so she is polite but cold to her. Also Stormy has a strong relationship with Luna which makes Raven very jealous. That is as far as I got. Raven just complaining how she thinks is unfair that Stormy loves Luna and not her. 

So until next time....


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Started reading Immortal hearts by Ellen Schreiber


Hey Bookies,

I may have looked up to see how many more books of this series I had left. It turns out that this is the last one. I could have sworn that it was so much longer. Of course I have been trying to finish this series since freshman year and its a bit of a bittersweet ending. I'm glad that it's over but the fact that it took me so long to finish it was a journey. I literally grew up reading different styles of books while reading this series. I gradually went from loving it in the beginning to kind of being annoyed by it. My reading taste changed as I read these series and I was able to have it take place to notice the change I was making. So this series holds a lot of memories. But now it is coming to an end. I will say that I love the cover of this book and I'm curious on how this is all going to be tied up in a big fat bow in the end. But I'm ready to finally say good bye to this series. Starting with reading this book.

So until next time...


Finished reading Up In Flames


Hello Bookies,

I will say this first. I know I would have enjoyed the book more if I didn't take such a long break from the series. Instead I took that long break and was surrounded by confusion the majority of the book. Don't get me wrong. It was still pretty good. Nan didn't end up with who I thought she would. I guess she just needed to break out of her comfort zone to find the right person for her. At least she got the happiness she finally deserved. Also this book showed me that she wasn't the spoiled brat that all of the other books made her. She was just someone bitter that everyone was finding happiness while men used her for her looks or the fact she was a rock star's daughter. I am a little sad that another character got killed off. Well sort of. But it would have been nice to get a book about Major finding someone that he would love unconditionally. But I guess that book is just not meant to be. I'll probably give this book about three stars. It would have had more if I didn't take that long break and wasn't confused about all that was going on. But it is a good book and I do recommend the series. You will hate Nan at first, but once you get to this book, you'll understand why she is the way she is.

So until next time...


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Started reading Up in Flames by Abbi Glines


Hello there Bookies,

I'm on a new book and it's another Abbi Glines book. This is the last book of the Rosemary Beach series. Do I remember much from the series? Not really. I remember bits and pieces and I could never forget about one of my favorite characters being killed off. That was so cruel. Anyways this is Nan's story in finding the love of her life. And we get thrown in right away with her talking to Major. I don't remember who Major is. I think he is someone's cousin but I can't remember who. It's been a while since I read this series. In all honesty, I forgot about it for a while because when I was reading this series, this book wasn't out yet. So in my long time of waiting, I just forgot. There is another series by Abbi Glines I forgot about and I do plan on finishing that series as well when I get the chance. Anyways, I curious on how Nan's story is going to play out. She is a woman with spirit and doesn't take crap from anyone. Also I went the whole series thinking she was just some spoiled brat that needed a good smack across the face. But I'm off to read how different Nan is now. Wish me luck.

So until next time...


Almost done reading Under the Lights


Hey there Bookies,

All I have to say is the DRAMA in this book. It isn't the drama I was expecting but there is still drama. Also I can understand why Willa is the way that she is. That girl went through some things that would mess anyone up. And to be blamed for when it wasn't even her fault. How can anyone expect her to trust anything anymore? Same thing with Gunner when his whole life was basically a lie. Everyone was just using him to get back at another person. It is what he grew up thinking that was what love was. Use someone to his own advantage. For his one benefits. So I don't blame Willa for walking away from that toxic relationship before it could become serious. Of course Gunner saw it as a complete betrayal, but boy needs to work through some issues his family had put him through. I know I'm not quite done with the book and he can redeem himself. And I know how these romance books go. He will say the right words and Willa won't think twice taking him back. But I have a feeling I know who the next two people are going to be the focus in the next book. Brady needs someone to love since his first love chose Gunner. Also why bring back a girl the whole town supposedly hates and have them cross paths. Also I know that book would make me angry because everyone is already saying that Riley is a liar and is only out to ruin lives. So give me that book so I can see someone believe that girl finally. At least Willa saw the good in her and was willing to be her friend. I guess I just have to finish this book and request the next one. Do I recommend this book? Yes, I do. The drama was pretty good and I know some people like the drama as much as I do. Sadly this book is probably only going to get three stars. It didn't make me tear up like the first book but I was still invested. Who knows when I finally finish the book. I might change. Maybe I won't. We will just have to see.

So until next time....


A little halfway through reading Under the Lights


Hello there Bookies,

I'm a little halfway over. I might end up giving up spoilers in this section unintentionally. Anyway I meant to update sooner but I'm not getting the drama I was promised. But I have a feeling it is going to happen soon. Secrets are going to be revealed and then everything is going to get interesting. So far the book has been a pretty slow burn. Willa is just trying to get by with the weight of the world on her shoulders while Gunner is trying to prove to his family that he doesn't need them. I guess there is some drama going on, especially with Gunner's family. That family is holding a lot of secrets that would ruin everything if they were revealed. But you know that they are going to come out one way or another. But I have a feeling that Brady might be the next book. Also I need to know more about Willa in this book. I need to know what happened at that party where her friend ended up dying. Was I supposed to say that? Well I did warn you that I might give spoilers with this one. So much is going on and it is hard to not tell you. I knew I would enjoy this book a bit because I just love drama. Well I'm off to see if I can finish this book tonight. 

So until next time...


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Started reading Under the Lights by Abbi Glines


Hello Bookies,

Hopefully this is the last post for the day. Depends how fast I read this next book.

It's finally here. I finally have a chance to read the second book in the series. This is the one that was hinted about in Until Friday Night and it hinted drama. My expectations are high with this one. Gunner's and Willa's story will finally be answered. Maybe we will even get a hint at which football player is next. But the first book was about overcoming your different traumas, so I wonder what this one is going to be focused on. Second chances maybe? This book is a YA so my expectations aren't too high. In this journey I've learned that my reading taste for YA has changed a lot. But I'm just happy if there is drama and it was hinted. Wish me luck.

So until next time....


Finished reading The Prince and the Dressmaker


Hello Bookies,

Well it took me an hour to read this book. Maybe I shouldn't read graphic novels. I go through the too quickly. Anyway, I loved this book. It was so cute. Sadly it will probably get maybe four stars. Maybe three. I have to weigh the pros and cons first. I loved the story it was telling, the deeper meaning. How it is okay to be yourself. Yeah there will be people who will make fun of you about it, but there are always people there to support you. I also like the fact that the Prince is pretty much a genderfluid person or at least a representation of it. You don't see a lot of books about it where I live. So to find one makes me feel all warm inside to see something representing something that people don't really understand. Now if I can find a book that can represent the way I am in the LGBTQIA+ community. Anyway I love how the book gave the prince someone he could rely on to share his secret with. It is a shame he was too scared to tell his parents about who he really was but that is normal. The part I found really rude was how the prince's secret was revealed. Public humiliation is never the answer. Not sure what that person was trying to prove. But sadly that is how the real world is sometimes. I'm just glad the book had a happy ending. 

So until next time....


Started reading The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang


Hello there Bookies,

I have another graphic novel in my hands but hopefully it will last longer than an hour. Anyway I know this book is a YA and that is about it. The book was recommend to me through a Youtube video in the world of Booktub. I dove deep into that world. Found so many good books and many not so good books. But I'm ready for the journey this book will hold for me. I'll tell you more when I'm halfway or finished the book. 

So until next time...


Finished reading Everyone's a aliebn when ur a aliebn too


Hello Bookies,

Well, I guess this book was a quicker read than I thought. I finished it in a little over an hour. But the whole thing is cute. Even though the book is cute, it does have a bit of a deeper meaning to it. Now I understand why it was in the adult section at the library. Anyway I don't have much to say on the book. I thought it was adorable and I did giggle at some parts but I didn't love it. I do recommend this book to those that just want a quick easy read. Even with the grammar errors and misspellings, I was able to read it no problem. In fact my mind corrected the words automatically. But it was a fun read. Too bad it will probably only get three stars from me. Like I said, it went quicker than I expected. Also I didn't love it. I just found it really adorable.

So until next time...


Started reading Everyone's a Aliebn When UR a Aliebn Too by Jomny Sun


Hey there Bookies,

I'm doing another short read. I'm getting close to having to return these books to the library so I'm trying to finish as many as I can. I don't know much about this book. All I know is that it's a graphic novel with intentional spelling and grammar errors. I'm curious on what this book will be about. I hear it is quite cute and I do like cute things. Even if they get me into trouble sometimes. Anyways I'm about to crack this book open and see where it takes me. Wish me luck.

So until next time....


Finished reading No Matter the Wreckage


Hello Bookies,

I knew that this book was going to be a quick read. It also inspired me to write a little bit. The poems were beautiful and it reminded me why I like poetry. It also makes me wish I was good at it. I have a few favorites I will hold close for the times that I will need it. I'm not sure what to rank the book though. I got lost in the stories each poem told but not a whole lot of them gripped me. I might end up giving the book three stars. Only because I can't say much about the book. There really isn't anything to tell other than its full of poems that you can get lost in. I didn't want to put it down until I read every one it held and I didn't. But sadly it didn't ignite that passion I was looking for. I do recommend the book to those that love to read poetry. It is a beautiful collection. But that is all I can say. 

So until next time...


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Started reading No Matter the Wreckage by Sarah Kay


Hello Bookies,

I decided to do a different kind of book for my next read. I needed something a little short and easy to read after reading a book that was nearly 500 pages. So I had this book recommended to me through a video on Youtube and I thought I would give it a try. The cover looks simple and is actually simply beautiful. The book is also just a bunch of poems put into a book by the same author. I do like poetry and it has been a while since I read some. I'm a little excited to start this book. Will this be to book that brings back my passion? I guess will will just have to find out.

So until next time...


Finished reading A River Enchanted


Hello Bookies,

This book is a ride to read. It's really good and I highly recommend the book. Sadly, I can't tell you much about the book in the second half because so much happens along with so many secrets get reviled. I feel like I can't tell you those secrets because it will ruin the book all together. I hope you understand. The book did get four stars from me on Goodreads, but if I could I would have given it four and a half stars. I think the reason why the rating isn't a five star is because of the ending. We have Jack pretty much tell Adria that he can't live without her and she leaves him anyways. My thoughts on that was 'How dare she?' This guy was willing to give up everything for her and she couldn't allow it. She couldn't give in to her feelings for him. Instead she just leaves him. Now I will be getting the second book when it comes out. Because I want to see what happens. There are so many questions taking place now that the book ended and I need answers to them. But I highly recommend this book. Go read it and hopefully you'll love it as much as I did. 

So until next time....


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

About halfway through A River Enchanted


Hello Bookies,

I meant to update on this book sooner but it is just fascinating. The chapters are a bit long but you are so into the story that you don't even notice you read twenty pages until the chapter is pretty much over. What is going on in the book is that one of the characters we follow is summoned back to the island he grew up on. He doesn't think it will be a long trip and he has his life already planned out when he returns to the mainland. But the moment he comes home, he starts questioning things about his life and what he actually wants the longer he stays on the island. He has a task to sooth the spirits anger with his music and singing and he is even asked to stay to be the Bard of the East. A position of great honor but there is a cost to playing music for the spirits. Another character we follow is the Captain of the East Guard named Torin. He has the weight on his shoulders to make sure everyone is safe. Also his main goal is to solve the mystery of the missing little girls. Which is a mystery that no one is safe from, even Torin's daughter Maisie. We also follow Sidra who is Torin's second wife and is the herbalist of the island. She makes medicine and tonics for those effected by their gifts that the spirits have given them. Adaira is another character that shows up a lot, but I can't remember if we follow her or not in the book. It's been a while if we have. She is heiress to the throne of leading the East and she is trying to find the missing girls her own way. While also trying to form peace with the West, but not a whole lot of trust can be placed in the west when they summon her to come over alone and with no guards. Something is fishy with that request. Maybe they are the ones behind the missing girls. Who knows? The only way to find out is to read more. I love this book so far and I can't wait to see what happens. So many questions run through my mind as I read the book that need to be answered. Who is taking the girls? While Jack the Bard decide to stay on the island or will he go back to the mainland? Will they find the girls? Who is Jack's father? Because that feels like a be mystery in this book that probably will never be answered. I wonder if his father is part of the West and that is why his mother is so close to the border. So much to learn and so much to read. 

So until next time....


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Started reading A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross


Hello there Bookies,

Well new book time. This one I know nothing about but it is about the same length as Daughter of the Moon Goddess. Also I found them on the same shelf and saw them both recommended in the same Youtube video. Since I liked Moon Goddess, I should like this one, right? Anyway, I'm only two chapters in and not a whole lot is going on. It's just a bunch of world building about the island where our main character comes from. He get summoned for some reason but the funny thing is that when he arrives, they tell him that they never summoned him. So now we have the mystery of who summoned him on top of the mystery of the missing girls on the island. I'm already interested in this book and we are only nine percent of the way in. I look forward to reading more.

So until next time...


Wednesday, August 3, 2022

I DNF Succubus Blues


Hello there Bookies,

I tried. I really did. But after reading two more chapters and almost falling asleep on the couch, I decided to not torture myself anymore. As much as I wanted to read this book, I just can't keep reading it. This was a book I thought I'd like because I liked a similar book series to this one called the Riley Jenson Series by Keri Arthur. Both have mysteries going on, both are supernatural books, both have strong lead women that don't like to go by the rules to get the answers they want. But sadly this book is a little dry to me. It is so boring and nothing really happens. Yes the main character's friends get attacked or have the fear of being attacked, but like I said before, the book doesn't focus on that enough to keep the story interesting. Instead the story just focuses on the main character and how she is fighting her succubus urges while trying to live a normal life. I would have to give this book one star because it was boring and dry to me. It probably has potential but I didn't like it at all. I'm sure that someone would like this book and I would recommend it to them if they like the slow mystery like books. With a hint of romance. But this book is just not for me at all. 

So until next time...


About halfway through Succubus Blues


Hello there Bookies,

Well this book is taking me forever to read. I will not be surprised if I DNF the book. You also know that I'm not enjoying the book when after a few chapters, I just want to take a nap. I think we might be getting our first one star with this one. If this book does end up being a one star, I will not be reading the next book. Don't get me wrong, there are some elements in the book I like. Like the whole mystery of who is harming and killing all of the immortals but it isn't playing a big enough part to keep the book interesting. I'm at the point where I'm not sure if the book is a mystery, as romance, or something else. I don't even know how to classify this book other than adult supernatural fiction. I am hoping that I don't DNF the book but if it doesn't pick up soon, I just might.

So until next time....


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Started reading Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead

 Hello Bookies,

Well I finally started my next book. I've literally only read four pages of this book. So far I have a main character, which I'm assuming is a succubus, and she is full of attitude. I think I like this character already. Also we start the book with her dreading an assignment she was given. I guess to help a thirty something year old man in helping them finally getting some spicy action. So far that is all I know. I never read what the book is about and I tell myself that I should. Yet, I still don't do it. One day I will learn my lesson. I guess the only way we are going to learn about the book is to read about it. Oh, I almost forgot. The cover of the book I have is completely different than the one on goodreads. If there is a way to change the version you are reading, I still haven't figured it out since they updated the website. Eventually I will figure it out if you can. 

So until next time....


Almost done reading The Problem with Forever


Hey Bookies, 

I'm almost done with the book and I have to say I got to a point that put this book to four stars. Also I have to say is how dare you Jennifer L. Armentrout. You made me get attached to a character only to do that to them. Even though I kind of had a feeling it was going to happen, but still how dare you. Anyway there is a part in this book I was hoping would play a little bit more into the story. I kind of expected the character Paige to do anything possible to break up Rider and Mallory. There was a perfect opportunity and it wasn't taken. It would have added so much more drama to the story. Of course I guess the author thought we went through enough trauma in that section of chapters. But the book is getting four stars. I teared up a lot towards the end. But we have our first four star and it proves that Jennifer L. Armentrout is still one of my favorite writers. I do recommend this book. I do have to remind that there are trigger warnings with this book, so feel free to check up on those before reading this book. It was just so nice to watch the characters grow and move past their childhood trauma in their own ways. Helping each other along the way. It's a good concept and it's told in a nice way where it doesn't really focus on the trauma, but you know that it's there. Especially when Mallory has episodes of flashbacks or when something happens and it puts her head back in that place. Loved the book. Highly recommend.

So until next time...


Saturday, July 30, 2022

About halfway through The Problem with Forever


Hello there Bookies,

Well, I'm quiet enjoying this book. The deeper story is that we have these two young adults that are trying to live life after being removed from a terrible situation that they were in for thirteen years. That was pretty much their entire lives. The story is told through the girl's point of view. Her name is Mallory and she had to go through intensive therapy to get past her situation. She even ended up getting adopted by a loving family that were also doctors that had taken care of her when she ended up in the hospital with some major injuries. I will not say what the situation they were in but it is a trigger warning with this book. This book does talk about child abuse and SA. Like I said these kids didn't grow up in the best environment and this book basically talks about how they coped with it after no longer being in that situation. With Mallory being adopted by doctors, she was provided with the best. She got the help she needed and was very loved by her adoptive parents. Now the other person focused in this story wasn't as lucky. Mallory was mostly protect by a boy that was her age in the situation and his name is Rider. Rider ended up at a group home until he found a foster family to take care of him until he turns eighteen. He works hard but he is also living on the rough side of town. Rider grew up thinking that he wasn't worth anything and that nothing was expected of him other than the bare minimum. Like I said, I really like the concept. The book so far is a solid three stars. I will have to read if it will gain that one star to be the first four star in this journey. But we will just have to find out.

So until next time....


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Started reading The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Hello Bookies,

Well we have another Jennifer L. Armentrout book to read. I have tried to read this book before as an Ebook, but I kept forgetting that I had it. So I'm trying the physical copy way. This book is a YA and I feel like I've been reading a lot of YA lately. As we all know I haven't found any YA that has really gripped me since I came back from my reading hiatus. Maybe this one will be it. Who knows? But I haven't started the book yet, but I will be sure to update when I'm about halfway. Unless something interesting happens or it's taking too long to read, I'll update you then.

So until next time....


Finished reading A Beautiful Dark


Hello Bookies,

Well I finished another book. It was an interesting concept but one I've kind of have seen before. It went exactly how I predicted with a bit of a twist in the end. Also how it ends leaves you on a cliffhanger and that isn't fair. Looks like I will be getting the second book just to see what happens with our main character. The author planned it this way. How rude. Anyway, our main character is a special girl but I feel like if I explain the story in more detail, it is just going to be one big spoiler. So if you want to learn anything, you are going to have to read the book yourself. I will have to say that this book is about two stars for me. Like I said it was really predictable the moment I started reading it. It does give similar vibes as the series called Fallen. So if you liked that series, you will like this one. They don't really have the same storyline but they have kind of have a similar concept. You got good versus evil and a girl stuck right in the middle of it. There is a twist at the end that I didn't see and it's like right at the end. You basically learn the twist and then get left with a cliffhanger. But the story still got two stars for me. It didn't really grip me until the very end. For the longest time I thought that they had the great reveal and the story should have ended there. The book was really dry and boring until you get to the last few pages. My thoughts the whole time is that what more can you do after the great reveal and then the ending gave me my answer. I do recommend this book to those that like the Fallen series or the Hush Hush series. I do believe that this book is a YA with a bit of supernatural in it. Feel free to check it out.

So until next time....


Monday, July 25, 2022

Halfway through A Beautiful Dark

 Hey there Bookies,

I'm halfway through the book and I'm still getting Fallen series vibes. The book isn't exactly like that series, but I still get vibes from it. Anyways, I have learned that this book is a YA I think. Our main character is 17 and things get weird after her 17th birthday. Two mysterious guys show up that are complete opposites and pretty much turn her world upside down. She has no idea what is going on but she knows that these two guys know more than they are telling. After too many weird things that happen that are completely unexplainable, she confronts one of the guys asking for answers. Now she has to figure out if she wants to believe in the truth and find out more or try to pretend that everything in normal. But how can you continue to be normal when you are told some life changing things? I still have half a book to go through and I have no idea what else you can do after the big reveal in the middle of the book. But I guess we will just have to find out.

So until next time...


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Started reading A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies


Hello Bookies,

I'm on a new book already. I have tried to read this book before my hiatus but couldn't because I was just so overwhelmed with all that was going on at the time. Anyway I don't know anything about this book. I only read two chapters already and I'm already getting like Fallen series vibes. So it's making me think this is going to be about a girl being special and two fallen angels are going to be fighting over her. That is my prediction. I guess the only way we can find out is by reading the book. Wish me luck.

So until next time....


DNF Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Hey there Bookies,

I've decided to not finish reading this book. The more I read it the more I remember and I feel like I don't need to read anymore. I've even skimmed the last few chapters and kind of got the understanding of the book. Also sadly due to the fact that the book didn't keep me entertained because my reading taste has changed that much, the book is getting two stars this time around. The book is pretty much about a girl who tries to catch up to her classmates in a risk of getting expelled if she can't. She then develops feelings for her training partner who is off limits because he is a pure-blood while she is a half-blood. She also finds out her mother isn't dead and she must face the fact that she might have to kill her mother. Then there is another thing that is pretty predictable in the book but I can't voice it because it will ruin the book. Not much to say about this book. But if you want to read it, go ahead. You might love it but I think I loved it before my hiatus because I was going through a phase. Who knows? But the book got two stars from me.

So until next time...


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Apparently I've already read this book

 Hello Bookies,

Have I read this book before? Apparently, according to my posts in 2017. Do I remember everything? Not at all. I don't even remember reading the book. So imagine my surprise when I found it already added to my Jennifer L Armentrout's Books page. My thought was that I had started to read it and just didn't finish it. That it is just a draft of a time I was too overwhelmed with life and lost my interest in reading. That was not the case. I had finished the book and I don't remember anything. I should really get my head checked out. Anyways now the whole book was to see if it would spark any memory at all. What a journey we had. To be honest, I'm only half way through the book. The more I read this book the more I mix it up with Vampire Academy. It appears I remember that book series more than this one. Anyway we have our main character, Alex, pretty much trying to survive after her mother is killed by vampire like creatures called Daimons. But they aren't vampires because they don't drink blood but a thing called aether, which is kind of the life force of the people in this book. Now I don't exactly remember what they are but I do remember its something related to the Greek gods. Anyway we have two classes in this world. The pure-bloods and the half-bloods. Pure-bloods are the elite class and are really important and control all of the laws. Half-bloods are the people that guard the Pure-bloods from the daimons. Also the Half-bloods are seen as like second class citizens by the Pure-bloods and something that can be easily replaced because there is so many of them. Anyway our lead character returns to the school she was taken out of by her mother three years prier. No one knows why her mother decided to do that and I don't think we will ever know. But Alex meets with her uncle who is the new dean of the school and the news isn't good. He was ready to kick her out of school and send her to be a slave for her step-father. But thanks to some help from the people who brought her back to the school was able to convince her uncle to give her one more chance. Now Alex has to train all summer in hopes to catch up with her class while trying to keep a good clean record. It's not easy since Alex likes to act before she thinks. Also she may have a crush on her training partner Aiden, who is a pure-blood. I forgot the mention that it is forbidden to have the pure-bloods and the half-bloods date. No one knows why, but some believe that it is the gods' will to not mix the bloodlines. Anyway the book is kind of blah and I know the younger me loved the book but now I don't know. I guess we will see when I finish the book.

So until next time....


Friday, July 22, 2022

Starting Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Hey There Bookies,

I did say I was a fan of this author. Now today is the test to see if my disappointment in the last book I read by this author was because it was a bad day in writing or did my reading taste change and I no longer love Jennifer L. Armentrout's books. I am hoping it's the first one. But I know that my reading taste has changed since my reading hiatus. I just need to figure out what it is. Anyways, I know I had the novella that was before this book that explained a little bit of the background. Do I remember any of it? Not at all. It's been like two or three years since I read it. I'm sure I have a few posts about it somewhere on here. But I am curious about this book. See if it will spark my memory and tell me that I am still a big fan of Jennifer L. Armentrout. Wish me luck.

So until next time...


Finished reading Daughter of the Moon Goddess


Hello Bookies,

I will first have to say that I had no idea that this was going to be a series. I didn't realize it until I looked at the spine of the book and the library label said "book 1". Honestly, how this book ended, I don't see how you can continue the story. Yes, you have to beat the demon king and all but how are we going to be told that story? How long is this series planned for? I have questions and I need answers. I'm sure if I look on Goodreads, all of my questions will be answered. But I will be reading the next book when it comes out. Even though this book had a slow beginning, I still enjoyed it. I almost decided to put the book down and never look at it again. But I'm glad that I finished it. The book got so much better once you got the the second part. Part three of the book was even better. But I won't tell you all that happened because it would ruin the story. All I can say is that there is a twist and our lead character literally gives up half her lifeforce to keep balance on Earth. I highly recommend this book but I do warn that it has a very slow beginning, but if you work your way through the slow part, you will not be disappointed. But now my rating for this book was hard for me. If I could I would give it three and a half stars, but I can't. I had to weigh what I loved about the book and what I didn't love about the book in order to figure out whether to give it three stars or four. Sadly, I don't like slow beginnings and I did almost put this book down because it was so boring in the beginning, I had to give the book three stars.

So until next time...


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Two Thirds of the way through Daughter of the Moon Goddess


Hey there Bookies,

I will have to say that part two of this book is a lot more exciting. But that probably has to do with all of the main character's adventures while she is in the army. She is trying her hardest to earn a thing called the Crimson Lion Talisman. So she takes dangerous missions in order to catch the emperor's eyes. Hoping that she can gain this talisman in order to free her mother from the prison she is in. Of course our main character almost dies countless times and even got a marriage proposal. Well in a way, he didn't out right say "Will you be my wife or bride?" Instead he mentions that he is leaving the court and want to take her with him. But I know she wanted to free her mother first. Which she does achieve her goal in the third part of the book, but I haven't gotten far yet. I'm only a few pages and it was all due to her risking her life to save her first love. I do have to say that part two in the book is so much better and might have added a star to the book rating. Now I'm just curious on how the third part will go.

So until next time....


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A third of the way through Daughter of the Moon Goddess


Hey there Bookies,

First thing I must say about this book is that it is so long to read. It takes me forever to read because it is so slow. The only excitement I had was in the beginning when she had to run away from home because the empress was getting suspicious that the Moon Goddess was hiding something. Which she was because she was hiding her daughter. The daughter is our main character in the whole book. It's also told in her perspective. Anyways I'm hoping this book picks up very soon. So far nothing has really happened. The story explains how she was hiding in this one house as an attendant for the daughter of the house because it's a noble's home. She is mistreated because everyone sees our main character as someone below them because she has no family background. The lie she has been telling people in order to keep her true identity a secret is that her parents are dead. Well she doesn't straight out say they are dead but doesn't correct people when they assume that they are dead. Anyways there is a competition to find someone worthy of becoming the crown prince's study companion and our lead character tries out for it. Much to the empress's displeasure, our main character wins the competition and works along side the crown prince as well as being his attendant. After working together for so long the two end up falling in love but their love story comes to an end when the emperor announces the arranged marriage of the crown prince. Our lead character feels hurt and betrayed to the point she leaves the crown prince and joins the army. And, that is pretty much where I left off. I am now going through her time in the army. I hate to say but so far I'm very disappointed in this book. I thought I would love it because of the mythology and folklore, but it is so slow. Nothing is happening in this book and I kind of feel like falling asleep when I read it. Let's hope it picks up the more I read.

So until next time....
