Hello Bookies,
I was strolling through my old posts and I completely forgot I started this series back in 2016. Why not bring it back? That way you can get an update on why I don't post as much as I should.
The reason I haven't posted much is because I can't seem to finish a book. I either take so long to read it that I have to return it to the library and then request it again. Or, I just didn't like the book. It's a cycle that happens a lot lately and I've very disappointed in some of the recommendations I was given. Don't get me wrong, I loved some of the recommendations I had gotten. But some of them did fall flat. Also some of the books I read were just out of my curiosity.
Now the reason why my posts aren't consistent is because I suffer from a thing called depression. I like to call it a little dark cloud looming over me when I get an episode. Episodes usually consist of me just wanting to stay in my bed all day and sleep. I really don't have the motivation to do anything when I have these episode. My mom literally has to force feed me because I don't even have the motivation to eat. I did go through a few spells over the past few months due to some stuff happening.
One of those things that caused an episode was the fact that one of my stories that I was posting online for feedback got stolen. Being a small poor writer that can't get thing properly copyrighted had no proof that the story was actually mine. So I lost that case. Now I'm scared to write again in fear that another story is just going to get ripped off. It also took my drive to read as well.
Also during that time I tried reading three books that just didn't cut it for me. I never finished them and left me wondering why I was reading in the first place. Which put me into another depressive episode. Because I love reading but those books just killed it for me for a while. It has been tough to get back into reading again and so far I haven't read a book to really get me back into reading yet. Hopefully I will find it soon.
But with the holidays coming up, I think my reading will be even more inconsistent. Between decorating, working, and planning a meal, it will be hard to fit time in for reading other than when I go to bed. But let's be honest, I'm pretty much too tired to do that most of the time.
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you all for sticking it through with me. I know it isn't easy when I post constantly one week or month and then go silent for twice as long. I'm trying my best with the cards I was given. Thanks again and I really appreciate all of you who give the time to read this blog.
P.S. I can't believe this blog has been around for eight years now. Come July 5th, 2023, this blog will hit it's ninth year mark. Where did the time go?