Hello Bookies,
This book is a trip. I can see why people would be confused by the book. The whole entire time you are wondering if the person is on drugs or if it is actually real. But my theory on that the whole book is a drug trip was kind of wrong. I won't tell you what is actually going on because it will ruin the whole twist at the end. Well, its not a twist really. It is more like a big reveal. How I was describing this book to people was that it's about a girl who joins a group of other girls. The girls are mean but they do try with Samantha. Anyway, you get exploding bunnies that turn into men. That isn't the main thing in the book but it really sticks to you because you are trying to figure out how it is possible. Wonder if the girls slipped something into Samantha's drink. But as confusing at the book is and how much it is a trip, I still enjoyed it. I wouldn't say that I would pick it up again because I now know what happens, but I still really liked it. It was an interesting concept and it really makes you think. Sadly, the book isn't quite five stars. I'm probably not going to give it four stars. Only because it didn't really draw me in. The book is as distant as the author made Samantha. It is like you want to love the book but it won't let you with all of its confusion. But I believe it or not, I would use this book as a study tool. What were the hints that foreshadowed the end? Stuff like that. I would love to analyze this book and figure out the clues I missed. But I do recommend this book if you want something that really makes you think.
So until next time....