Hey there Bookies,
It has been a while since I made a post like this. But this is one quick way to get through my TBR list. I have so many mangas and graphic novels I want to read so I'm going to include all of the ones I got in this post. So you can say this isn't an official manga post since we do have one graphic novel in this post, but it is just easier to include it.

The first one we are going to talk about is Yona of the Dawn vol. 1. I do not know much about this series because I just started it. But already I'm curious on what is going to happen. We have a princess named Yona who is the daughter of a timid king. The king has no sons and he has no queen to give him a son. Yona doesn't mention any siblings so I'm going to assume that she is the only child before the queen died. There is some hints of incest in the volume but it isn't too bad. Yona is pretty much in love with her cousin but when he is like the only guy she ever interacted with other than her guard, I can see why. Also in the time period that this book takes place, it's normal. History is a wonderful thing. Anyways Yona turns 16 and wants to convince her father to let her marry Su-won, her cousin. Her father has refused before because he can't trust him. He doesn't say it out loud but you get the idea with what he says. Anyways as a birthday gift, Su-won gives Yona a hairpin and kills her father. Yona is shocked by it and her guard does his best to keep her safe. But now that Su-won is taking over the kingdom, Yona and her guard must figure out what to do next. You know that I got the second volume requested.

The next book I read was the graphic novel called Demon in the Wood. This is kind of the prequel to the whole Shadow and Bone series. I know there is a regular book for this graphic novel or at least I'm pretty sure there is. I didn't look too much into it. But I've only watched the first season of Shadow and Bone. Yes, I'm admitting that I never read the books, but this is a good start into it. This just gives a small background on one of the characters in the Shadow and Bone series. It's how he travels with his mother and is always on the run. They have a power no one is familiar with and are either scared of it or want to control it. Eventually someone in the camp they are staying in finds out that he is an amplifier and tries to kill him. In a desperate way to survive he loses control of his power and ends up killing the person and another villager. In order to save himself and his mother, he injures himself and comes up with a story. The village then has to move on after the deaths in fear that they will be discovered. But this is where you get the realization that no place is safe for people like them. But our main character has decided that he is going to create a place that is safe for people like him. And that is how the story ends. Like I said this is a good way to introduce yourself into the Shadow and Bone series. It is a good motivation to pick up the book and see what is going to happen. Which I will be doing soon. Well, hopefully soon. Depends on my reading list.

Our next read is the manga Kagyua-sama: Love is War vol. 1. This is a cute one. We have two students that are the head of the student council in their school. Everyone in their school expect the two to be dating because they are always seen together. So the two play with the idea but neither want to confess feelings for each other. They see that whoever confesses first is the loser. The whole manga is them trying to get the other to confess. All the different situations are a good laugh and it is just cute how hard they try. Also most the time no one ends up winning or losing because something happens that ruins their plans. I look forward to the next volume because I want to see what else they will try to get one of them to confess first.

The last graphic novel/manga I read is Tomie 2. I enjoyed the first book of this series, so I thought it would be nice to get the next one. The adventures of Tomie have been really interesting. So interesting to the point I'm wondering if there is a way to actually kill her for good. The girl just keeps coming back no matter how many times she gets killed. I think once I'm done with this series, I'll look into more of Junji Ito's works. I'll just have to look up the titles to find them, I guess. So if you have suggestions, I'm all ears. As far as I can tell I enjoy the stories in this series but it takes a lot of thinking to understand what is going on. Making me take my time on the reading. If I remember correctly there is one more volume on in this series, but I will have to see if my work place has it. If not, it is on to the next book by Junji Ito.
So until next time....