Hello Bookies,
This book took me for a loop. I couldn't even put it down most of the time. Honestly I finished this book a few days ago but it took me for a spin that I needed time to process all that I read. This book has a few twists that I can't tell you about because it would ruin everything in the book. But the whole time you are trying to figure out who killed the three family members of Lenora Hope. Everyone thinks that Lenora Hope murdered everyone, but did she really? And, if she did, why? This book is told in two different point of views. We have our leading lady Kat or Kit. I can't remember because it has been so long. And the other point of view is a typed message or story by Lenora Hope. This book will give you a lot of theories and the ending will be something you never saw coming. I do recommend this book for those that love those mystery thrillers. I give this book a four out of five stars. Highly recommend.
So until next time....