the book starts out with our leading lady Ellie. She is throwing a party
and trying to ignore the emptiness she feels when she has too much
money and no parents around. Also Jamie McGuire wastes no time to turn
up the heat between Tyler Maddox and our leading lady. Their
relationship is complicated within the first few chapters. But I just
started the book, so I didn't get too far into the book. I stopped right
when Ellie realized that her parents have completely cut her off due to
their life coach Sally. Right away I don't like Sally and I can see why
Ellie doesn't like her. They could have left the girl with something to
survive on instead of just throwing her onto the streets to fend for
herself. Some life coach if you ask me. But I'm ready to see what drama
this book is going to hold. I'll let you guys know the moment that I
I think I should have gotten this book sooner if I wanted
to get back to reading. Anyways, I'm a little halfway through the book
and I can't put it down. But sadly work makes me do that. Anyways, our
leading lady is trying to turn a new leaf. It was a little rough to
begin with, but now she is doing pretty good. Not sure where the drama
fits in other than that her sister's ex keeps throwing in her face that
they did something neither of them can remember. My thought is that they
should just rip the band-aid off and just come clean with her sister.
That way her sister can appreciate the honesty and get over it. Or, hate
them forever. But I think she would be less angry if they just told her
instead of her finding out through someone else. That is something I
would want if that ever happened to me. But our leading lady rather keep
it a secret and pretend that it never happened. Instead she works hard
with her new job and slowly falling in love with Tyler Maddox. I don't
blame her though for falling in love with the Maddox brother. I love all
of them and they aren't even real. But I'm seeing where the past
mistakes come to ruin everything and who's mistakes are going to do it.
I'm halfway and there is still a whole lot of story to read.
I finished the book. It wasn't as dramatic as the other books in the
series, other than Tyler getting sick and tired of being pushed around
by our drunk of a leading lady. She knew she had a problem and I kind of
wish that instead of running away from it, she should have just gotten
the help that she needed. That way she didn't have to constantly push
Tyler away and give him constant excuses. Also her sister is a little
messed up to purposely try to sleep with Tyler as pay back for sleeping
with a guy that wasn't even dating her sister to begin with. But like I
said before, all of this could have all been avoided if there was
honesty instead of secrets. Also getting help sooner when people were
offering it. But then the book would be really short if that was the
case. Either way, I loved the book and I can't wait to get my hands on
the next one. I'm pretty sure I am almost done with the series. I think
there is only one book left and that kind of makes me sad unless Jamie
McGuire writes more in this series. But go check it out if you haven't
yet. The whole series is worth it and I'm sure you will fall in love
with the Maddox brothers as much as I have.
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