Cryptic Cravings


 This is a book that I actually remember mostly on what happened in the last book. Also I think I'm coming close to the end of this series. Thank the lord for that because my mature mind is like, "Really girl, you are only 16 and haven't even dated enough to know what love is." It's pretty much the same thing I say to my 14 year old sister who just started dating a guy two weeks ago and she loves him like no other. The only thing I can't remember when it comes to this book is what adventure it is about. I read it like a few days ago and I can't remember any of it. I guess I will just have to read in order to remember. But the book starts off right after the party of vampires and mortals. The vampires are all gone and no one had heard from them again. Now Raven has to do a small amount of damage control with her boyfriend and that is pretty much where I left off. Let's see where this story is going to go this time around.


Since the whole pandemic thing started and the library closing down, I have no idea what this book is about. I've skimmed a little bit and I kind of get the idea. Jagger and friends are going to start a vampire club in Raven's town and that is pretty much all I got. Also from the first few pages I read from where I left off, Becky is starting to get suspicious of what is all going on. She is trying to get pictures for Jagger's scrapbook for the club. Raven just has to figure out how to direct her from taking pictures of the vampires and uncovering their secret. And, that is about it so far. I would hate to say that I'm getting bored with this series, but I'm getting bored with this series. I know I'm almost finished with it, but what more can go on? Also if Raven decides to be a vampire after dating one guy I will never understand the minds of the younger generation. Everyone is so eager to find The One and don't focus on just living their lives. Sorry. Small rant. But reading this book just reminds me how stupid I once was at sixteen or seventeen years old. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to the end of this series. Not because I don't like it. I like it a lot but I think I'm too adult for this kind of series to fully enjoy. I used to love this series in high school and now I just can't do it justice because I can't have that same mindset that I had during high school.


I finished the book via ebook. I can't really remember all that happened in order to give a fair review, so I won't be adding more to this. Thank you for understanding. 

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