Daisy Jones and the Six


I could have sworn I made a post on this book but I guess I didn't. I must have started reading it and not bothered to let anyone know. To be honest, I just read a little bit of this book before bed when I can't sleep. Anyways, the book is okay so far. We got two groups of artists just trying to make it in the music world. I like to see a book talk about the industry like how it really is. Also I can see the flaws in this book. I have a background in the music industry, not as an artist, but I still saw how hard they work for their jobs. So in a way I can relate to this book. Talking about the long hours it takes to make music and then tour on the road. Sure this book takes place in the 70s but I can still relate. Now I'm going to share a very unpopular opinion here and a lot of people are probably going to hate me about it. Blame my background for it, but I can't see the hype about this book. Its okay and it is an interesting read. I don't hate it because I'm still reading it. But I also don't like it. It's in the two star area for me so far. Nothing fantastic has happened that made me think that this is a really good book. I'm taking my time trying to absorb it and see it for what it really is. But I don't see how everyone likes this book. Like I said before, you can blame my background in the music industry. My knee injury may have taken me out of the business but I still have passion for it. I'm sure things were different in the 70s but it still has that whole unrealistic feel to it. I know the book is fiction and everything in it is made up, but that isn't what I mean when I say unrealistic. I'm sure when people read this, they think it was so easy for these people to reach stardom so quickly. And I think that is what makes it feel unrealistic. It's like they get this one good song and they are on the high road to stardom. I wasn't really paying attention to how long it took between scenes but to me it felt too quick. I've seen groups spend twenty years to finally make a name for themselves. Twenty years of having some good albums that built them a good fanbase but not enough to be doing arenas. And again, I know this book is made up and the writer can do whatever they want. And it could have been completely different in the 70s. I wasn't there during that time. I don't even think my mother was old enough to have me yet during that time. But being halfway through the book, I just don't see it. I don't see why everyone I've watched on Youtube and TikTok love this book. It kind of makes me feel like I'm missing something here.


I have to be honest here. I thought the book was okay but not worth the hype it was given. Also I felt like it was mostly focused on Daisy and Billy the moment Daisy joined the group. There was a little bit of forbidden romance but it doesn't really play out. But it does show the struggle of someone trying to stay faithful to their significant other while trying to not fall of the rails. I give Billy props for not giving into his cravings to just go back to the drugs and the drinking. I've seen people close to me go through the same struggle and it isn't easy. It must be just as hard living a life of rock and roll. Also if you have a bandmate that was heavy into that scene and you are spending a lot of time with that person, Billy showed a lot of will power and I'm proud of him for it. You also don't find out how the book came to be until pretty much the end. It would have been nice to see how they came up with this idea instead of the person finally revealing themselves at the end. Even then they still didn't explain why they created this story in the first place. The book is interesting as a whole but not one of my favorites. I would recommend it as a good quick read. But I wouldn't push the recommendation. I was constantly told how good this book was and I had high expectations. Sadly the book didn't meet them. To me it fell flat and was a little disappointing. I'm probably one of the few that liked this book but enough to give it more than two stars. At least I can finally say I finished a book after being in a slump so long. 

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