Demon in the Woods


The next book I read was the graphic novel called Demon in the Wood. This is kind of the prequel to the whole Shadow and Bone series. I know there is a regular book for this graphic novel or at least I'm pretty sure there is. I didn't look too much into it. But I've only watched the first season of Shadow and Bone. Yes, I'm admitting that I never read the books, but this is a good start into it. This just gives a small background on one of the characters in the Shadow and Bone series. It's how he travels with his mother and is always on the run. They have a power no one is familiar with and are either scared of it or want to control it. Eventually someone in the camp they are staying in finds out that he is an amplifier and tries to kill him. In a desperate way to survive he loses control of his power and ends up killing the person and another villager. In order to save himself and his mother, he injures himself and comes up with a story. The village then has to move on after the deaths in fear that they will be discovered. But this is where you get the realization that no place is safe for people like them. But our main character has decided that he is going to create a place that is safe for people like him. And that is how the story ends. Like I said this is a good way to introduce yourself into the Shadow and Bone series. It is a good motivation to pick up the book and see what is going to happen. Which I will be doing soon. Well, hopefully soon. Depends on my reading list. 

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