

I'm off to the next book in the reading challenge. This is one of the bigger books I have to get through but I am confident. So far I got six out of twenty-five books done. Only 19 more to go. I am reading another one, well sort of. It's in my bag and I usually read it if I have nothing to do at work. Usually happens during the end of the day. Anyways, this is a book I've tried reading once or at least meant to. It was during my slump, so I didn't touch it. Now I get a chance to read it. If you are wondering which prompt this book falls under for the bingo card, it is the one that wants us to read a book that takes place in a school or university. As usual I don't know anything about the book because we want a legit reaction to the book. I just started so I'm curious on what adventures this book holds.


I'm not very optimistic when it comes to this reading challenge. I have a stack of books but this book took me at least four days to almost finish. I have a little over an hour left of it. A lot happens and I don't know what to say that won't ruin the book. Cath, our main character, is struggling as a writing. I feel that one, but she still loves her fanfiction. She is more active in that than working on her fiction writing class. Cath also gets to see her long lost mother and gave her a chance to talk things out. But just as Cath expected, she walked out instead. This meeting only happened because Cath's twin sister ended up in the hospital due to drinking too much. Which didn't go well with their father. He was tempted to take them out of college just to make sure Cath's sister didn't drink again. But he ended up putting his trust in them and let them finish up the semester. Now I am at the part where Cath is trying to build up her relationship with her boyfriend. That was a rollercoaster of wanting to slap the characters just to get them together. But now that they are together, I just want to slap Cath. She is too scared to do anything and even lose control. I just want to slap her and yell "Just go with the flow!" I hope things gets better with this girl. But the book gets three out of five stars from me. I liked it, but some parts kind of dragged on too much. Also the little inserts of a different story at the end of every chapter confused me at first but made more sense as I continued in the book. I understand why they were put in the book because Cath's life is wrapped around the characters of these inserts, but a little warning would have been nice. Instead they just throw it in there. Honestly, I don't think they are really that necessary and the book didn't really need them at all. But I totally get why the author put them in. This is still different from what I usually read, but I'm glad I read it. 

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