No Matter the Wreckage


I decided to do a different kind of book for my next read. I needed something a little short and easy to read after reading a book that was nearly 500 pages. So I had this book recommended to me through a video on Youtube and I thought I would give it a try. The cover looks simple and is actually simply beautiful. The book is also just a bunch of poems put into a book by the same author. I do like poetry and it has been a while since I read some. I'm a little excited to start this book. Will this //be to book that brings back my passion? I guess will will just have to find out.


I knew that this book was going to be a quick read. It also inspired me to write a little bit. The poems were beautiful and it reminded me why I like poetry. It also makes me wish I was good at it. I have a few favorites I will hold close for the times that I will need it. I'm not sure what to rank the book though. I got lost in the stories each poem told but not a whole lot of them gripped me. I might end up giving the book three stars. Only because I can't say much about the book. There really isn't anything to tell other than its full of poems that you can get lost in. I didn't want to put it down until I read every one it held and I didn't. But sadly it didn't ignite that passion I was looking for. I do recommend the book to those that love to read poetry. It is a beautiful collection. But that is all I can say. 

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