
I've really missed the character of One Piece and I'm happy to finally
be back to reading this series. I don't even remember all that has
happened. Like I can't even remember the battle with MR. 3 and how it
ended. I just know that it is over because this volume talks about how
they barely survived and are on their way off the island. But as soon as
they get off the island, Nami gets sick. So my first impression of the
book made me think that this whole volume was going to be their
adventure trying to find Nami a doctor that will lead them to their next
crew mate Chopper. But to see if I'm right, I had to read. The first
adventure they had was meeting up with Captain Wapol, who pretty much
starts eating their ship until Luffy blasts him off. But then after that
small encounter, they land on the island where their future doctor
Chopper is. This is all still review with me because I got pretty far
into the anime when it was on TV. I'm a big fan of One Piece and I can
see why it is still going on due to it's popularity. Anyways, the volume
ends with the start of the battle against Wapol. I forgot how this
ended, but that is how the volume ends. The battle about to begin and
then the giant snow bunnies start and avalanche. I'm ready for the next
volume and I can't wait to read it. If you have not checked out this
series or even the anime, feel free to go do that now. I highly enjoy it
and I am glad that it is so popular and still on going. I will be sad
when it finally comes to an end.
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