
I am not supposed to be typing due to my sprained finger, but I love you
guys enough to go against orders. Its been a while since I read this
series and also the other graphic novels. But after about halfway I
slowly started to remember what was going on in the whole story line.
These graphic novels are actually nice to read after you read the whole
series because it puts an image to what you are reading. I know there is
a movie out there somewhere, but I just haven't brought myself to look
for it. Maybe I am afraid that it will ruin this image in my head that
the books and graphic novels have put for me. I'll eventually bring up
the courage to do it. But for now, I'm just going to try to catch up on
my reading. Anyways, go check out the book series if you haven't yet and
check out the graphic novels if the books aren't really your thing. I'm
sure you will enjoy them either way.
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