The Fault in Our Stars


I grabbed another book I have yet to read on my bookshelf. Well, it was more like the huge pile on my desk of books I still need to read. I've been looking to reading this book when it turned into a movie. I don't remember much about what the book is about or the movie. All I can remember it deals with two characters finding love that are also suffering from cancer. I don't have high expectations with this book. Only because I have a history with books that everyone likes and I don't like them. We will just have to read the book and find out. Good thing I also got the audiobook for this book as well in case I lose the motivation to actually read the book.


I went through this book faster than I thought I would. It only took me two days with the audiobook. I did read some chapters myself but mostly did the audiobook. My old knee injury is acting up so I had a lot of time on my hands while I sat and iced my knee while keeping it bandaged up. Being immobile has its perks I guess. The book is exactly what I thought it was. A tragic romance between two teenagers suffering from an incurable disease. Hazel's cancer isn't so bad but her lungs are badly damaged from it though. Sadly her love only suffered from bone cancer that ended up spreading throughout his body like wildfire. Which you can guess what happened. I can see how this book got a movie deal. I do plan on watching the movie now that I read the book. It will be added with another movie based on a book I read. This book was kind of interesting to see life in a different point of view. There were also some funny parts that made me chuckle. I can't say that I loved the book but I did enjoy it. I'll give it about three out of five stars.

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