The Ocean at the End of the Lane


I'm currently doing a 48 hour reading challenge and I will have to say I'm not doing well with it, because life is busy to the point that it won't let me have time to read. Also I tend to have trouble focusing on one thing for a long time and that may also be a factor. But this book was the first book I read for the challenge. It took me longer than a day to read because well I'm a tired human being. I fell asleep while reading it. Not because the book was boring or anything, I just can't read laying down. The book follows a young boy and I don't think it ever said his name in the whole book. A lot of bad events happen to him following his failed birthday party, but then he meets a young girl at a farmhouse who lives in the house at the end of the lane. This girl introduces him to a world outside of his own but something goes wrong. Bad events start to happen and a new nanny comes to stay at their house. The nanny isn't what she seems to be and the boy goes to the little girl's family to help protect him from this nanny. The nanny ends up being this creature they encountered in the woods earlier in the book and she keeps saying how the boy belongs to her because she made her way home inside this boy. But then these hungry birds come, more known as cleaners, and they destroy the nanny but also try to go after the boy. The girl protects the boy from the birds but she gets hurt really bad. There is more to this story but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who wants to read it. I discovered this book through a video essay on Youtube and thought I should give it a read. Now this book is probably going to get a low rating because it was hard for me to focus on the true story behind this book. Maybe if I had a quiet house and a not so busy lifestyle, I would have been able to sit in a quiet room and really read the book. Really analyze what it was trying to tell me, but I couldn't. But I did still enjoy it. It was a good short read and I can proudly say that I have read two Neil Gaiman books now.

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