We Have Always Lived in the Castle


I'm reading a classic for my reading challenge. I don't know much about this book when I first got it. The cover just interest me. From what I have learned so far in the book is that we are following a young woman named Mary. She lives in an estate with her sister and uncle. Everyone in their village are scared of them or dislikes them for some reason. I think it has to do with the fact that the sister was accused of murdering her parents and other family members. Even though she was acquitted for the crime, people still talk about it behind their backs. Uncle Julian was also poisoned but he survived. Sadly the poison still took a toll on him and he is a lot weaker. He can't even really take care of himself. I guess the story is going to focus around this family and trying to figure out who poisoned the family using sugar. This is not something I would usually read, but at least I can say I finally read a classic book. 


There are benefits to waking up at four in the morning and waiting for someone else to wake up so you aren't so alone. I almost finished the book. I have about one or two chapters left. I think I know who killed the family but I'm not sure. The book doesn't outright tell you. Obviously I won't tell you who I think it is because that would ruin the whole book. Anyways, the sisters' lives get turned upside down when a family member that they lost touch with comes to visit. Mary doesn't like him because he is messing up everything that once was. She does try a few things to get rid of him because she doesn't like him at all. I don't blame her either. He does feel like he has different motives then just catching up with his cousins. He is really focused around money and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason for his visit. Especially when the house catches fire and his main concern is to save the safe and the contents inside it. The towns people are also very cruel because as the house burns, they decide to trash the house along with the fire. It was like they used the fire as an excuse to show what they really thought of the two sisters and their home. I'm curious on how this is all going to end now that the sisters don't have a home anymore. 

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