For those who didn't know, I'm back to reading Crave.
I'm also nice enough to post a picture to remind you what book I'm talking about. Anyways, our main character Savannah has found out that she is half vampire and half witch. Apparently she is the only one of her kind, and no one knows what is going to happen. And you know what happens when people don't know anything about it, they are practically shaking in their socks. Such a shame. Also you get a hint on how Tristan feels about Savannah. The boy has it bad is all I'm saying. I didn't get too far when I first started reading this book again. My grans isn't doing too well since she got home from her surgery last week. But I'll try to read more. Also if you haven't noticed, my mom made a new post for Glimmerglass. She was dragging her feet on it, so I made her do it. Then she couldn't remember anything she read. Maybe if she made her post sooner, we wouldn't have this problem. Anyways, go check out that post. I'm going to head out and pray that my mom takes me to go meet some authors on September 7th in Chicago. It would be really cool to get Beautiful Disaster signed by Jamie McGuire herself. So until next time....
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