Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hey Y'all

Okay here is the low down on what is going on. Home reno has started, so my reading time just got cut in half. I am pretty much done for the night because of a dead spider. I have a slight phobia of them, even if they are dead. I think it has to do with the one at my apartment that refused to die. Ended up calling it zombie spider and I refuse to experience that. Anyways, I can say that I did at least read two chapters out of Reckless. It was while the fam was in a meeting with my grans' doctor. So I feel very proud of myself for that. Also it is official. I'm taking a trip to Baltimore this summer. I'm pretty excited about that because its one step closer to actually moving there. Now if only I can convince my grandparents that I'm not going because of some guy. He may be living there now, but he wasn't when I decided to go. The blame for me need to move falls on one of my instructors back at the college I went to. Old people just don't understand sometimes. Anyways, I'm also writing another book. I am also going to be rewriting Elizabeth. I might as well since I haven't heard a thing about editing from my editor. He pretty much disappeared off the face of the Earth. Jerk. But I'm going to head out and work on a few more chapters. Maybe I'll post a picture of what I have so far. So until next time......

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