Friday, October 30, 2015

Hey y'all

Okay so I thought I post the small discussion my mother and I had today. We were talking about how some books are just not meant to be movies. I don't remember what brought up the conversation, but we had it none the less. So one book that I thought was good to read, but wasn't meant to be a movie, was Fifty Shades of Grey. I'll probably get a lot of hate for it, but that is my opinion. I think the book was just to be too detailed to be turned into a movie. The book is good. Like really good. But when I watched the movie, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Like it was those type of movies that you aren't supposed to watch that is hidden in your parents or older brother's closet in a shoe box. If just watching it by myself felt uncomfortable, I'd hate to see how I would feel in a room full of people. The Giver is another book I didn't think should of been turn into a movie. The movie was so way off the book that it kind of ruined it. Again, probably going to get a lot of hate for that. I had this whole image of what the world the book created that when I saw the movie, it kind of disappointed me. I mean it was maybe a little too futuristic for me. Now the books that were okay to be turned into movie are like the Harry Potter series, and City of Bones. Those movies I actually enjoyed even though they weren't exactly like the book, but it brought the idea to life. Another book would be Matilda. Loved the book and the movie was cute. Now I'm kind of curious if you guys feel the same or not about my examples. And, what other books did you think made good movies, or should of just stayed in the pages and your imagination.

Anyways, another discussion I had with my mom. We've been having them all week as we wait for our tickets for the upcoming All Time Low concert. It is making us very nervous and frustrated that they aren't here yet. So we decided to talk about my latest music addiction. It drives my mom nuts because she doesn't really care for it. I'm currently obsessed with K-pop right now. I find it quite catchy and its been helping with my writing lately. So anything to get Donny going, I'm okay with it. I'm also going to get a lot of crap for admitting it, but I don't care. I love listening to K-pop right now. Kind of makes me want to party and have fun. It also makes me what to go to South Korea and actually see one of these bands perform. But I'd rather be backstage to see it, because groups of people that size makes me nervous. Reason why I always have to be in the front row, on the side, or in the way back. I get so nervous that I start to panic and fall into a panic attack. But it would be cool to see one of the popular K-pop bands live. Even if I have no idea what the hell they are saying half of the time.

Okay that is it for about now. I'm going to head off to read the book I brought from home. Waking Beauty wasn't working for me at the time, so I picked up a murder mystery instead. I'm not going to get any books done at this rate. So until next time.......

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