Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Let's get personal #3

Yes, I'm a little late on the post, but that was because I was sick. But I'm all better now and playing catch up. I figured today's post would be based on my hopes and dreams. Only because I have so many to still accomplish and they say writing them down is the best motivation to get started on acheiveing them. So lets begin with the list, shall we?

1.) Going to Paris, France.
Its a childhood dream of me. Just like going to New York was one of them. But this one would have so much more meaning to me because I want to see all the art the city has to offer. Sure its the city of love, but the only romantic thing I dream about that involves Paris is getting proposed to under the eiffle tower. It would be nice, but it's not nessasary. What is nessasary is seeing the Mona Lisa in person along with other iconic pantings being on display there. And maybe travel the rest of Europe to see any other pieces of art that might not be at the art museum in Paris. Now that I think about it, is the Mona Lisa even at that museum?

2.)Performing on stage/in a movie.
This dream is a major impossiblity to me because I get major anxiety standing in a room full of people. And, to perform infront of them would have me completely paralyzed in fear. But I've always wanted to get over that fear and sing on stage. Maybe act in a movie. Something that would let me know that I got over my big hurdle and did the impossible. Sure I've sang for choir, but it's not the same to be up on stage by yourself. I couldn't even do a duet of two simple lines with out almost having a heart attack while in choir. But I do miss singing and I do want to take up acting. Maybe when I'm old and gray I'll finally get over my stage fright.

3.)Getting a book published.
This one isn't as far fetched as the first two, but its still a dream. To me, I feel like I'm not a good enough writer to get recgonized by publishing companies. So getting a book published would be amazing. Now if only I could complete a book enough to actually hand it in to see if I get published. That would help as well.

4.)Living a comfortable life.
What I mean by a comfortable life is that I don't want to work manual labor anymore. No more being at work at a set time for a certain amount of time. I want to be able to work my own hours and not have to worry about whether or not I was going to have enough money to last me until next pay day. I want to be able to do the things I want to do and spend money without having to worry whether or not I'll run out before I needed it to. That is what I mean by comfortable.

5.)This one is a cheesy one, but I thought I'd put it on my short list. I want to get married and start a family. Maybe even have a home on the beach so I can watch the sunset every evening. This has always been a dream of mine and it will forever be the most important on my list. I could tell you the house I dream of having in complete detail down to the last rose bush. Everytime I write a story I think of the names I would name my kids along with the kinds of people I would want them to marry themselves. This is the dream I am really hoping to acheive in the next year or so. It would be nice to have.

That is about it for now on my list. I wish I could write more, but I'm too tired. But if you want to knwo more of my dreams, just send me a quick email or comment on this post. Also I'm curious on what your five dreams are from the top of your head. Do we share the same kind of dreams? Or, do you want to acheive something that everyone else thinks is impossible to acheive? Let me know.

So until next time.....

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