Well Bookies,
Here is another series that I didn't get to finish and I haven't read for like two or three years. I'm not sure why I was putting off the ending of this series for so long. I hardly remember a whole lot. All I can remember in the series is that our main female character is named Katy and she moves to a town after the death of her father. I think that was the reason, I can't really remember. Anyways, she has some neighbors next door that don't really have any parents watching over them and they couldn't be more opposite. Daemon, the brother of the two kids living next door, is cold and acts like he hates Katy. But oddly she is highly attracted to him. His sister, I think Dee is her name, just wants to have a friend for once. So there is hell to be paid as secrets get revealed and baddies are after Daemon and his sister. The first book ends and I can't remember what took place in the second book but I think Daemon finally admits to his feelings and he starts dating Katy. I do know they get captured at one point by the government to get tested on or something like that. They escape somehow. End up on the run. I think there is marriage and babies involved in the last book. And that is all I can really remember except for all of the hell that broke loose in the last book during their escape. Now I'm at the last book and I have no idea what to think. I just know that the book is going to have a happy ending and that is pretty much it because what kind of book has a terrible ending where everyone dies? Don't answer that. I'm sure there are a few of them out there. But I'm going to go read now.
So until next time....
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Finished reading Maybe Not
Finishing three books in three days is not bad. It should be a record for me. Okay, maybe it isn't that impressive when the three books I read was two mangas and a short novel. But if it counts towards my reading challenge, I'll take it. Anyways, the book takes place during the first one. It just explains more about Warren's complicated relationship that took place in the first book that I'm sure a lot of readers had questions about. And I have to say that his relationship is pretty typical for two people who appeared to hate each other to actually loving each other. Also, I have to give our main girl some slack because she had a bit of a rough start and didn't trust anyone. I just found it funny that the more she tried to push Warren away, the more he chased after her. He wasn't going to give up without a fight. If only most guys were like that. Especially the ones I end up dating. They see trouble and they run the other way. Anyways, I can't really say much about the book since it's so short. But it is a very enjoyable quick read if you need it. So I do recommend reading this book and the first one. Colleen is a pretty good writer and I even suggest her books to the guests at the hotel I work at. I even suggested this book while I was reading it. That says a lot about how much of a fan I am of Colleen.
So until next time....
So until next time....
Started reading Maybe Not by Colleen Hoover
Hey there Bookies,
When was the last time I read a Colleen Hoover book? It has been a while I think. I can't even remember the last book I read that was by her. I think it was This Girl, but I could be wrong. Anyways, this is going to be a quick read. I only know this because this I guess takes place after Maybe Someday. Or, does it take during the time in that book but just with a different point of view. I don't really know. I only read like three pages of the book. So far I have Warren getting pranked by Ridge again and then running into a bathroom naked only to see they have a new roommate. If it didn't take me so long to get my hands on this book, I would probably remember what happened in Maybe Someday. I guess the only solution to my lack of memory is to read this book and pray that it will jog something useful up there.
So until next time...
When was the last time I read a Colleen Hoover book? It has been a while I think. I can't even remember the last book I read that was by her. I think it was This Girl, but I could be wrong. Anyways, this is going to be a quick read. I only know this because this I guess takes place after Maybe Someday. Or, does it take during the time in that book but just with a different point of view. I don't really know. I only read like three pages of the book. So far I have Warren getting pranked by Ridge again and then running into a bathroom naked only to see they have a new roommate. If it didn't take me so long to get my hands on this book, I would probably remember what happened in Maybe Someday. I guess the only solution to my lack of memory is to read this book and pray that it will jog something useful up there.
So until next time...
Manga post #12
Happy Holidays Bookies,
Sorry for not posting sooner. It took me a while to actually get my books from the library due to the holidays. Also sorry for not wishing anyone a happy holiday sooner because I didn't have time to even go on my computer. I love and hate the holidays. Just saying. Anyways, I was able to pick up my books yesterday and I already finished one. I'm pretty sure you can guess which ones were finished right away just by reading the title of this post.
Tokyo Ghoul was a little confusing at first for this volume. It took me a while to remember what the last one was about, but it was nice to see the history of Touka and her brother. I hope those two get along soon because family shouldn't fight. Also, I have to say that I thought her brother was older, not her. Learned something there. Anyways, I really like the series so far. I'm not sure how many volumes are left, but I have to say that I like the manga more than I like the anime. Still, haven't seen the live action film, but I do plan to as soon as I can. Right now I'm watching the Japanese version Live action film for Deathnote. So far I am not disappointed. Anyways, back to the manga, I have in my hands that I finished in like an hour. Our main character has shown up and pretty much saves the day....ish. Then he walks off in the end to pursue some personal business I guess with a selected few. I guess I will find out more about that in the next volume. Which I have already requested. I guess I need to finish my other books in order for me to find out what happens next in this series. I do highly recommend it because it is interesting. A little on the slow side, but still interesting. Sadly, not one of my favorites.
Nothing like getting the volume your favorite character is in. Sure he may have murdered his whole entire clan and traumatized his little brother for life, but I still find him the coolest character in the series. Hate me for it, I'm still an Itachi fan. Anyways, I remember some of it from the anime but it is still nice to read about. But after Itachi has his appearance the search for the new leader is back in motion. I know what the village leader is called, I just don't know how to spell it off hand. Anyways, Naruto also starts learning a new technique. And, he will keep training until he passes out which is pretty much what he is doing just so he can master this technique. Anything to become the best and have people respect you, I guess. Which reading this manga series makes me want to watch the anime and the movies all over again. It also makes me curious if there is a live action movie out there somewhere, only because I've been watching live-action films lately. It would be pretty cool to see how they would pull off this series in a live action film. I bet it would be awesome. But I'm going to head out. I have a lot to read and a live-action film of Tokyo Ghoul to finish.
So until next time.......
Sorry for not posting sooner. It took me a while to actually get my books from the library due to the holidays. Also sorry for not wishing anyone a happy holiday sooner because I didn't have time to even go on my computer. I love and hate the holidays. Just saying. Anyways, I was able to pick up my books yesterday and I already finished one. I'm pretty sure you can guess which ones were finished right away just by reading the title of this post.
Tokyo Ghoul was a little confusing at first for this volume. It took me a while to remember what the last one was about, but it was nice to see the history of Touka and her brother. I hope those two get along soon because family shouldn't fight. Also, I have to say that I thought her brother was older, not her. Learned something there. Anyways, I really like the series so far. I'm not sure how many volumes are left, but I have to say that I like the manga more than I like the anime. Still, haven't seen the live action film, but I do plan to as soon as I can. Right now I'm watching the Japanese version Live action film for Deathnote. So far I am not disappointed. Anyways, back to the manga, I have in my hands that I finished in like an hour. Our main character has shown up and pretty much saves the day....ish. Then he walks off in the end to pursue some personal business I guess with a selected few. I guess I will find out more about that in the next volume. Which I have already requested. I guess I need to finish my other books in order for me to find out what happens next in this series. I do highly recommend it because it is interesting. A little on the slow side, but still interesting. Sadly, not one of my favorites.
So until next time.......
Friday, December 22, 2017
Rereading The Devil Laughed by Gerrie Ferris Finger
Hello Bookies,
I didn't get a chance to pick up my books from the library before the holidays, so I'm stuck with the books I have until the place opens again. So I figured I make the posts for The Devil Laughed right this time around since I have to reread everything. I guess that happens after it being missing for two or three years.
The book starts off with our main character joining what I assume is her boyfriend at a cook out with some friends during the 4th of July. The weather apparently has been really hot and there has been a drought so bad that fireworks got cancelled and the lake that are at is really low. So low that they are able to spot a missing boat just sticking out of the water. There is quite a story behind the boat that is full of mystery and questions. Two couples were on the boat, they did some activites and then took off to never be seen again. Only to have a body wash up while the others are mysteriously gone along wiht the boat. There was a huge search party, but the boat was never found. Well, at least until now when the lake is really low. Anyways, our main character's friend knows that its big to find the missing boat that she just has to stick her nose into the investigation that is going on. But eventually the whole group gets directed away. Leaving them to discuss the situation and the history of the case while eating their 4th of July meal. I kind of remember this part and it all feels a little weird to me but they are all just throwing around ideas and theories at this point. But the next chapter introduces our main character meeting her new client. She has her own business to find missing children, but she ends up getting the daughter of one of the missing people looking to her for help in finding her mother. The daughter is sure her mother is alive and doesn't believe in the rumors. Her hope is even high strong when a body is found in the same lake the sailboat was found. I can't remember if they found out who the body was. I think they reveal it later on, but I'm not sure. But slowly things are starting to get back to me. But I'm going to head out and continue reading.
So until next time......
I didn't get a chance to pick up my books from the library before the holidays, so I'm stuck with the books I have until the place opens again. So I figured I make the posts for The Devil Laughed right this time around since I have to reread everything. I guess that happens after it being missing for two or three years.
The book starts off with our main character joining what I assume is her boyfriend at a cook out with some friends during the 4th of July. The weather apparently has been really hot and there has been a drought so bad that fireworks got cancelled and the lake that are at is really low. So low that they are able to spot a missing boat just sticking out of the water. There is quite a story behind the boat that is full of mystery and questions. Two couples were on the boat, they did some activites and then took off to never be seen again. Only to have a body wash up while the others are mysteriously gone along wiht the boat. There was a huge search party, but the boat was never found. Well, at least until now when the lake is really low. Anyways, our main character's friend knows that its big to find the missing boat that she just has to stick her nose into the investigation that is going on. But eventually the whole group gets directed away. Leaving them to discuss the situation and the history of the case while eating their 4th of July meal. I kind of remember this part and it all feels a little weird to me but they are all just throwing around ideas and theories at this point. But the next chapter introduces our main character meeting her new client. She has her own business to find missing children, but she ends up getting the daughter of one of the missing people looking to her for help in finding her mother. The daughter is sure her mother is alive and doesn't believe in the rumors. Her hope is even high strong when a body is found in the same lake the sailboat was found. I can't remember if they found out who the body was. I think they reveal it later on, but I'm not sure. But slowly things are starting to get back to me. But I'm going to head out and continue reading.
So until next time......
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
I found a missing book
Hey there Bookies,
You remember about two years ago I lost a book that I was reading because my family had a habit of hiding books on me. Well that missing book has been found. Sadly it has been so long that I might have to reread it though. Maybe skimming through it will help jog the memory about the book. I tried reading what I had wrote previously on about the book and I have to say that I suck back then. I don't give any information on the book. No wonder you guys don't read my blog that often.
Anyways the book in quesitons is The Devil Laughed. I'm not sure where it has been hiding all of these two years but it magically appeared one day. My gramps must have found it thinking it was my cousins or something. He probably found it going through my grans' things after she passed, then placed it on her desk waiting for some one to claim it. I was so happy to see the book after so long. It's a shame that it took going through my deceased grandmother's things in order to find it. But now I can finally finish the book. Time for a happy dance.
So until next time.......

Anyways the book in quesitons is The Devil Laughed. I'm not sure where it has been hiding all of these two years but it magically appeared one day. My gramps must have found it thinking it was my cousins or something. He probably found it going through my grans' things after she passed, then placed it on her desk waiting for some one to claim it. I was so happy to see the book after so long. It's a shame that it took going through my deceased grandmother's things in order to find it. But now I can finally finish the book. Time for a happy dance.
So until next time.......
Done reading Deep
Hello Bookies,
This book is just a huge dramatic complicated mess. I love it. Anyways, I'm actually sad to finish this book. I was really enjoying it. And, yes, I looked up to see if there was more to the series even thought I knew that there wasn't any more. I was still hoping. I really wish that there was more. But this is just another series that I was sad to see finished. The book kept me on my toes and had me thinking that things were going to go smoothly in the beginning after the crazy prologue. But once the drama came, it just kept on coming. But I do highly recommend the series and I'm sad that it took me so long to finish it. But go check it out. Find out about the drama yourself because I would just ruin the book if I told you everything that went on. All I can say is that Ben finally came to his senses and then came in his sister and ruined it. The witch. But everything works out in the end. Now I'm just going to go twiddle my thumbs and wonder what I'm going to go do for the rest of my time while waiting for the next batch of books to come in at the library. And, maybe question my life after reading this fabulous book.
So until next time.......
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Reading Deep
I'm sorry Bookies,
I made a slight mistake in the last post about this book. But do you blame me? It has been forever since I read the series. So I guess she was the sister of the person who married the drummer. Not the guitarist. At least I got the sister part right. Anyways, now that my mistake has been corrected, let's talk about the story. Which started off pretty funny by the end of the prologue. Anyways, the next few chapters explain how the two end up together and it leads up to what happened between them Then we find out that Ben didn't get told the news the way Liz had planned. He also didn't take the news all that well. It ended up with him drunk and at out main female character's home. That is where she finds out that he doesn't want kids and she feels even more disappointed and upset with herself. I hope this story ends up better than it has been so far. Because I am really hating Ben at the moment.
So until next time.....
I made a slight mistake in the last post about this book. But do you blame me? It has been forever since I read the series. So I guess she was the sister of the person who married the drummer. Not the guitarist. At least I got the sister part right. Anyways, now that my mistake has been corrected, let's talk about the story. Which started off pretty funny by the end of the prologue. Anyways, the next few chapters explain how the two end up together and it leads up to what happened between them Then we find out that Ben didn't get told the news the way Liz had planned. He also didn't take the news all that well. It ended up with him drunk and at out main female character's home. That is where she finds out that he doesn't want kids and she feels even more disappointed and upset with herself. I hope this story ends up better than it has been so far. Because I am really hating Ben at the moment.
So until next time.....
Friday, December 15, 2017
Started reading Deep by Kylie Scott
Hey there Bookies,
I know it has been a while since I read a Kylie Scott book. I blame the fact that I had to wait for my library to get the book and then I had the huge holds list that kept me from getting my hands on this book. But I finally have it. If I remember correctly, this is the last book in the series since all of the other members of the group are either married or have found the person they want to be with forever. This one is going to be an interesting one. Because if I remember correctly, the sister of our guitarist's wife is having a love affair with the bassist of the band. Which leads to this story. There is going to be a lot of drama in this book. I can just feel it. But I shouldn't make myself wait for too long or I might forget to read it.
So until next time.....
I know it has been a while since I read a Kylie Scott book. I blame the fact that I had to wait for my library to get the book and then I had the huge holds list that kept me from getting my hands on this book. But I finally have it. If I remember correctly, this is the last book in the series since all of the other members of the group are either married or have found the person they want to be with forever. This one is going to be an interesting one. Because if I remember correctly, the sister of our guitarist's wife is having a love affair with the bassist of the band. Which leads to this story. There is going to be a lot of drama in this book. I can just feel it. But I shouldn't make myself wait for too long or I might forget to read it.
So until next time.....
Manga Post #11
I know it has been a while, but I'm back to reading mangas. I had to finish the books I had first before I could continue reading the series I had. But now I have my hands on them and ready to continue the adventures that these mangas hold.
It's been a while to the point that I almost forgot what had happened in the last volume. Anyways the attack against the village has come to an end. Sadly, not everyone escaped unscathed. It still gets me at the funeral scene even if I was reading it this time around and not watching it in the anime. It still tugs at my heartstrings. But at least Naruto saved his friends from death, but it just makes one of them angry and wants to do better. Also in this volume, my favorite character shows up. It is just an introduction to him and it just makes me all the more excited to read the next volume. I think someone mentioned that my favorite character eventually goes good and sacrifices himself to save the village. But I don't know how accurate that is until I actually finish the series. Either way, I enjoyed the manga, but I have to admit that it is kind of dragging on at this point. I know in the anime this was a slow period before something huge happens. I think I'm getting close to the part where Suske (sorry if I spelled the name wrong) runs off to join the bad guys because he wants more power to kill his brother. I'm not sure, but the only way to find out is to read more.
I first have to mention that the cover of this volume looks pretty cool. I'm not sure why, but it does. Anyways, this is another series I almost forgot what was going on because it has been so long. But after a few pages, I remembered how the other one had ended and I'm like "oh yeah, now it makes sense". In the previous volume, our main character gets held captive by a bunch of bad ghouls. He is currently being held against his will thinking that he was saving lives by giving himself up. Sadly, his torture is in complete vain when the people he tried to save is killed right in front of him. Also during this time, he is slowly losing his sanity. Even to the point that he is seeing Rize. But eventually, he fights his way out of the sticky situation just as the investigators are battling it out with the bad ghouls. I wonder what our main character's friends will think of him after they see what his torture has done to him. Now I'm just wondering whether or not our main character is going to be reunited with his friends while on the battlefield or will it be back in ward 20. Who knows? But I like how the volume ended with a bit of a cliffhanger by bringing in this supposed one-eyed ghoul that is like our main character.
That is all for now, I have other things to read but it was nice to get back to my mangas after such a long time. But I'm going to head out for now.
So until next time......
It's been a while to the point that I almost forgot what had happened in the last volume. Anyways the attack against the village has come to an end. Sadly, not everyone escaped unscathed. It still gets me at the funeral scene even if I was reading it this time around and not watching it in the anime. It still tugs at my heartstrings. But at least Naruto saved his friends from death, but it just makes one of them angry and wants to do better. Also in this volume, my favorite character shows up. It is just an introduction to him and it just makes me all the more excited to read the next volume. I think someone mentioned that my favorite character eventually goes good and sacrifices himself to save the village. But I don't know how accurate that is until I actually finish the series. Either way, I enjoyed the manga, but I have to admit that it is kind of dragging on at this point. I know in the anime this was a slow period before something huge happens. I think I'm getting close to the part where Suske (sorry if I spelled the name wrong) runs off to join the bad guys because he wants more power to kill his brother. I'm not sure, but the only way to find out is to read more.
I first have to mention that the cover of this volume looks pretty cool. I'm not sure why, but it does. Anyways, this is another series I almost forgot what was going on because it has been so long. But after a few pages, I remembered how the other one had ended and I'm like "oh yeah, now it makes sense". In the previous volume, our main character gets held captive by a bunch of bad ghouls. He is currently being held against his will thinking that he was saving lives by giving himself up. Sadly, his torture is in complete vain when the people he tried to save is killed right in front of him. Also during this time, he is slowly losing his sanity. Even to the point that he is seeing Rize. But eventually, he fights his way out of the sticky situation just as the investigators are battling it out with the bad ghouls. I wonder what our main character's friends will think of him after they see what his torture has done to him. Now I'm just wondering whether or not our main character is going to be reunited with his friends while on the battlefield or will it be back in ward 20. Who knows? But I like how the volume ended with a bit of a cliffhanger by bringing in this supposed one-eyed ghoul that is like our main character.
That is all for now, I have other things to read but it was nice to get back to my mangas after such a long time. But I'm going to head out for now.
So until next time......
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Almost done reading Bad For You
I went through this book faster than I thought I would. Only because of the fact that all of the other books I have read had taken me soo long to read. Anyways, I thought that this book wasn't really going to have big-time drama in it after all the denying took place. But I was wrong. Abbi Glines throws something unexpected into the storyline that makes you pretty much have to sit back and ask yourself what the hell did you just read? I'm kind of sad that this moment happened close to the end of the book, meaning that things are going to get interesting really quick and hopefully be resolved real quick. I'm not done with the book yet, but I literally had to tear myself away just to write this post. I need to know what is going to happen next. So I'm going to make this short and finish this book. I highly recommend it and the series. I think I'm even almost done with it, making me think what series is going to take its place. But I'm sure I will find another one. Either way, Abbi Glines doesn't really disappoint with her books and I look forward to reading the next book in the series and any other books she has written.
So until next time.....
Monday, December 11, 2017
Started reading Bad For You by Abbi Glines
Let's hope that this book doesn't take me forever to read. I have been having that problem lately. Anyways, I just started reading the book and after the first two chapters, I already feel sorry for the main female character. Her whole life she was told that she was ugly and leaked sin. What kind of person would do that to someone? And, then blame them for everything that went wrong. Anyways, luckily our female lead ends up getting a new start after her foster mom dies. Her foster dead ships her away so he doesn't have to deal with her. The whole entire time of her thinking it was because she was ugly and that no one wanted to look at her. The whole town she grew up in hated her because of rumors that were spread by her foster mom. I say, the girl deserves a fresh start. And maybe some respect that she deserves. But she has already met Krit in this series and I know for a fact that this book is going to be a rollercoaster ride. Most of them are and I can't wait to read about it. I might as well wrap up here and officially dive into the book.
So until next time.....
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Almost done reading Be With Me
The main character in this book has pretty much been given hell. I could tell you all that she goes through but that would just ruin the story. I will hint at a few events though. Like the fact that she loses any chance of achieving her dreams because of her roommate's stupid boyfriend. Then she finds said roommate in a very traumatizing way. Only to have the guy she loves confess his feelings for her and then dumps her. I take back saying this book was too predictable. A few of these events I didn't see coming. I wouldn't blame our main character if she decided to give up and just go home. That would probably be something I would have done. Either that or go crying to my older brother so he can kick his best friend's butt for being stupid. But I'm not done with the book yet and Jase still has a few secrets that need to be revealed. But do highly recommend reading this series. You can even read the books on their own and not be too lost. But go check out this book and the one before it which is Cam's story.
So until next time...
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Reading Be With Me
I feel like my life sucks right now. That it sucks too much that I can't even read. Sorry for putting it out there, but it kind of felt good to say it. Anyways, sorry for taking forever to just get a third of the way through the book. Things are pretty busy on the home front since my mother got sick. I'm stuck taking care of my younger siblings and they don't make it easy to sit back and read. I'm going to need a few glasses of good wine when my mom finally gets back recovering from her surgery. She also owes me big time.
The book is quite interesting. There is the whole "I can't be with you because of something going on with my past, but I'll like and say that it's because you are best friend's little sister" kind of vibe going on. I saw called the real story of the little brother too. That was predictable. But most romance stories are. Now the question is, why all the shame and secrecy? Guess I have to read more on that. But not a whole lot happens in the first third of the book. Probably because the main purpose is to just introduce the characters and give a little bit of a backstory. But now that the cat is out of the bag, things are about to get interesting. Sorry for the short post. I promise to make the next one longer and more worth your while.
So until next time.....
Monday, November 6, 2017
Started reading Be With Me by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Hello Bookies,
Writing season is upon us and I'm writing like crazy. I am working on my grandma's story that she wanted me to write for her before she died. But I thought I would take a break and catch up on my reading.
I know this book is part of a series and I don't remember what happened in the first book. Because I'm an idiot. Also, it has been a while since I read the first book. Anyways, from what I read on the back this has to do with the sister of the main male character of the first book. She apparently has a crush on his best friend and right away you learn that they shared a kiss. I don't know when this kiss was shared or how, but I'm sure the book will explain more. I hope. I just started the book and I'm only a few pages in. But I do know that Jennifer L Armentrout never disappoints with her books. We are talking about the author who wrote my favorite series. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to start this book. I hope it doesn't take me so long to read it because my life is such a mess. I don't know what I would do without my books.
So until next time.....
Writing season is upon us and I'm writing like crazy. I am working on my grandma's story that she wanted me to write for her before she died. But I thought I would take a break and catch up on my reading.
I know this book is part of a series and I don't remember what happened in the first book. Because I'm an idiot. Also, it has been a while since I read the first book. Anyways, from what I read on the back this has to do with the sister of the main male character of the first book. She apparently has a crush on his best friend and right away you learn that they shared a kiss. I don't know when this kiss was shared or how, but I'm sure the book will explain more. I hope. I just started the book and I'm only a few pages in. But I do know that Jennifer L Armentrout never disappoints with her books. We are talking about the author who wrote my favorite series. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to start this book. I hope it doesn't take me so long to read it because my life is such a mess. I don't know what I would do without my books.
So until next time.....
Friday, November 3, 2017
Almost done reading Catching Fire
Long time no see Bookies,
I'm back from vacation and I know I posted once while I was in Oklahoma. But things got crazy when I got back to my home state. Turns out I don't do much reading when I'm home or visiting my ill mother in the hospital. I actually thought I would have all of my books from the library done by now. Guess not. Anyways, things are still crazy but I'm back at work and that means I'm back at reading hardcore.
I'm almost done reading Catching Fire, finally. I can see that they went way off the book with this one when making the movie. I can only imagine what the third book is going to be like. Anyways, this book mainly focuses on their everyday life than the actual games. Making the book extremely slow. You don't even get into the games until you are about three quarters through the book. Then it just doesn't feel long enough. Sure you don't need a whole lot to imagine all the hell they are going through, but it would still be nice to read a little bit more of the excitement. Either way, I'm not a huge fan of the book or the movie. I can see the excitement for something new, but I don't find them that memorable. But you are all free to check out the book if you feel like it. Don't let my non-fanism get in the way of your next favorite read. I'm off to read my next book.
So until next time.....
I'm back from vacation and I know I posted once while I was in Oklahoma. But things got crazy when I got back to my home state. Turns out I don't do much reading when I'm home or visiting my ill mother in the hospital. I actually thought I would have all of my books from the library done by now. Guess not. Anyways, things are still crazy but I'm back at work and that means I'm back at reading hardcore.
I'm almost done reading Catching Fire, finally. I can see that they went way off the book with this one when making the movie. I can only imagine what the third book is going to be like. Anyways, this book mainly focuses on their everyday life than the actual games. Making the book extremely slow. You don't even get into the games until you are about three quarters through the book. Then it just doesn't feel long enough. Sure you don't need a whole lot to imagine all the hell they are going through, but it would still be nice to read a little bit more of the excitement. Either way, I'm not a huge fan of the book or the movie. I can see the excitement for something new, but I don't find them that memorable. But you are all free to check out the book if you feel like it. Don't let my non-fanism get in the way of your next favorite read. I'm off to read my next book.
So until next time.....
Friday, October 20, 2017
Reading Catching Fire
Hello Bookies,
I'm here writing while I'm on vacation and I've learned that you don't actually read much while traveling. Also, it is kind of hard when visiting with family because all they want to do is talk to you. It's kind of funny. Anyways, I was able to get about a third of the way through the book and not a whole lot has happened. I feel like these books go so much slower than the movies. But that is why it is always a bad idea to watch the movie before the book. Anyways I know the books are good, but I'm still not a fan of them. I just don't like books that focus on all of the details, but I can see why it is needed in most cases. Sometimes it's just not necessary. Anyways, from what I can remember from all that I read, Katniss is home and adjusting to everyday life as a victor. Snow threatens her right before she heads off on her Victory Tour. Katniss learns about the uprising in District 8 at the end of the tour while having a meal at the mayor's house in District 12. Katniss gets in a fight in the woods with Gale because she wants Peeta to runaway with them. Gale gets whipped because he went to trade in the turkey he shot. Katniss tries to stop it but almost gets punished in the process until Haymitch says something. Katniss thinks she loves Gale, but then she feels guilty for hurting Peeta. Then she is back to Gale. Typical sixteen-year-old stuff who shouldn't know much about love. She meets people who are running away to District 13. And I finished off with Katniss trying to figure out what to do since the fence is on. She even almost walks into it because she was so lost in her thoughts. That was probably the only interesting part in the story so far. I really hate to give books bad reviews. I'm just going to tell myself that this isn't a bad post. It's more like me trying to figure out if I like it or not.
So until next time......
I'm here writing while I'm on vacation and I've learned that you don't actually read much while traveling. Also, it is kind of hard when visiting with family because all they want to do is talk to you. It's kind of funny. Anyways, I was able to get about a third of the way through the book and not a whole lot has happened. I feel like these books go so much slower than the movies. But that is why it is always a bad idea to watch the movie before the book. Anyways I know the books are good, but I'm still not a fan of them. I just don't like books that focus on all of the details, but I can see why it is needed in most cases. Sometimes it's just not necessary. Anyways, from what I can remember from all that I read, Katniss is home and adjusting to everyday life as a victor. Snow threatens her right before she heads off on her Victory Tour. Katniss learns about the uprising in District 8 at the end of the tour while having a meal at the mayor's house in District 12. Katniss gets in a fight in the woods with Gale because she wants Peeta to runaway with them. Gale gets whipped because he went to trade in the turkey he shot. Katniss tries to stop it but almost gets punished in the process until Haymitch says something. Katniss thinks she loves Gale, but then she feels guilty for hurting Peeta. Then she is back to Gale. Typical sixteen-year-old stuff who shouldn't know much about love. She meets people who are running away to District 13. And I finished off with Katniss trying to figure out what to do since the fence is on. She even almost walks into it because she was so lost in her thoughts. That was probably the only interesting part in the story so far. I really hate to give books bad reviews. I'm just going to tell myself that this isn't a bad post. It's more like me trying to figure out if I like it or not.
So until next time......
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Manga Post #10
I'm pretty sure I'm going to have everything read by the time I get to Oklahoma in two days. I sure hope not, but it's a possibility. Work is going so slow that I've read a whole book in four hours. FOUR HOURS!!! That is probably a record for me. But in the book's defense, it was only a little under 200 pages. But still. It shouldn't take me that long to read a book. We should be so busy that it takes me all day, instead, I'm reading. And, really thinking this is a waste of time.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a few guest judge me for reading this if they don't already. But I don't really care. It strikes up a conversation with my fellow nerds who walk through the lobby. Anyways, now I'm learning some new things. Kind of. This is where everything was kind of on and off for me when I was watching the Anime. Some I remember, some I don't. I do remember the flashbacks that explained Gaara's past. I'm sure the more I read the series, the more it will look familiar to me. I'm just waiting for Itachi to finally show up in the series. I know it's short-lived, but he's still my favorite character for some reason. What can I say? I love the villains in any story for some reason. Even in some movies, I love the villains. That probably says a lot about me. And, not in a good way. Anyways, the fight between Naruto and Gaara are now underway. I have a feeling that this is going to go faster than it did in the anime. Only because reading mangas are so much quicker than waiting a whole day for a new episode. Maybe that is why I stopped watching the anime. I just didn't like the waiting all that much.
I had to stop my little brother from taking this book from me. I don't think he is quite ready to read something like this until he is a little bit older. I'm sure it's not that bad, but I don't want to get yelled at by my mom. Better safe than sorry. Anyways, there is a new crazy investigator in town. Also, more ghouls causing trouble. Honestly, I really don't know what to say that won't ruin the whole volume and series. But I will say that our main character gets kidnapped by someone that Touka knows. I'm sure most of you know already who it is. Honestly, I don't know how long this series has actually been out. Anyways, things are pretty intense with this whole organization in the ghoul world that is killing the investigators and them trying to show that ghouls are more superior. Our main character gets dragged into the mess and he even sacrifices himself. The way that the volume ended had me asking for more, but I can't get the next volume until after I get back from Oklahoma. Which kind of makes me sad. I guess I just have to sit and wait then. I hate waiting.
So until next time......
I'm pretty sure I'm going to have everything read by the time I get to Oklahoma in two days. I sure hope not, but it's a possibility. Work is going so slow that I've read a whole book in four hours. FOUR HOURS!!! That is probably a record for me. But in the book's defense, it was only a little under 200 pages. But still. It shouldn't take me that long to read a book. We should be so busy that it takes me all day, instead, I'm reading. And, really thinking this is a waste of time.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a few guest judge me for reading this if they don't already. But I don't really care. It strikes up a conversation with my fellow nerds who walk through the lobby. Anyways, now I'm learning some new things. Kind of. This is where everything was kind of on and off for me when I was watching the Anime. Some I remember, some I don't. I do remember the flashbacks that explained Gaara's past. I'm sure the more I read the series, the more it will look familiar to me. I'm just waiting for Itachi to finally show up in the series. I know it's short-lived, but he's still my favorite character for some reason. What can I say? I love the villains in any story for some reason. Even in some movies, I love the villains. That probably says a lot about me. And, not in a good way. Anyways, the fight between Naruto and Gaara are now underway. I have a feeling that this is going to go faster than it did in the anime. Only because reading mangas are so much quicker than waiting a whole day for a new episode. Maybe that is why I stopped watching the anime. I just didn't like the waiting all that much.
I had to stop my little brother from taking this book from me. I don't think he is quite ready to read something like this until he is a little bit older. I'm sure it's not that bad, but I don't want to get yelled at by my mom. Better safe than sorry. Anyways, there is a new crazy investigator in town. Also, more ghouls causing trouble. Honestly, I really don't know what to say that won't ruin the whole volume and series. But I will say that our main character gets kidnapped by someone that Touka knows. I'm sure most of you know already who it is. Honestly, I don't know how long this series has actually been out. Anyways, things are pretty intense with this whole organization in the ghoul world that is killing the investigators and them trying to show that ghouls are more superior. Our main character gets dragged into the mess and he even sacrifices himself. The way that the volume ended had me asking for more, but I can't get the next volume until after I get back from Oklahoma. Which kind of makes me sad. I guess I just have to sit and wait then. I hate waiting.
So until next time......
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Almost done reading Never, Never Part 3
I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with Silas at this point. At this point in the story, Silas has to make Charlie love him all over again. It's something that literally tugs at your heartstrings. I can't help but smile to myself as I picture everything that is going on in my head. I'm sure I have a few guests give me questioning looks since I'm reading while at work. It kind of makes me sad that I will be finishing this book soon in about ten pages. Also I wish I can find someone that is like Silas, or at least similar. Maybe not. I really don't know what I want. But right now, I really hope that this book has a good ending. I'm sure it does. Or, there will be some very unhappy readers out there in the world. Anyways, I highly recommend the series of books. I can't say they are for everyone, but they are still pretty good. I'm glad that I finally read and finished the series, but I'm also a little sad. I might actually buy the books when I get a chance. Either way, I think you guys should check out the books. They might become one of your favorite reads. I know that they are some of mine.
So until next time.....
I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with Silas at this point. At this point in the story, Silas has to make Charlie love him all over again. It's something that literally tugs at your heartstrings. I can't help but smile to myself as I picture everything that is going on in my head. I'm sure I have a few guests give me questioning looks since I'm reading while at work. It kind of makes me sad that I will be finishing this book soon in about ten pages. Also I wish I can find someone that is like Silas, or at least similar. Maybe not. I really don't know what I want. But right now, I really hope that this book has a good ending. I'm sure it does. Or, there will be some very unhappy readers out there in the world. Anyways, I highly recommend the series of books. I can't say they are for everyone, but they are still pretty good. I'm glad that I finally read and finished the series, but I'm also a little sad. I might actually buy the books when I get a chance. Either way, I think you guys should check out the books. They might become one of your favorite reads. I know that they are some of mine.
So until next time.....
Started reading Never Never: Part 3 by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher
Hello Bookies,
I got a huge stack from the library in preparation for my road trip tomorrow. Sadly, I think I'm going to finish some of these books before the road trip even starts. One of those books is probably going to be Never Never: Part Three. I'll probably finish it while I am at work. I can only mess around on the computer for so long before I start getting really bored. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to finally find out what the hell has been going on in the story. Why are they losing their memories? What is it that needed to be forgotten? Will they ever finish the never-ending chain? If they do break it, how do they do it? So many questions that I'm on the edge of my seat just dying to dive into this book. Both Collen and Tarryn don't disappoint with this book and I even requested on of Tarryn's books from the library so I am not in the complete dark with her. High expectations there. Anyways, enough rambling. I have a book to read.
So until next time.....
I got a huge stack from the library in preparation for my road trip tomorrow. Sadly, I think I'm going to finish some of these books before the road trip even starts. One of those books is probably going to be Never Never: Part Three. I'll probably finish it while I am at work. I can only mess around on the computer for so long before I start getting really bored. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to finally find out what the hell has been going on in the story. Why are they losing their memories? What is it that needed to be forgotten? Will they ever finish the never-ending chain? If they do break it, how do they do it? So many questions that I'm on the edge of my seat just dying to dive into this book. Both Collen and Tarryn don't disappoint with this book and I even requested on of Tarryn's books from the library so I am not in the complete dark with her. High expectations there. Anyways, enough rambling. I have a book to read.
So until next time.....
Monday, October 16, 2017
Started reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Hello Bookies,
This book doesn't look as big as I thought it would. So I might actually be able to finish it pretty quickly. Probably too quick since I have a 14-hour ride down to Oklahoma in a few days. Anyways, I'm still not a huge fan of the books. The first one felt like it took forever to read. Like it dragged on and focused more on the details than on the actual story. I'm hoping the second book is a bit better. I also don't expect it to follow the movies because we are dealing with Hollywood here. They don't follow any books to the T. Wish they would, but they just don't. Anyways, I've only read the first chapter and so far it is okay. I can't say much because it is only the first chapter. I don't know if I'm feeling the book until I'm about halfway. First impressions are that my expectations for this book are very low.
So until next time.....
This book doesn't look as big as I thought it would. So I might actually be able to finish it pretty quickly. Probably too quick since I have a 14-hour ride down to Oklahoma in a few days. Anyways, I'm still not a huge fan of the books. The first one felt like it took forever to read. Like it dragged on and focused more on the details than on the actual story. I'm hoping the second book is a bit better. I also don't expect it to follow the movies because we are dealing with Hollywood here. They don't follow any books to the T. Wish they would, but they just don't. Anyways, I've only read the first chapter and so far it is okay. I can't say much because it is only the first chapter. I don't know if I'm feeling the book until I'm about halfway. First impressions are that my expectations for this book are very low.
So until next time.....
Manga Post #9
I'm still looking for recommendations for a new Manga series to read. Make sure you guys leave your suggestions on that so that we don't keep talking about the same two mangas every time I have a library pick up.
I think I'm still in the refresher stage with this series. Still, nothing I haven't seen in the anime yet. I know that the animes sometimes are different from the mangas but this time around it is pretty accurate. Anyways, the village is under attack and the 4th Hokage has to fight his fallen comrades slash teachers. Anyways, things are going into chaos. Naruto is also on his way to help any way he can. I'm pretty sure that this volume is still going to be a refresher for me. So the post is going to be pretty short. Only because I am not really learning anything new. I just have good compliments to whoever made the anime because they did a really good job following the story. I just wish that there was more I can say because I feel like I should so that the post isn't so short. I'm hoping that the next volume will have something new in it. I'm pretty sure everyone has either read or watched the anime by now and we all know what happens after the attack on the village. But, I do have to admit that the volume I got was missing some pieces. Why would someone tear pieces out of a book? It's kind of heartbreaking to see. But it's something I can't help. Good thing I know what most of the story that is going on that I don't end up confused. I think this is the third Naruto volume I had to deal with something missing. The disrespect is real.
I started the anime series for Tokyo Ghoul and I don't hate it, but I don't like that it doesn't follow the mangas. I couldn't watch it without complaining to my mom about how out of order it is. Sadly I won't be able to see the live action movie while it's airing this week in theaters. I was really looking forward to that. Sadly, I don't remember any of what I read in the last volume because the anime has me all mixed up. Which just makes me sad more. So diving into this volume had a little bit of hope that it would remind me of what our main character went through. Which it did. Thank the Lord for small blessings. Anyways, there is a big battle going on because a ghoul is so obsessed to eat our main character that he even kidnaps a young woman as bait. You even get a little back story on one of the characters. But luckily the battle ends with the bad ghoul in defeat. Almost didn't happen but it did. Pretty much had me at the edge of my seat for that whole scene. So far I've been really into the series. I have to say that the mangas are way better than the anime. I wish I could tell you guys more, but that would just ruin the volume and the series. But, I do suggest you guys go check it out if you haven't.
So until next time......
I'm still looking for recommendations for a new Manga series to read. Make sure you guys leave your suggestions on that so that we don't keep talking about the same two mangas every time I have a library pick up.
I think I'm still in the refresher stage with this series. Still, nothing I haven't seen in the anime yet. I know that the animes sometimes are different from the mangas but this time around it is pretty accurate. Anyways, the village is under attack and the 4th Hokage has to fight his fallen comrades slash teachers. Anyways, things are going into chaos. Naruto is also on his way to help any way he can. I'm pretty sure that this volume is still going to be a refresher for me. So the post is going to be pretty short. Only because I am not really learning anything new. I just have good compliments to whoever made the anime because they did a really good job following the story. I just wish that there was more I can say because I feel like I should so that the post isn't so short. I'm hoping that the next volume will have something new in it. I'm pretty sure everyone has either read or watched the anime by now and we all know what happens after the attack on the village. But, I do have to admit that the volume I got was missing some pieces. Why would someone tear pieces out of a book? It's kind of heartbreaking to see. But it's something I can't help. Good thing I know what most of the story that is going on that I don't end up confused. I think this is the third Naruto volume I had to deal with something missing. The disrespect is real.
I started the anime series for Tokyo Ghoul and I don't hate it, but I don't like that it doesn't follow the mangas. I couldn't watch it without complaining to my mom about how out of order it is. Sadly I won't be able to see the live action movie while it's airing this week in theaters. I was really looking forward to that. Sadly, I don't remember any of what I read in the last volume because the anime has me all mixed up. Which just makes me sad more. So diving into this volume had a little bit of hope that it would remind me of what our main character went through. Which it did. Thank the Lord for small blessings. Anyways, there is a big battle going on because a ghoul is so obsessed to eat our main character that he even kidnaps a young woman as bait. You even get a little back story on one of the characters. But luckily the battle ends with the bad ghoul in defeat. Almost didn't happen but it did. Pretty much had me at the edge of my seat for that whole scene. So far I've been really into the series. I have to say that the mangas are way better than the anime. I wish I could tell you guys more, but that would just ruin the volume and the series. But, I do suggest you guys go check it out if you haven't.
So until next time......
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Finished reading Never Never
Good morning Bookies,
I really hate cliffhangers. Especially when it comes to this series. This time around our lovely authors stopped midsentence. I'm sure everyone has read and knows how the books end, but I am a little late to the game. Anyways, just as I predicted the whole book was focused on Silas looking for Charlie. He found her but even more, questions rose while hardly any answers were given. Which just makes me want to request the next book from the library instead of whatever book is next on the holds list. Just so I can find out what happens next. These two authors never disappoint so far. Of course, I do have to be honest here and say that I haven't read any of Tarryn Fisher's book, but I'm pretty sure she will have me hanging on every word like Colleen Hoover does. But now I must play the waiting game until I can get my hands on part three.
So until next time.....
I really hate cliffhangers. Especially when it comes to this series. This time around our lovely authors stopped midsentence. I'm sure everyone has read and knows how the books end, but I am a little late to the game. Anyways, just as I predicted the whole book was focused on Silas looking for Charlie. He found her but even more, questions rose while hardly any answers were given. Which just makes me want to request the next book from the library instead of whatever book is next on the holds list. Just so I can find out what happens next. These two authors never disappoint so far. Of course, I do have to be honest here and say that I haven't read any of Tarryn Fisher's book, but I'm pretty sure she will have me hanging on every word like Colleen Hoover does. But now I must play the waiting game until I can get my hands on part three.
So until next time.....
Friday, October 13, 2017
Started reading Never Never part 2 by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher
So much reading, Bookies. Also when did I read the first part of this book? It feels like forever. Honestly, I'm actually surprised by how fast I was able to get my hands on this book when I requested it. I'm sure it's going to be a pretty quick read. Also, I think I would like to have all the books together next time so then I can read the whole situation all as one big story. That way I don't have to sit here wondering what is going on because it takes me so long to get the next part in the series. Anyways, I do remember that our two main characters keep loosing their memory for some reason. It's like the big mystery we have to solve or figure out in the whole series. And I do remember that the first book ended with one of our main characters going missing. I think this book is going to be focused on trying to find her while trying to remember what is all going on. This calls for it to be something interesting. But I'm going to go read now and get ready for my big road trip next week. Thank the Lord for book pick up day at the library.
So until next time.....
So until next time.....
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Back to reading Beautiful Oblivion by Addison Moore
I nearly forgot all about this book. I don't even remember all that I read so far. I might have to start from the beginning. Anyways, since I'm still waiting for some books to come in at the library, I thought I would read a book that I started but never finished. I can't remember anything, except that we have a girl who has a crush on her best friend's brother. Or, I think that is the story. I could be wrong. I wish I could say more, but there is nothing really to say. Maybe once I actually start the book again, I'll have a longer post. Right now I'm still wrapping up The Haunted. But I'm sure this book will be a quick read since it's an Ebook.
So until next time.....
So until next time.....
Monday, October 9, 2017
Almost done reading The Haunted
Can I say finally? I'm almost done with the book. It feels like it took way too long. But sadly, I don't know how much more I actually need to read since Goodreads is down for the night. How am I supposed to share my opinions on the books I read? I'm sure the site will be back up when I post this. Anyways, I feel like I have learned nothing since the last time I posted. This is a very slow moving book. I hate to say it, but I don't really like it. But I don't hate it either. Of course, there was that one moment where Abbey thought she found out Kristen's secret boyfriend and she ended up being wrong. Then we get some new mystery characters, but I think they are the same ones from before just disguised to look different. I only say this because I don't think they are actually human. I'm thinking they are like demons or evil ghosts. Or, something like that. I'm not completely done with the book, but I'm pretty sure that I will be done in the next few days. If not tomorrow. I'm just hoping that the last book will be a little bit better than this one.
So until next time....
Can I say finally? I'm almost done with the book. It feels like it took way too long. But sadly, I don't know how much more I actually need to read since Goodreads is down for the night. How am I supposed to share my opinions on the books I read? I'm sure the site will be back up when I post this. Anyways, I feel like I have learned nothing since the last time I posted. This is a very slow moving book. I hate to say it, but I don't really like it. But I don't hate it either. Of course, there was that one moment where Abbey thought she found out Kristen's secret boyfriend and she ended up being wrong. Then we get some new mystery characters, but I think they are the same ones from before just disguised to look different. I only say this because I don't think they are actually human. I'm thinking they are like demons or evil ghosts. Or, something like that. I'm not completely done with the book, but I'm pretty sure that I will be done in the next few days. If not tomorrow. I'm just hoping that the last book will be a little bit better than this one.
So until next time....
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Manga Post #8
Hello Bookies,
I'm still on the search for new manga to read and I'm still looking for suggestions. Currently, I'm only reading two series until I find a new one to replace the one I had just finished. You are very familiar with the ones that I've been reading, so I don't think I need a long intro for them. Remember that if you guys want me to read anything, just let me know in the comments section below.
I wasn't sure if this volume of Naruto was going to still be a refresher for me or not. Maybe this was the part in the anime series where I was kind of watching it but not. Either way, it's still pretty exciting. The big match has begun between Sasuke and Gaara. It's not as detailed as the anime, but that is only because they have to fill in thirty minutes. Anyways, The match began and then the attack on the village takes place. All still a refresher for me. I know Naruto and Gaara fight each other at some point that is pretty soon, but I don't know when or how it turned out. So I'm looking forward to that. Either way, things are getting pretty good in the series. I think you get more into it if you read it instead of watching it on TV. Probably because you are making the whole show in your head. At least all of the excitement it just now starting to begin. I can't wait to read the next volume.
So far I am enjoying this series. I can't say that I love it quite yet since I'm still pretty early in the series. Anyways, we are still witnessing our main character getting used to his new life. He is still learning the ropes in fighting and who are all ghouls. It's all still pretty interesting and we are slowly learning the world of ghouls the more we read. Our main character still won't eat human flesh to survive. He continues with his coffee and sugar cubes. I know eventually, he will have to give into that side of him if he wants to survive. Or, did he already and I wasn't really paying attention. Shame on me if I wasn't. Anyways, there is a new ghoul being introduced. This one is one that not everyone really likes. From what I gathered, he is a bit of a troublemaker. I do have to say that the guy kind of gave me the creeps when he first arrived in the volume. I have to give the author credit for that. It's not easy to make you hate a character right away. I think it takes quite a talent that I still have yet to accomplish. Either way, the creepy character ends up feeding our main character to their own kind. Then he finds out our main character is a half-ghoul and then decides that he wants to eat him all by himself. I knew I didn't like the guy for a reason. Sadly that is pretty much where the volume ended. Sad face. I have already requested the next volume and I may have started the anime series that goes along with this manga. So, I think by the end of this volume I may be slowly falling in love with the series. It's pretty good. And, you know something is good when you don't even know your boss has walked into the room because you are so into what you were reading. Scared the crap out of me. But I think I'm going to have to highly recommend this series to people who haven't read it yet. There are still plenty of volume for me to read. Also I hear that there is a live action version of this series airing in selected theaters. Do I hear a road trip coming up?
So until next time.....
I'm still on the search for new manga to read and I'm still looking for suggestions. Currently, I'm only reading two series until I find a new one to replace the one I had just finished. You are very familiar with the ones that I've been reading, so I don't think I need a long intro for them. Remember that if you guys want me to read anything, just let me know in the comments section below.
I wasn't sure if this volume of Naruto was going to still be a refresher for me or not. Maybe this was the part in the anime series where I was kind of watching it but not. Either way, it's still pretty exciting. The big match has begun between Sasuke and Gaara. It's not as detailed as the anime, but that is only because they have to fill in thirty minutes. Anyways, The match began and then the attack on the village takes place. All still a refresher for me. I know Naruto and Gaara fight each other at some point that is pretty soon, but I don't know when or how it turned out. So I'm looking forward to that. Either way, things are getting pretty good in the series. I think you get more into it if you read it instead of watching it on TV. Probably because you are making the whole show in your head. At least all of the excitement it just now starting to begin. I can't wait to read the next volume.
So far I am enjoying this series. I can't say that I love it quite yet since I'm still pretty early in the series. Anyways, we are still witnessing our main character getting used to his new life. He is still learning the ropes in fighting and who are all ghouls. It's all still pretty interesting and we are slowly learning the world of ghouls the more we read. Our main character still won't eat human flesh to survive. He continues with his coffee and sugar cubes. I know eventually, he will have to give into that side of him if he wants to survive. Or, did he already and I wasn't really paying attention. Shame on me if I wasn't. Anyways, there is a new ghoul being introduced. This one is one that not everyone really likes. From what I gathered, he is a bit of a troublemaker. I do have to say that the guy kind of gave me the creeps when he first arrived in the volume. I have to give the author credit for that. It's not easy to make you hate a character right away. I think it takes quite a talent that I still have yet to accomplish. Either way, the creepy character ends up feeding our main character to their own kind. Then he finds out our main character is a half-ghoul and then decides that he wants to eat him all by himself. I knew I didn't like the guy for a reason. Sadly that is pretty much where the volume ended. Sad face. I have already requested the next volume and I may have started the anime series that goes along with this manga. So, I think by the end of this volume I may be slowly falling in love with the series. It's pretty good. And, you know something is good when you don't even know your boss has walked into the room because you are so into what you were reading. Scared the crap out of me. But I think I'm going to have to highly recommend this series to people who haven't read it yet. There are still plenty of volume for me to read. Also I hear that there is a live action version of this series airing in selected theaters. Do I hear a road trip coming up?
So until next time.....
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Reading the Haunted part 2
Long time no see Bookies,
I probably already did a part two for reading this book, but me being an idiot probably deleted it on accident because my computer was being equally as dumb. Gotta love technology on some days. Anyways, I know I'm highly dragging my feet on this book. I'm just now halfway. I should have this book done by now but to be honest, it's kind of boring. There is nothing going on. Just our main character living her everyday life with her ghost boyfriend. It's getting to the point that I'm about to just chuck the series, I'm so bored. I have other books waiting for me to pick up from the library. So if this book doesn't speed up soon, it's going back. I can't help but feel like the main character is just a constant whiner and complainer. Yes, we have some mystery characters that pop up every once in a while that keep the story interesting, but they only show up what feels like every ten chapters. They are like the only reason why you want to continue to read. Only because you want to know who these two characters are and what their problem is. If they showed up more, then I might not be complaining as much. Let's just hope that I don't decide that Kdramas and Game of Thrones are more interesting than this book, just until I finish the book. Or I will have to request it from the library once again. As far as I know, though, I'm a little disappointed.
So until next time.....
I probably already did a part two for reading this book, but me being an idiot probably deleted it on accident because my computer was being equally as dumb. Gotta love technology on some days. Anyways, I know I'm highly dragging my feet on this book. I'm just now halfway. I should have this book done by now but to be honest, it's kind of boring. There is nothing going on. Just our main character living her everyday life with her ghost boyfriend. It's getting to the point that I'm about to just chuck the series, I'm so bored. I have other books waiting for me to pick up from the library. So if this book doesn't speed up soon, it's going back. I can't help but feel like the main character is just a constant whiner and complainer. Yes, we have some mystery characters that pop up every once in a while that keep the story interesting, but they only show up what feels like every ten chapters. They are like the only reason why you want to continue to read. Only because you want to know who these two characters are and what their problem is. If they showed up more, then I might not be complaining as much. Let's just hope that I don't decide that Kdramas and Game of Thrones are more interesting than this book, just until I finish the book. Or I will have to request it from the library once again. As far as I know, though, I'm a little disappointed.
So until next time.....
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Manga Post #7
Finally I had the motivation to go to the library, Bookies. I was able to pick up my mangas so I can live the adventures that they hold. Sadly one series ended and I'm in a need to start a new one. If only I knew which one to read next. Maybe you guys can help me with that by leave suggestions in the comment section below. But until I find a new manga series, I only have two of them to read. But lets start with the one I ended.
I was a little disappointed with the ending of this series. It didn't have a proper closing to the whole thing. Yes, we do learn more about Cooro who was pretty much born +anima after his mother died while still pregnant with him. The story is kind of complicated, so just go check out the series if you want to learn more. Anyways, the whole volume is focused around Cooro because you are finally learning about him. And, then it ends with Cooro getting his wings back and everyone is all happy together. But it feels like it sets up for more volumes, but the writer just didn't want to do it anymore. I don't know maybe the writer thought that the whole series is concluded now that the biggest mystery has been solved. To tell the truth, I wish that there were more volumes even though the mystery of Cooro has been explained. I would love to see our favorite four friends living out adventures together. No matter what those adventures are. I pretty much fell in love with these characters. I am just sad to see it end. But I do hope you guys check it out, and enjoy the characters as much as I have.
The books I get for this series from the library are so nice and brand new. It just gives me that satified feeling inside. Anyways, Tokyo Ghoul's third volume is an interesting one. Our main character who is half ghoul is finally coming to terms on what he is. Or, at least that is what I feel is going on. Anyways, everyone is trying their hardest to save one of their friends from death since the Ghoul Investigators have killed her parents and are on the hunt for her. If I have to be honest here, I really hate these Ghoul Investigators. All they do is think that all Ghouls are bad and deserve to die. That they are all murderers. My thought is, did anyone ever try to study the species before judging? You can teel that I'm really getting into this series already. That's a good sign by the way. I've already requested the fourth book from the library and hopefully they take their time because I really don't want to breeze through this series. I think it's still pretty new and still has volumes being released. I'm not sure, but I can still hope.
Once again I am in review mode. We have the final round taking place and Naruto is going against Neji. I am also reminded how much I hated Neji's speech about how everyone is destined at birth and there is no changing it. Thank God, Naruto literally knocked some sense into him. It is really annoying when you have one person constantly telling you that you are destined to always fail. Anyways, Naruto's battle with Neji ends with a little help from the nine tailed fox. There is also one more battle that takes place in this volume, but I am not going to tell you who it is because I can't spell either name from the top of my head. Just read the series if you don't know who they are. The next volume the exams get concluded and hopefully that will the be the end of my review mode. Maybe then I'll finally get to read about the episodes that I missed. Anyways, just reading the series makes me want to watch the anime again. I just might too.
So until next time......
I was a little disappointed with the ending of this series. It didn't have a proper closing to the whole thing. Yes, we do learn more about Cooro who was pretty much born +anima after his mother died while still pregnant with him. The story is kind of complicated, so just go check out the series if you want to learn more. Anyways, the whole volume is focused around Cooro because you are finally learning about him. And, then it ends with Cooro getting his wings back and everyone is all happy together. But it feels like it sets up for more volumes, but the writer just didn't want to do it anymore. I don't know maybe the writer thought that the whole series is concluded now that the biggest mystery has been solved. To tell the truth, I wish that there were more volumes even though the mystery of Cooro has been explained. I would love to see our favorite four friends living out adventures together. No matter what those adventures are. I pretty much fell in love with these characters. I am just sad to see it end. But I do hope you guys check it out, and enjoy the characters as much as I have.
The books I get for this series from the library are so nice and brand new. It just gives me that satified feeling inside. Anyways, Tokyo Ghoul's third volume is an interesting one. Our main character who is half ghoul is finally coming to terms on what he is. Or, at least that is what I feel is going on. Anyways, everyone is trying their hardest to save one of their friends from death since the Ghoul Investigators have killed her parents and are on the hunt for her. If I have to be honest here, I really hate these Ghoul Investigators. All they do is think that all Ghouls are bad and deserve to die. That they are all murderers. My thought is, did anyone ever try to study the species before judging? You can teel that I'm really getting into this series already. That's a good sign by the way. I've already requested the fourth book from the library and hopefully they take their time because I really don't want to breeze through this series. I think it's still pretty new and still has volumes being released. I'm not sure, but I can still hope.
Once again I am in review mode. We have the final round taking place and Naruto is going against Neji. I am also reminded how much I hated Neji's speech about how everyone is destined at birth and there is no changing it. Thank God, Naruto literally knocked some sense into him. It is really annoying when you have one person constantly telling you that you are destined to always fail. Anyways, Naruto's battle with Neji ends with a little help from the nine tailed fox. There is also one more battle that takes place in this volume, but I am not going to tell you who it is because I can't spell either name from the top of my head. Just read the series if you don't know who they are. The next volume the exams get concluded and hopefully that will the be the end of my review mode. Maybe then I'll finally get to read about the episodes that I missed. Anyways, just reading the series makes me want to watch the anime again. I just might too.
So until next time......
Friday, September 8, 2017
Manga Post #6
Hello Bookies,
Here we are again reading many series that are slowly grabbing hold of my heart. I finally have three mangas this time around and all of them are looking brand new. Some people were showing great respect for these books. I approve.
If I remember correctly this is the second to last book of the series. Sad face. Anyways, the last volume ended in such a cliff hanger that I was begging for more. It felt like your favorite show had a major cliff hanger at the end of an episode and you had to wait a whole week until the next episode came out. Currently experiencing that right now with the Cdrama The King's Woman. But now I can finally find out what happened with the scene. We had the king just about to be attacked by a rebel +anima. Shocker. Anyways, the scene in concluded by the king's twin sister stopping the assassin while Husky and Senri attend to the king. After that our group of four friends are going back to Astaria. Anyways, now that they are back they continue all of their adventures. One including someone that thinks they are an angel. We also get the back story of a researcher. We also get a little bit of Cooro's past. Someone even mentions that he should stop by the church in the next town. And that is pretty much where the volume ends. I wonder what we are going to learn in the last volume. I guess the only way to find out is to read it.
Being freshly starting this series, I'm not sure how I feel yet. The first book I found interesting since the main character doesn't start out as a ghoul and we experience him slowly transitioning into something he knows nothing about. It makes me wonder how this series is going to go. There is just so much hype about this series and I kind of don't want to be disappointed. So I was ready to dive into the pages of the second volume, ready for the adventures that awaited me. Anyways, our main character is slowly learning about the new world he is apart of. He is also learning that they sometimes don't actually kill their victims. Sometimes they find already dead bodies and clean them up for those that don't hunt. I find it facinating that the author/writer is putting so much detail in explaining everything. And it's not all in your face, here are all of the facts and remember. It's like they are actually teaching a new ghoul about the lifestyle and the tricks they need to know in order to survive. And, survival is a little difficult when you have a whole organization dead set on killing you. I wish I could tell you more, but that would just ruin the whole story. Off to read the next volume.
I know there is an end to this series, but thank the lord that I'm no where near it. I'm not a huge fan of Naruto, but I'm still a fan. Anyways, training for Naruto is under way with who he calls the Pervy Sage. I remember the episodes that I watched in the anime. So I think I'm still in the refresher stage. I'm kind of starting to wonder when I will be able to learn something new with this series. Of course , the volume ends the moment Naruto is about to fight Neji. Not a whole lot happens before that. Just everyone training or recovering. Some poeple watching spies get killed. In the anime it shows more detail but I think it is because they need to fill in thirty minutes per chapter or two. I feel bad that I don't really have anything to say this time around. Not a whole lot happens. I remember this being the part in the anime that I also hated because there wasn't much going on. Just everyone preparing for the final round of the exam. At least the action picks up in the next volume.
So until next time.....
Here we are again reading many series that are slowly grabbing hold of my heart. I finally have three mangas this time around and all of them are looking brand new. Some people were showing great respect for these books. I approve.
If I remember correctly this is the second to last book of the series. Sad face. Anyways, the last volume ended in such a cliff hanger that I was begging for more. It felt like your favorite show had a major cliff hanger at the end of an episode and you had to wait a whole week until the next episode came out. Currently experiencing that right now with the Cdrama The King's Woman. But now I can finally find out what happened with the scene. We had the king just about to be attacked by a rebel +anima. Shocker. Anyways, the scene in concluded by the king's twin sister stopping the assassin while Husky and Senri attend to the king. After that our group of four friends are going back to Astaria. Anyways, now that they are back they continue all of their adventures. One including someone that thinks they are an angel. We also get the back story of a researcher. We also get a little bit of Cooro's past. Someone even mentions that he should stop by the church in the next town. And that is pretty much where the volume ends. I wonder what we are going to learn in the last volume. I guess the only way to find out is to read it.
Being freshly starting this series, I'm not sure how I feel yet. The first book I found interesting since the main character doesn't start out as a ghoul and we experience him slowly transitioning into something he knows nothing about. It makes me wonder how this series is going to go. There is just so much hype about this series and I kind of don't want to be disappointed. So I was ready to dive into the pages of the second volume, ready for the adventures that awaited me. Anyways, our main character is slowly learning about the new world he is apart of. He is also learning that they sometimes don't actually kill their victims. Sometimes they find already dead bodies and clean them up for those that don't hunt. I find it facinating that the author/writer is putting so much detail in explaining everything. And it's not all in your face, here are all of the facts and remember. It's like they are actually teaching a new ghoul about the lifestyle and the tricks they need to know in order to survive. And, survival is a little difficult when you have a whole organization dead set on killing you. I wish I could tell you more, but that would just ruin the whole story. Off to read the next volume.
I know there is an end to this series, but thank the lord that I'm no where near it. I'm not a huge fan of Naruto, but I'm still a fan. Anyways, training for Naruto is under way with who he calls the Pervy Sage. I remember the episodes that I watched in the anime. So I think I'm still in the refresher stage. I'm kind of starting to wonder when I will be able to learn something new with this series. Of course , the volume ends the moment Naruto is about to fight Neji. Not a whole lot happens before that. Just everyone training or recovering. Some poeple watching spies get killed. In the anime it shows more detail but I think it is because they need to fill in thirty minutes per chapter or two. I feel bad that I don't really have anything to say this time around. Not a whole lot happens. I remember this being the part in the anime that I also hated because there wasn't much going on. Just everyone preparing for the final round of the exam. At least the action picks up in the next volume.
So until next time.....
Friday, September 1, 2017
Reading The Haunted
Hello Bookies,
The book is going slow. I'm sorry, but I had to say it. For the first quarter of the book, I've gone through our main female character questioning things. Trying to convince herself that everything she has experienced before her break away from home was real. It was all she made up in her head. I know that this isn't what the whole book is about, but it just started to feel like it. But she still sees dead people. Kind of curious as to why she does. Hopefully, we will learn about it soon. I'm about ready to put this book back on its shelf. I don't remember the first one enough to know whether or not if I wanted to do the same thing with that one. But I'm getting bored and I need something pretty soon. I just finished the chapter where Caspian comes back. Abbey doesn't want to see him, but yet she just can't stay away from him. It sounds like a bad drama doesn't it. Or a bad romance movie.
So until next time......
The book is going slow. I'm sorry, but I had to say it. For the first quarter of the book, I've gone through our main female character questioning things. Trying to convince herself that everything she has experienced before her break away from home was real. It was all she made up in her head. I know that this isn't what the whole book is about, but it just started to feel like it. But she still sees dead people. Kind of curious as to why she does. Hopefully, we will learn about it soon. I'm about ready to put this book back on its shelf. I don't remember the first one enough to know whether or not if I wanted to do the same thing with that one. But I'm getting bored and I need something pretty soon. I just finished the chapter where Caspian comes back. Abbey doesn't want to see him, but yet she just can't stay away from him. It sounds like a bad drama doesn't it. Or a bad romance movie.
So until next time......
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Started reading The Haunted by Jessica Verday
What is up Bookies,
I am finally reading the second book of this series. To be honest, I did forget about it for a little bit. But I remembered and the book is now in my hands. I'm not even sure when I read the first book. It's been a while. Maybe a year or two. Either way, this is one of the few books that I remember enough to know what will be happening in this book. I'm pretty sure that I haven't read many books where the main character's boyfriend ends up being a ghost the whole entire book. It just makes me wonder how she was able to see him and other's couldn't. I also remember the old couple in the woods that I am curious about. I remember finishing the first book thinking, "What the hell is going on?!", my mind was completely blown by the end of it. So high expectations for this book. Only downside to this book with the beautiful simple cover is the fact that the person before me must have had kids or something because their is pen all over the first few pages. The disrespect is real strong here. But I'll suck it up because I'm curious on how this book is going to play out.
So until next time......
I am finally reading the second book of this series. To be honest, I did forget about it for a little bit. But I remembered and the book is now in my hands. I'm not even sure when I read the first book. It's been a while. Maybe a year or two. Either way, this is one of the few books that I remember enough to know what will be happening in this book. I'm pretty sure that I haven't read many books where the main character's boyfriend ends up being a ghost the whole entire book. It just makes me wonder how she was able to see him and other's couldn't. I also remember the old couple in the woods that I am curious about. I remember finishing the first book thinking, "What the hell is going on?!", my mind was completely blown by the end of it. So high expectations for this book. Only downside to this book with the beautiful simple cover is the fact that the person before me must have had kids or something because their is pen all over the first few pages. The disrespect is real strong here. But I'll suck it up because I'm curious on how this book is going to play out.
So until next time......
Manga Post #5
Hello Bookies,
Only one manga this time around only because one didn't come in and the other I kind of requested the book I had just handed in. I can really be an idiot sometimes. Anyways, that just means that this post will only be focused on one manga. It's actually a pretty popular one in the nerd world too, or so I hear. Someone should point me towards the anime so I can watch it and see how close to the manga it is. Hint, hint.
My curiosity has gotten the best of me this time around. I've heard so much about this series that I just had to check it out. I've noticed that the cover is quite simple and I don't know the storyline or what the series is about. People talk about it like I should know what it is they are saying. I fear that they would judge me if I ask what the hell they are talking about. So I just stand that being all confused and pretend I know what they are talking about. Anyways, this book is highly respected at the library. Either that or it's a new one that just got ordered recently. I like new books. Anyways, the book starts out differently than I thought it would. I thought that the main character would already be a ghoul, but I guess not. He was kind of turned into one I guess. Interesting way to start things. So, you get to read the story as he slowly turns into a ghoul. You get to see the confusing he is experiencing because his body is changing. I found the whole thing pretty interesting. So interesting that I finished the book before I even realized it. That is a good sign. The series has started on a good note. Only good things to talk about it so far.
So until next time.....
Only one manga this time around only because one didn't come in and the other I kind of requested the book I had just handed in. I can really be an idiot sometimes. Anyways, that just means that this post will only be focused on one manga. It's actually a pretty popular one in the nerd world too, or so I hear. Someone should point me towards the anime so I can watch it and see how close to the manga it is. Hint, hint.
My curiosity has gotten the best of me this time around. I've heard so much about this series that I just had to check it out. I've noticed that the cover is quite simple and I don't know the storyline or what the series is about. People talk about it like I should know what it is they are saying. I fear that they would judge me if I ask what the hell they are talking about. So I just stand that being all confused and pretend I know what they are talking about. Anyways, this book is highly respected at the library. Either that or it's a new one that just got ordered recently. I like new books. Anyways, the book starts out differently than I thought it would. I thought that the main character would already be a ghoul, but I guess not. He was kind of turned into one I guess. Interesting way to start things. So, you get to read the story as he slowly turns into a ghoul. You get to see the confusing he is experiencing because his body is changing. I found the whole thing pretty interesting. So interesting that I finished the book before I even realized it. That is a good sign. The series has started on a good note. Only good things to talk about it so far.
So until next time.....
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Manga Post #4
That is right Bookies, another manga post.
Sadly there is one series I will have to say goodbye to. Oddly enough, I'm not that sad to see it go. Only because I'm a heartless person with no soul. I'm sorry but the series made me feel nothing and I was just annoyed with it. I'm sure you know which series I'm talking about.
The last volume of A Silent voice, unless there is more to the series that I don't know about, and I was curious on how this one was going to play out. It took us a while to get here and we all know my personal feelings towards this series. I'm probably one of the few people that didn't actually like this series and the majority of you are going to hate me for it. The last book didn't help much making me fall in love with the series either. But don't let my bad review hold you guys back from reading the series. For all, I know you guys might actually really like it. It's just not my cup of tea I guess. Anyways, the volume pretty much resolves everything. Our main guy decides to live on with out whining and blocking people out of his life. Which is probably the more grown up thing to do. Other characters realize that they didn't grow up much since they were kids and decided to use that to become a better person. Anyways, their movie is complete but they didn't win because the director guy is a major jerk. I'm surprised no one stuck it to him and put him in his place. I think I would have liked the series better if the characters weren't such push overs, but I'm not the writer and they wanted the characters like that to make a point. The series has an obvious message to it, but I still didn't like it. Oh well, off to the next manga.
The big fight between Rock Lee and Gara has begun. I remember watching it in the anime, so it is interesting to read it out instead. The battle wasn't as detailed as it was in the anime but that is only because they try to fill in the blanks to make the episode longer. But so far the anime has followed pretty nicely with the manga and I would have to give a thumbs up for that. I feel like I don't have much to say towards the volume this time around because I'm still following what I had already watched. So, it feels like it is all just a review to me. But at least the refresher reminded me on how Choji lost against the sound ninja. It was a pretty quick fight and I figured the sound ninja won. But now with a month of them to rest and train, Naruto tries to find someone to help him. Sadly, the person chosen to help him train really likes to talk. I swear I just went through four pages of the instructor describing the use of stamina. I am like Naruto in the sense that it just goes over my head and I don't really pay attention to what I read. It makes me realize that even though I like the Uchihas, I'm most like Naruto. But that is if we are talking about which character I relate to more. Anyways, it's off to the next volume and maybe something that isn't a review to me. But I'm pretty sure I have watched all of the episodes regarding Naruto's training with Guy. I guess I will find out when I read the next volume.
Only two more volumes after this one. It kind of makes me sad, to be honest. I really enjoy this series. All of the characters are so lovable. Anyways, this volume picks up where the last one left off. If you guys don't know how the last volume ended, an old traveler was telling Nana and Cooro about how he knew Senri. So the end of the volume was the start of the flashback. In this volume, we start still in the flashback. The guy is explaining the time he saw Senri go mad. Then he goes into telling how their group had lost Senri. After the flashback, we are back in present time and the crew is still on their way to save Husky, who has oddly enough dressed himself as a mermaid again. He must have been facing someone from his past that he didn't want them to recognize him. Anyways, we get to learn a little bit more about Husky. Turns out he is a very important person. Or, somewhat important. Anyways, things get more intense towards the end of the book and we find out what happened to Husky to make him an +anima. Well, sort of. I enjoyed the volume greatly. The only thing I hated was how it ended. Talk about major cliff hanger. The next volume for this series better show up at the library quick because I can't wait to get my hands on the next one. I must know what happens next. It's almost like a need at this point.
So until next time......
Sadly there is one series I will have to say goodbye to. Oddly enough, I'm not that sad to see it go. Only because I'm a heartless person with no soul. I'm sorry but the series made me feel nothing and I was just annoyed with it. I'm sure you know which series I'm talking about.
The last volume of A Silent voice, unless there is more to the series that I don't know about, and I was curious on how this one was going to play out. It took us a while to get here and we all know my personal feelings towards this series. I'm probably one of the few people that didn't actually like this series and the majority of you are going to hate me for it. The last book didn't help much making me fall in love with the series either. But don't let my bad review hold you guys back from reading the series. For all, I know you guys might actually really like it. It's just not my cup of tea I guess. Anyways, the volume pretty much resolves everything. Our main guy decides to live on with out whining and blocking people out of his life. Which is probably the more grown up thing to do. Other characters realize that they didn't grow up much since they were kids and decided to use that to become a better person. Anyways, their movie is complete but they didn't win because the director guy is a major jerk. I'm surprised no one stuck it to him and put him in his place. I think I would have liked the series better if the characters weren't such push overs, but I'm not the writer and they wanted the characters like that to make a point. The series has an obvious message to it, but I still didn't like it. Oh well, off to the next manga.
The big fight between Rock Lee and Gara has begun. I remember watching it in the anime, so it is interesting to read it out instead. The battle wasn't as detailed as it was in the anime but that is only because they try to fill in the blanks to make the episode longer. But so far the anime has followed pretty nicely with the manga and I would have to give a thumbs up for that. I feel like I don't have much to say towards the volume this time around because I'm still following what I had already watched. So, it feels like it is all just a review to me. But at least the refresher reminded me on how Choji lost against the sound ninja. It was a pretty quick fight and I figured the sound ninja won. But now with a month of them to rest and train, Naruto tries to find someone to help him. Sadly, the person chosen to help him train really likes to talk. I swear I just went through four pages of the instructor describing the use of stamina. I am like Naruto in the sense that it just goes over my head and I don't really pay attention to what I read. It makes me realize that even though I like the Uchihas, I'm most like Naruto. But that is if we are talking about which character I relate to more. Anyways, it's off to the next volume and maybe something that isn't a review to me. But I'm pretty sure I have watched all of the episodes regarding Naruto's training with Guy. I guess I will find out when I read the next volume.
Only two more volumes after this one. It kind of makes me sad, to be honest. I really enjoy this series. All of the characters are so lovable. Anyways, this volume picks up where the last one left off. If you guys don't know how the last volume ended, an old traveler was telling Nana and Cooro about how he knew Senri. So the end of the volume was the start of the flashback. In this volume, we start still in the flashback. The guy is explaining the time he saw Senri go mad. Then he goes into telling how their group had lost Senri. After the flashback, we are back in present time and the crew is still on their way to save Husky, who has oddly enough dressed himself as a mermaid again. He must have been facing someone from his past that he didn't want them to recognize him. Anyways, we get to learn a little bit more about Husky. Turns out he is a very important person. Or, somewhat important. Anyways, things get more intense towards the end of the book and we find out what happened to Husky to make him an +anima. Well, sort of. I enjoyed the volume greatly. The only thing I hated was how it ended. Talk about major cliff hanger. The next volume for this series better show up at the library quick because I can't wait to get my hands on the next one. I must know what happens next. It's almost like a need at this point.
So until next time......
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
The Search for Wondla is on hold
Hey Bookies,
So, I have to put The Search for Wondla on hold due to the fact that it has to go back to the library and it's not under my name. It's under my brother's card. So I have no way of renewing it. I will request it when I can, but right now I'm at the limit of my holds. There really shouldn't be a limit, if I were being honest here. Anyways, I am sorry for the news and I would really like to read more of the book. But I just can't at this time. Keep an eye out for the new posts on the book when they start being put up again. I'll make sure to review it.
So until next time......

So until next time......
Almost done reading Half-Blood
Hello Bookies,
This took me so much longer to read than it should have. I blame the fact that I was busy going through my grans' stuff and setting up a garage sale. Also, I had to squeeze in some of my Korean lessons. Either way, I'm finally almost done with the book. Now if only I could remember what I had mentioned in my last few posts. Oh well. If I miss something, you guys can read the book and learn about the book yourself. Anyways, I highly enjoyed the book. There was a place where it dragged on a bit, but it was still pretty good. We had a bit of a steamy moment. Some people died and other did actually die. Something was learned about the enemy. Our main character finds out what all of the hype is about her that made her stepfather bring in a very powerful person to her school. She even almost dies but escapes with her life and her best friends life. A lot happens that I can't tell you about really or it would just ruin the book. But I do highly recommend to start this series like I did. I know half of you have probably read the book already, but for those who didn't, go read it. I look forward to the second book. But if I had to be honest here, I would probably still give it four stars. Not five because it didn't grip at my heart like some books have. Maybe the more I read the series, the more my heart will get ripped out of my chest.
So until next time........
This took me so much longer to read than it should have. I blame the fact that I was busy going through my grans' stuff and setting up a garage sale. Also, I had to squeeze in some of my Korean lessons. Either way, I'm finally almost done with the book. Now if only I could remember what I had mentioned in my last few posts. Oh well. If I miss something, you guys can read the book and learn about the book yourself. Anyways, I highly enjoyed the book. There was a place where it dragged on a bit, but it was still pretty good. We had a bit of a steamy moment. Some people died and other did actually die. Something was learned about the enemy. Our main character finds out what all of the hype is about her that made her stepfather bring in a very powerful person to her school. She even almost dies but escapes with her life and her best friends life. A lot happens that I can't tell you about really or it would just ruin the book. But I do highly recommend to start this series like I did. I know half of you have probably read the book already, but for those who didn't, go read it. I look forward to the second book. But if I had to be honest here, I would probably still give it four stars. Not five because it didn't grip at my heart like some books have. Maybe the more I read the series, the more my heart will get ripped out of my chest.
So until next time........
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Manga Post #3
Hello Bookies,
I only have two mangas this week only because the third one took too long to come in. But it is still the usual ones that I have been reading. So I grabbed an iced coffee, got comfortable, and buckled down on this reading I have to do. I even squeezed in posting some videos as well when I needed a break from all the mental strain from all the reading I have been doing.
I'm still in refresher mode for Naruto. Things are all the same and I couldn't help but noticed that there is a page missing in the book I'm reading. Who would be so heartless to tear a page out of a library book?! The monster. So I'm probably going to miss a big moment in the volume just for that reason alone. Even though I saw the anime, it probably won't feel the same as reading it in the manga. Kind of makes me sad, to be honest. Anyways, the battles I read about was the ending of Sakura's, breezed through Tenten's, kind of breezed through Naruto's, and now I'm reading through Hinata's battle against Neji. But, I am almost done with that one. If it finishes in this volume, but I have a feeling that it won't. The anime takes at least two episodes for each battle, or at least it feels like that. I guess it is to drag out the episodes and the show a little bit more. Anyways, I already know how this battle is going to end. Sadly, I forgot how Choji's battle ended with the sound village guy. But, I don't remember the ending of Lee versus Gara. Gotta love these refreshers.
The cover for this book is pretty beat up. It kind of makes me not want to touch it in fear that it will fall apart. People have no respect for books these days. Especially library books. It is kind of sad to see it happen. Anyways, I have a feeling I'm getting close to the end of this series. I know I have said that before, but with every volume the end gets closer. I'm kind of dreading it because I really like the characters in this series. It kind of makes me wonder if there is an anime of it somewhere. Anyways, I believe we are getting close to learning how Husky got his +Anima power. This volume brings you to his home land where he grew up but ran away after gaining his power. Probably because if he had stayed he would become a slave. Which seems like it is going to happen anyways in the beginning of the volume. I just want to know more about our little characters and why they are the way they are. Hopefully it happens soon, because I don't think I can wait any more.
So until next time......
I only have two mangas this week only because the third one took too long to come in. But it is still the usual ones that I have been reading. So I grabbed an iced coffee, got comfortable, and buckled down on this reading I have to do. I even squeezed in posting some videos as well when I needed a break from all the mental strain from all the reading I have been doing.
I'm still in refresher mode for Naruto. Things are all the same and I couldn't help but noticed that there is a page missing in the book I'm reading. Who would be so heartless to tear a page out of a library book?! The monster. So I'm probably going to miss a big moment in the volume just for that reason alone. Even though I saw the anime, it probably won't feel the same as reading it in the manga. Kind of makes me sad, to be honest. Anyways, the battles I read about was the ending of Sakura's, breezed through Tenten's, kind of breezed through Naruto's, and now I'm reading through Hinata's battle against Neji. But, I am almost done with that one. If it finishes in this volume, but I have a feeling that it won't. The anime takes at least two episodes for each battle, or at least it feels like that. I guess it is to drag out the episodes and the show a little bit more. Anyways, I already know how this battle is going to end. Sadly, I forgot how Choji's battle ended with the sound village guy. But, I don't remember the ending of Lee versus Gara. Gotta love these refreshers.
The cover for this book is pretty beat up. It kind of makes me not want to touch it in fear that it will fall apart. People have no respect for books these days. Especially library books. It is kind of sad to see it happen. Anyways, I have a feeling I'm getting close to the end of this series. I know I have said that before, but with every volume the end gets closer. I'm kind of dreading it because I really like the characters in this series. It kind of makes me wonder if there is an anime of it somewhere. Anyways, I believe we are getting close to learning how Husky got his +Anima power. This volume brings you to his home land where he grew up but ran away after gaining his power. Probably because if he had stayed he would become a slave. Which seems like it is going to happen anyways in the beginning of the volume. I just want to know more about our little characters and why they are the way they are. Hopefully it happens soon, because I don't think I can wait any more.
So until next time......
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Started reading The Search For Wondla by Tony Diterlizzi
I only picked up this book because it looked interesting and it was as if it was calling to me. I also just so happen to find it in the kid's section at the library. So, I have to be a little honest here. I have no idea how the booking system works at the library and honestly it needs a little bit of work if this book is in the kid's section. The thing is five hundred pages long with very little pictures in it. The concept so far in the story is confusing beyond belief. How is a child to understand something like this? Much less have the patience to read it? Maybe it's for the advance readers that aren't quite ready for the young adult section. But, I still wouldn't be putting it with all of the kids books. There are even reference books in that section that just confuses me. It's like if it has pictures, it has to be a kids book. Right? It just annoys me and makes me want to redo their whole system. Anyways, so far the book is a bit boring. No child would be into reading this book because they would get bored within the first few pages. I'm only reading the book more because I'm trying to figure all that is going on. We have this little girl that lives underground with a robot for a mother. Everything is high tech and she is constantly told that she is the only human remaining in the world. But our little girl feels like she is being lied to and wishes to find others like her. I left off where she was in a tunnel full of her old toys that she just couldn't throw away and had to hide. I'm only on the sixth chapter. And, I'm still feeling that this shouldn't have been in the kid's section at my library.
So until next time......
I only picked up this book because it looked interesting and it was as if it was calling to me. I also just so happen to find it in the kid's section at the library. So, I have to be a little honest here. I have no idea how the booking system works at the library and honestly it needs a little bit of work if this book is in the kid's section. The thing is five hundred pages long with very little pictures in it. The concept so far in the story is confusing beyond belief. How is a child to understand something like this? Much less have the patience to read it? Maybe it's for the advance readers that aren't quite ready for the young adult section. But, I still wouldn't be putting it with all of the kids books. There are even reference books in that section that just confuses me. It's like if it has pictures, it has to be a kids book. Right? It just annoys me and makes me want to redo their whole system. Anyways, so far the book is a bit boring. No child would be into reading this book because they would get bored within the first few pages. I'm only reading the book more because I'm trying to figure all that is going on. We have this little girl that lives underground with a robot for a mother. Everything is high tech and she is constantly told that she is the only human remaining in the world. But our little girl feels like she is being lied to and wishes to find others like her. I left off where she was in a tunnel full of her old toys that she just couldn't throw away and had to hide. I'm only on the sixth chapter. And, I'm still feeling that this shouldn't have been in the kid's section at my library.
So until next time......
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