Finishing three books in three days is not bad. It should be a record for me. Okay, maybe it isn't that impressive when the three books I read was two mangas and a short novel. But if it counts towards my reading challenge, I'll take it. Anyways, the book takes place during the first one. It just explains more about Warren's complicated relationship that took place in the first book that I'm sure a lot of readers had questions about. And I have to say that his relationship is pretty typical for two people who appeared to hate each other to actually loving each other. Also, I have to give our main girl some slack because she had a bit of a rough start and didn't trust anyone. I just found it funny that the more she tried to push Warren away, the more he chased after her. He wasn't going to give up without a fight. If only most guys were like that. Especially the ones I end up dating. They see trouble and they run the other way. Anyways, I can't really say much about the book since it's so short. But it is a very enjoyable quick read if you need it. So I do recommend reading this book and the first one. Colleen is a pretty good writer and I even suggest her books to the guests at the hotel I work at. I even suggested this book while I was reading it. That says a lot about how much of a fan I am of Colleen.
So until next time....
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