Thursday, June 15, 2017

A third of the way through Sweet Temptation

Good evening Bookies,

I think this book is going to take me a while to read. Not because it's a slow read, but because no one wants me to fricken read. I've had to reread pages because it I was more focused on what was around me than the actual book. It's so frustrating. I need a sign or something to say to be quiet when I'm reading. Anyways, the book is completely in Kaiden's point of view. I actually love books that go into the guys perspective just to tell you what he is thinking at that moment. Kaiden had such an image in the previous books that made him appear like a jerk and closed off. Turns out that he only does it because it's his way of protection. He was taught that if he stepped out of line, he would be killed. So you can understand why he is so closed off. Also it kind of gets confusing when you learn a new feeling that you have never felt before. Which just makes this book even more interesting than the others. If not just as interesting. I was going to wait until I was about halfway before I posted about the book, but due to people that don't believe in reading, I decided I should post now. I'm not sure when I will post again, but so far I'm highly enjoying this book.

So until next time......

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