Hey there Bookies,
I know it's been a while and that is because a lot happens during the holidays. Which I hope you all enjoyed yours and are ready for the new year to roll in. My goal is just to finish the number of books I wanted to finish by the end of the year. Not sure what I should aim for the new year. Should I try a hundred books? Probably not with the busy schedule I have. Anyways, lets get to the reason you all are reading this.
I took a break from watching the anime so I could play catch up with the manga, but it didn't quiet work out that way. I just went back to watching the anime and I'm currently in a filler area in the series. So while things are pretty boring, I decided to read the mangas. Us that time to catch up. Or, at least try to. It would be easier if I had the whole series in my hands that way I wouldn't waste time waiting for the next volume. Anyways, the battle in the manga is still underway. It had just started in the previous volume and Sanji was able to show off some of his skills in this volume. Sadly it just seemed so much shorter reading it then seeing it in action in the anime. I was a little disappointed. Does that mean that Luffy's battle is going to be the whole next volume? I guess the only way to find out is to read it. Right? Anyways, I still enjoy the series greatly. Whether it is in manga form or in the anime. I can see why is the longest running so far and the most popular. The author/artist really put a lot of thought into the series and did a good job on the different characters. It will be a sad day when I finally finish the series in both manga form and anime. But I'm still curious on how the author/artist is going to make this all end.
I really enjoy Naruto as an anime and I do enjoy it as a manga series. I almost forgot where I left off and a good browse through the pages reminded me right away. Naruto and his friends are on there way to bring Sasuke back to the village.They call it a rescue mission, but it really isn't when he left all on his own. If I remember correctly, in the last volume we got to see both Choji and Neji fight. They both won their fights by literally putting their lives on the line. Now Shikamaru and Kiba must put their lives on the line as Naruto runs off to save Sasuke. I already know how this is all going to end, but it doesn't hurt to keep reading and sticking to the story line. Even if we all know that Sasuke is still going to get away. I don't know if Kiba is finished with his battle but it looks like Shikamaru's is pretty much done, but I won't know until I get the next volume on my hands. So far things are as intense I remembered seeing in the anime, but for some reason just reading it makes it more intense. Even though I know the outcome, it is still a pretty good read.
If I remember correctly, there is only on more volume after this one. I feel like this series went a little too quick. Sure I don't remember half of the stuff I read, but I still liked it. I can't remember what happened in the last volume but we are about to start the operation The One-Eyed Owl. Things are about to get interesting as the investigators begin to prepare. The ghouls at the cafe run off to hide or prepare to sacrifice themselves to keep everyone else safe. The battle begins and things start to get intense. Kaneki runs off to help even though his friends tried to make him change his mind. I swear, this kid is going to end up dead in the end, I just know it. But I could always end up being wrong. It is getting to the point that I don't want to put the book down. Things are going so quick that I didn't even realize that I made it to the end of the volume. I wonder if the anime leaves you on the edge of your seat like the manga. I should go back to watching that since I didn't even make it past the second or third episode. Oops. Anyways, I highly enjoy the series even though there are a few points where it is pretty slow. But when it gets to the interesting and fast action parts, you can't stop reading. This whole thing is just a roller coaster and I'm kind of eager to read the next volume.
So until next time.....
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