Monday, September 1, 2014

Reading Onyx part two

So before I start talking about Onyx, I'd like to ask a few questions. Really it is only one, but you get my drift. I'm kind of curious what you all want to see on this blog. Sure I talk about books and give you a picture of covers here and there. But there has to be more to it then that. I want to know that you guys want to see. I'm serious. If you guys wanted weekly videos about God knows what, I'd do it. Because I care about what you think. And now you are most likely laughing at me, because you think I'm a complete weirdo. Anyways, I do want to know what you want to see on this blog. Don't be afraid to give me some suggestions. You can even say how much you hate me in a comment, or gush over a hot guy on a book cover. I know I do that. The gushing over a hot guy on a book cover, not telling myself how much I hate myself. That isn't good for my health. Anyways, I want to hear more from you, so speak up and speak your mind. Now lets get talking about Onyx.
I'm about two thirds done with the book. Only because it has been my best friend during my sleepless nights. Okay, so my theory on Katy was wrong. That makes me sad. According to what I have learned, Daemon had healed her and mutated her DNA in the process. We learn this when Blake finally comes clean on what he really is. So these new mutated humans are called hybrids. Apparently the Department of Defenses, or more known as the DOD, are trying to use these hybrids to create an army. In theory. Anyways, Daemon is getting more jealous of Blake and he keeps refusing to trust the guy. All in good reasoning. I wouldn't trust a guy either if he was putting someone I care about in danger. Blake's reasoning is that he wouldn't do the things he did if he didn't know that Katy could defend herself. I'm really starting to hate the guy. So is Katy, after an incident involving the evil alien race, known as the Arum. Katy could of died and Blake didn't seem to care. Daemon really needs to give the guy a good ass whooping. Anyways, I just stopped reading when Daemon and Katy were making a video for her blog. Daemon didn't keep his word on keeping quiet. Just reading the incident was hilarious. I'm so happy I was alone in my room while I was reading the book, or my sudden burst of laughter would have my fam giving me strange looks. I'm loving the book so far and I can't wait to see how it will end. I'm pretty sure I'll still be up at five in the morning reading this book. So until next time.....

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