Sunday, September 28, 2014

Finished reading Jet

Hello fellow bookworms. I have a feeling I'll be pulling an all nighter. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm going back home, and I'm pretty excited. I've been alone with my uncle's dogs for the past few days. A nice little vacation from life so I can work on reading and my blog. Anyways, I'm here to talk about a book with a hot guy on the cover, not about my small vacation. Alright, so after Jet gets out of jail, him and Ayden have a slight heart to heart. I say slight because Ayden didn't really tell him everything about her past. He said he was alright with it, and everything is swell. Or, so I thought. Some more people from Ayden's past pop up, telling the truth that her brother held back from her. She then just wants to forget, but Jet told her that he wasn't going to be the reason that they ended their relationship. Didn't do him any good, because after he found out that his studio was broken into, Ayden dropped him like a hot potato. I think its because she had an idea on who broke into his studio, and I think I do too. It was most likely Asa since he has been dropping threats every time he saw her. Anyways, Jet is beyond pissed and hurt that she ended it. Shaw even makes Ayden confess everything and demands to know why she broke it off with Jet in the first place. So they have a heart to heart. Shaw pretty much slapped some sense into Ayden with words. I say good. Anyways, after Shaw's pep talk, Ayden hunts down her brother. She is determined to fix his mess and make him go away. Hopefully it works. Also we find out that Jet's dad did in fact steal from him. His mom tries to convince him that he shouldn't send his dad to jail, just like he predicted because she is a sad case. Then my phone dies. So now you will never know the ending of the book unless you go read it. Sorry, I'd tell you more, but I just want to wrap this up. You may start the riots now. So until next time.....

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