I was terribly wrong. As always. But it would of been cool if it was the brother. But it wasn't, sadly. Anyways, I won't tell you who it actually is because that would ruin the whole entire book. Anyways, there is some brotherly conflict that I am sensing. I believe two of them are falling in love with the same girl. I could be wrong on that too. But I have other feelings. Like that after doing the naughty or the dirty deed, Jake got Taryn pregnant. I am most likely wrong on that and she could just be horribly sick. Who knows? Only because I haven't officially finished the book yet. I don't even know which brother she ends up with. Most likely Jake since it is their story. But that could just be a huge plot twist right there. She could be all like "yeah I know we had mind blowing sex, but I am in love with your brother who I shot in the butt". Yes, Taryn ends up shooting some people because she felt betrayed. I give her kudos on that. Anyways, I figured I make this post before I pass out from work. Its been a long night of nothing and now I'm ready for bed. I even got my dog RJ to cuddle with while I sleep. But he's still slightly mad at me for going to work. The fact that he went potty on my hoodie proves it. He can be so naughty sometimes. Anyways, I also stopped requesting books from the library. I have a lot of books that I really need to read that I got through giveaways and also on my tablet. This is strictly going to be catch up time on all the books I have. Also I have like ten books coming in the mail. One I've already read. But I'm going to head out and thought you should get a heads up. So until next time.....
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