So I officially just finished The Hollow and holly twist. So I get some answers on everything but I did not expect the whole reality on who Caspian is. My mind is blown more then Abbey's might be at the news. Sadly it just raises more questions. Looks like I'll be getting the second book.
Anyways, on another note, I officially started reading Sour Lake. And, I have to point out that it starts out a little gruesome. I admit that I may have written a book starting in a similar fashion, but it was for a school project that had to do with Jack the Ripper. But you have to admit that it does pull you in. Kudos for that, Bruce. Now if only I could stop murdering names in my head as I read the book. You would think out of all the books I read, I would be so much better with names. Nope. I'm still horrible at them. But I'm learning. Anyways, back to the book. Other then it being highly detailed at the moment, I'm just going to try to read it and find out what is going on in the story. So far I have a dead school teacher and a sheriff hiding evidence. I wonder what that is all about. Maybe I'll find out before my shift is over. So until next time.....
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