Does it count being on time for Let's Get Personal Sundays if it's past midnight? I'm only asking because I almost forgot again. Maybe I should get a calendar that lets me know what I have to get done and posted. Maybe it would stop me from dragging my feet on everything.
Anyways, I'm not sure what this week's topic will be. Nothing exciting ever happens. Just the occasional blow out due to my baby sister's emotional break downs due to her bipolar dissorder. Then we usually have old school grandparents stepping in and going against their own advice, who also don't believe in mental disorders, making things so much more worse than they have to be. Its stressful and not a good envoirnment for any of us. Especially me with my mental issues. But that story is for another time when I'm ready to publicly talk about it.
I guess I could talk about how I'm getting over my insecurities by finally making videos. My mom is even jumping in on the fun for Reaction Wednesdays. Its where we watch music videos of any genre within my guidelines that I have set up. Or, more like my mom had set up. So far we've done a few that I'm currently editing. Probably need to do one more before Wednesday. But if there is any video you want us to react to, just send me an email or post a comment.
Other videos that we are working on is Topic Tuesday where I talk about any topic or answer a question. Then there is Movie Friday where I watch trailers of movies or just talk about the latest movie I saw and what I thought about it. I'm also thinking about doing Q&A Thursday, where you can ask me pretty much anything and I'll answer a certain amount of questions on that day.
So what do you think Bookies? Does this all sound like a good idea? I'm trying to expand this website and not just focus on books. I might even do a video on my progress on reading at the end of the month. Just to remind everyone what I've read and thought about the book. Also talk about the books I plan to read for the next month. But I know I can only pull this all off if you guys help me.
So until next time......
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