Sorry for not posting or writing in a while. Also sorry for the mistake I made about the series. The first book was about Jax and finding his mate. Not the pack leader. For some reason I thought Jax was the leader, but I was wrong. Also the reason for not posting earlier is because I didn't read for a few days. The reason is because I was going through a tough time with my youngest dog. He wasn't doing too well and we took him in the other day only to find out he had cancer. A tumor had ruptured and he was internally bleeding to death. There was no possibility to save him, so we had to put him down. It was like loosing one of my kids and it just broke my heart to see him go. So I took a few days off to spend time with him and then say good bye. I am still not feeling the best but I'm being strong and getting back to doing the things that I have been putting off. My writing is going to take some time to return to though, but hopefully that will be in the next few days. We will just have to see. I just started reading again, and hopefully I'll be able to do a post on the book soon. Sorry for the lack of writing I've been doing. Its just been a really tough time for me. Please understand my reasoning and look forward to everything coming up. Hopefully soon I'll be able to do the videos I promised. But until that time, keep waiting patiently.
So until next time......
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