Sunday, September 15, 2024

Finished reading Terms and Conditions


Hello Bookies,

I guess I like the fake marriage trope because I couldn't put this book down. Even though it is still a little predictable, I still enjoyed it. I might actually like this book more than the first one. Which makes me kind of excited to read the last book about the middle brother Cal. I'm sure the book will remind me what his conditions were in order to get his portion of inheritance because I don't remember. I just know that in this book they keep asking him if he contacted Alana. But I knew from the beginning that Declan was going to mess up in this book. I was actually starting to think that there wasn't going to be any drama in this book because it wasn't until the last few chapters. But it happened and Declan did all he could to win Iris back. She didn't make is easy either using Cal as someone needed to go through in order to talk to her. I admire her determination to fight going back but all it took was a few words with mom to make her forgive him. Only because mom's know best and just wants you to be happy. I think that is why I related to Iris in this book. She had a close relationship with her mom and had a tough childhood. Maybe that is why I liked this book more because I actually related to one of the characters. Sadly, I don't hand out stars like candy. Even though I liked the book, it gets three out of five stars. It still has room for improvement, but I still enjoyed it.

So until next time....


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