Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Started listening to Midnight Jewel by Richelle Mead


Hello Bookies,

I'm taking a small break from reading and returning to listening to audiobooks. My ADHD is getting bad and this is the only way I can read at the moment. I haven't officially start my fall reading challenge of sixty horror books. Not a good sign since I'm already three days into the fall. I'll work on it while I listen to my audiobook. I don't remember if I reviewed the first book of this series. I'll have to also look that up while listening to my audiobook. Honestly I thought that this book would continue on from the first book but it doesn't. It appears that each book just shows the different points of view of different girls going through the process of The Glittering Court. Also honestly I probably won't pay much attention to the book. The first book wasn't very memorable to me. I have a feeling that this book is going to be the same.

So until next time...


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