Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Let's Get Personal #19

 Hey there Bookies,

I'm currently debating if I should continue reading a book or just DNF it. It isn't like I hate the book, but I'm also not really enjoying it. The plot isn't keeping my attention all that much. So far I'm experiencing people complaining about the cards they were dealt in life so far. Yes, I am talking about Long Shot. The reason I'm debating is because I feel like not being a quarter of the way is not giving it a fair shot. But if it is like pulling teeth to motivate me to read it, then I should return it. Okay, it isn't like pulling teeth, but I can go a day without reading the book and not feel bad about it. It's one of those kinds of situations. The story is interesting enough to keep you reading, but it is a bit boring. So now I'm going to sit here and stare at the book wondering if I should return it for now and rerequest it from library later. Or, return it and forget it. Or, stick out reading the book and take forever to finish it. Of course, this choice would be so much easier if people just let me read in my house. Native American homes are not as quiet as people may think. We are up in everyone's business, even when we shouldn't be.

So until next time....


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