Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Finished reading Haunting Adeline


Hello Bookies,

I actually finished this book late last night and it kept me up. How it ends leaves questions for me. Now I'm going to have to wait a while to get those answers. Anyways I enjoyed this book and I must be so desensitized that I didn't find this book to be as dark as people made me believe. Sure we have Zade fighting the sex trafficking scene, but I knew that stuff all existed to begin with and that it is horrible. Also I am aware of the Satanic Rituals that take place in this world as well. Maybe my criminology background helps with me being able to read the seriousness of this book and not be traumatized by it. Anyways I liked the storyline of the story. Addie trying to figure out who killed her great-grandmother was pretty interesting. I like the idea that the main characters had their own story and didn't really depend on each other to keep the story going. You could remove one's story and not ruin the book. Now let me address the flaws in this book. Even though the book was well written there are a few choices in this book I have to question. Mainly the fact that Addie gets turned on by fear. We aren't shaming. Just questioning the choices here. I'm sure there are people in reality that does have this and I find it a little weird but we don't judge. Also we have to question Zade's choice of stalking Addie and some of the choices he makes. Only because it makes him no better than what he fights against every day. But I see the kink that this book targets and we aren't judging. I've already read a book with that kink in it and I understand it fully. It just isn't for me. Now that we got past most of that, I just need to question those that are stanning Zade. Do they have this specific kink or are they just romanticizing everything in this book? I know there are some of you that are romanticizing this by saying that he is so in love with her that he is just consumed by his need for her. Make better choices people. Zade could still be consumed by Addie but in a healthy way that doesn't involve stalking the girl and taking advantage of her. He can even do this without lying to her but choices were made by the writer and they were targeting a certain group of people in the BDSM circle. All I have to say is that don't romanticize something you don't understand. I'm done with my rant. Sorry that I included it in my review but it had to be said. In other words, I did enjoy the book. The writing was well done. I do recommend this book to those that want to read it but please take the trigger warnings seriously.

So until next time....


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