Sunday, February 23, 2025

Started reading The Ritual by Shantel Tessier


Hello Bookies,

I was so excited to see this book when I showed up at work the other day. I wasn't even expecting it to come in. The wait list for this book was pretty long and only one library in our system had it. So you know I dived into this book the moment I had the chance. I don't know much about this book other than it is a popular dark romance that has been floating around the social media. I was just wanted to read it the moment I heard it was a dark romance. It makes my dark soul sing when I get my hands on anything that is hinting it will be dark. Out of the few pages I was able to read, there is a secret society in the college that recruits young men to be come "LORDs" and becoming one of them, the world is your oyster. Our main male character is named Ryat and he has worked hard to be part of this society and he is given a mission to own a young woman named Blakely. He doesn't see that it will be difficult but there is a small problem. Blakely has a boyfriend who is also part of the secret society. But her boyfriend won't tell her anything or does anything with her and it is frustrating her. I can't wait to see what juicy stories this book holds for me.

So until next time....


Finished listening to The Amityville Horror

 Hey there Bookies,

I have to admit that I don't know much about this book. The down side to listening to the book before bed is that you tend to fall asleep and lose your place. But if I am also being honest here, I didn't find the book that interesting. It was just a recounting on what happened to the family while they lived in the house. So I have nothing really to say because I feel like I learned nothing at all listening to this book. Maybe if I read it I would have a different reaction. But the audiobook wasn't that fun. Sadly the book gets two stars out of five from me. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. 

So until next time....


Finished reading The Coven

 Hello there Bookies,

Nothing annoys me more than a book ending on a cliff hanger. Now I will have to wait for who knows how long to get the second book to find out what happens next. Nothing like the witch thinking that she is saving the Coven by doing what she thought was right. Only to find out that all she was doing was actually helping open Hell and release the archdemons. Including the devil himself. That is literally how the book ends. With a whole 'to be continued' at the very end. I enjoyed the book and it wasn't that dark to me. This is extremely mild compared to the other dark romance I've read. And we all know that I've read some dark stuff. But the book was interesting. It did have a good plot and a small twist. Other than that it wasn't anything different than what I've read before. I do want to read the second book just to find out what happens. I don't like how some books just don't end with a pretty little black bow and now I have to read the second book in order to hopefully get that small little bow. This book gets about three out of five stars. 

So until next time...


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Started listening to The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson


Hello Bookies,

I'm doing another square while I also read the other book. The book falls under the "Author who shares your birthday month" square on the Winter Bingo. Luckily this book also lands on my TBR list. I can't remember if this book is a classic but it is still something I wanted to check out. I've seen the movies and the paranormal shows about this house, so it was time to read/listen to the book. It kind of makes me curious on how accurate all of the stories are compared to the book. I'm sure a lot has been dramatized to make a good show, but you never know. Wish me luck on this book.

So until next time...


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

 Hey there Bookies,

I'm in a bit of a dark romance mood and since I'm a mood reader when not inspired by Winter Bingo reading prompts. Let's see if this one is actually a dark romance unlike that last dark romance I read. This book does have trigger warnings, so that is a good sign. In the dark romance department at least. But also good so that readers know what they are getting into. I don't know much about the book. I saw a booktuber showing it in a video and thought I would check it out. All I know from the tags on Goodreads is that this is a witchy dark romance. I could read what the book is about but what is the fun in that? I did try to read it at work at one point but I couldn't focus then and can't remember what I read. The best to do is reread the small bit I did and give it my full focus. Or at least try to with the house I live in. 

So until next time...


Finished reading Ice Planet Barbarians

 Hello Bookies,

This book was a good quick read for me. I did cheat and find an audiobook online to listen to the book before bed. But being a quick read, a lot doesn't happen. It is a spicy book and it does take place on a different planet. But the storyline isn't that intricate. We just have our main character learning about a new planet while trying to understand the customs. The book pretty much ends when she accepts the new planet as her home. That is how it ends. The book was okay. It will probably get three stars out of five from me, but I am curious about the other books in this series. Now that we are introduced to the new planet, I wonder if the stories will be more interesting. This one if more of an introduction into that new planet so I can understand why it wasn't that interesting. But this book will remain in limbo with my thoughts because I didn't hate it, but I also didn't love it. It was just okay.

So until next time...


Monday, February 17, 2025

Started reading Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon

 Hey there Bookies,

I'm on to my next Bingo square and this one is "Alien Encounters". I figured it would be good to grab a book with or about aliens and call it good. I literally have no idea what this book is about other than it lands in a square for the Winter Bingo. I needed a book with aliens that kind of fit what I usually read and this one fit the bill. All I got about this book are the tags that were placed for this book on Goodreads because I never read what a book is about. I like to be surprised as usual. From what I gather from the tags this book is a spicy scifi romance. I like romance and I like spice. I usually don't read scifi, but there is always a first for something. I don't know if I will like this book and I don't know if I will like it. The only way to find out is to read it.

So until next time...


DNF Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix


Hey there Bookies,

I have come to the conclusion that Grady Hendrix is not for me. As much as I wanted to read this book, I just couldn't. I don't feel right rating this book because I only got a third of the way through the book before it was like pulling teeth to read. Maybe I'll try again at a later time, but for now, the book goes back. I gave it a try and I can be happy for that. I'm just not clicking with the author's style or their characters. I feel bad because I don't want my opinion to deter you from discovering this book. It just isn't for me. I thought it would fit my vibes because I like spooky and I like anything out of the norm. But the book is like a slow burn for me and I don't like slow burn books. You can blame my ADHD for that because if a book doesn't grasp me in the first 25% of the book, I get bored and don't want to read. But feel free to check out this book. I'm sure Grady Hendrix is a great writer. They are just not for me. 

So until next time....


Finished reading Credence


Hello Bookies,

I have to make a correction from my last post. I seemed to have mixed up Penelope Douglas with a different author who has a similar name. My mistake and this is the first book I've read from them. It was nice to read a book that I could just breeze through. The book is pretty steamy but I wouldn't put this in the dark romance category. I think some people have put it there and it just seems like a normal romance to me. Of course we have the 'reverse harem' but that isn't anything dark. For people who are polyamorous that is just normal behavior. When I think dark romance, I think BDSM kinks that force the author to have trigger warnings in the beginning. The only thing I see that would be taboo would be the whole step thing going on, but again because we don't judge, isn't that bad. But this book isn't just focused around the steam and spicy. The plot is about healing and discovering yourself. If I had a choice on what to label this book as it wouldn't be a romance. More of a contemporary fiction that has spice in it. I did enjoy the book and I would recommend it to those that like the whole harem aspect of things. But I do have to say that the harem thing wasn't that long or huge. It was just part of discovering and healing. By the end of the book, everyone is just monogamous anyway. If I could, this book would get four and a half stars out of five. It almost made me tear up in some parts but almost. Sadly I will have to grade down and give it four stars instead. Five are for the ones that actually get me feeling something other than the spicy scenes. I have to really connect to have five stars and this book almost had it, but it just fell a little short. 

So until next time...


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Reading Credence by Penelope Douglas


Hello Bookies,

Well I had to start reading this book because it has to go back soon. I was a little intimidated by its size but I'm practically devouring this book. Also I noticed that out of all the books by Penelope Douglas, which is like two counting this one, I'm noticing a bit of a theme. So far I have read books by them that have a bit of a step fetish. When you read this book, you'll understand. Anyways our story follows a young woman who's parents suddenly die. That is literally how the story starts. Our main character finds her parents passed away in their bed, dressed in their best. Police assume it is a suicide brought on the fact that her father was dying of cancer anyways. Our main character doesn't know how to act because her parents never acted like she existed anyway because they were to focused on each other. Our main character then gets a call from her step-uncle saying that her parents had left her in his care until she is of age. Which is like a few weeks away and doesn't seem like it is necessary, but the offer still stands. And she takes it in hopes that the change in scenery is just what she needs. It doesn't take long before the line between right and wrong gets toed a bit. Especially when her step-cousin Kaleb comes back from being in the woods and goes animalistic on her. Then she tempts her step-uncle in the kitchen a few weeks later, only to have the truth thrown in her face. Then her 18th birthday comes around and a lot happens when they celebrate, but the jerk in town thinks he can take what isn't his and pulls in some friends to help him. Luckily the snow storm shows up and protects them from any repercussions for their actions. At least for the time being. Her other step-cousin pulls a joke and puts on a porno to make her uncomfortable but she calls his bluff. Lines get crossed yet again but dear old step-uncle saves the day and puts an end to it before anything gets too far. But lines totally get crossed a few days later and it is dear old step-uncle that crosses it all the way. The sons find out and are a little upset that they didn't get to her first, but they come to an agreement that if our female character doesn't resist, she is fair game. And that is where I stopped for now. I haven't found a 'reverse harem' book yet and this is my first one. This book is literally my life goal at this point. Being trapped by snow in a cabin with hot men and books. No internet, no social media, no connection with the outside world. Sign me up.

So until next time....


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Let's Get Personal #24

 Hello there Bookies,

I thought I would give a small update on what is going on. Yes, I am still reading the Grady Hendrix book I got. But sadly, I am not making much progress. I don't know if I am not in the mood or the book just doesn't interest me. I've heard a lot of good things about Grady Hendrix and I was excited to read one of their books. But it is taking a lot for me to get into the book. It could also just be a slow start and that it will pick up soon. Hopefully. I'm finally a third of the way and I feel like I have learned nothing in the book. In order for me to make a post, something has to happen and not much has. Let's hope that the book picks up. Also I don't want to DNF the book because I'm at the point that I'm not far enough in the book to give it a true chance. So I'm going to tough it out for a few more chapters. Also I might have overwhelmed myself on all of the books I have checked out. I had requested books thinking that it would take a while for them to come to my library and then they all showed up at once. If this snow storm gets any worse, I know what I will be doing. Well, if I am left alone to read. Which isn't easy in my house. But that is where I am at right now. Hopefully I have more to update you with later on. Also I have completed four squares out of the Winter Bingo card I have. None to make an actual bingo, but I am just happy that I filled four squares.

So until next time....


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Almost done reading The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror


Hello Bookies,

Well I did enjoy this little collection of stories. They aren't that scary but are pretty good. The vacation one that I left off on gave me a bit of toxic vibes. Also it didn't help that the wife did everything to make sure the husband was happy. The story after that long of a short story was about this little girl that lived in a town where pets and children were going missing. I got a creep vibe right away from her friend's family and I was right to have them. You will have to read to figure out what happens with that story. I only have one story left and I thought I would give my rating on the book. I give it a solid three stars. I liked it but I didn't love it. Each story ended with a cliff hanger to make the reader wonder what happened. This book would be a good book to read to an English class and have them discuss what was going on in each short story. This book would be good in an educational setting to teach foreshadowing and other constructive writings. 

So until next time....


Monday, February 10, 2025

Reading a short story collection


Hello Bookies,

I'm reading my first collection of short stories. The Doll-Master was a pretty good one. I had found it pretty fascinating. Of course this book does land on a square in the winter bingo. The square being "read a collection of short stories" and since I like horror, I grabbed this one. The second short story had me a little confused. It was about a man that was a trial for killing someone. He said it was in self-defense but was it really? The third story was about a house sitting that had gone wrong. Nothing like someone unexpected show up and scares you. Then suddenly someone ends up dead, traumatizing the house sitter forever. The fourth story I just started and so far it is a couple on a vacation in South America. That is as far as I got. I know I skipped talking about the first story but that one is too fascinating to talk about. I want you to read it to figure out what the Doll-Master is all about. I'll update you once I finish the stories.

So until next time....


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Let's Get Personal #23

 Hello there Bookies,

Well I have been taken out of town by my best friend. I did pack books with the hopes that I'll be able to read while I am away. I'm even lucky enough to be able to post while she cleans up our mess from dinner. We are also checking out the movie Wicked, which makes me want to reread the whole series again. The last time I read those books was way back in middle school. I know at work we have Wicked and I might pick that up when I get the chance. But right now I have twenty-four books I need to read before April for the winter bingo at work. So far I have finished two books and I am working on my third. Of course that book isn't really taking me the short amount of time I thought I would have to read it. It is actually taking me a lot longer. I was promised spooky and witchcraft. So far I've only had a taste of the witchcraft. But I am only a quarter of the way through the book and the spooky probably hasn't even started yet. Also I did pick up a short story collection as well that I am reading. They say you are not a true bookworm unless you are reading multiple books at once.

So until next time....


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Almost done reading None of This is True


Hello Bookies,

I don't know what to tell you about this book without ruining it for you. A lot happens towards the ends. People go missing and family members get murdered. We also get other perspectives of the story that counteracts what Josie has told Alix. It makes you wonder who is really telling the truth. But it also makes you wonder if there is something mentally wrong with Josie that makes her believe that she hasn't done anything wrong. I just have to say that you will have to read the book to find out on your own. I really liked the book. The beginning was a bit slow but once things pick up, they picked up. I would give the book a four out of five stars. I would also recommend it if you like a thriller that keeps you gripped.

So until next time....


Monday, February 3, 2025

About two thirds of the way through None of This is True


Hey there Bookies,

Well this book has me questioning my own sanity. I don't even know who is telling the truth anymore and what anyone motives are. The only one I can be sure of is Alix. She somehow ends up in the same place at a woman named Josie, who shares a birthday with her. Alix runs a podcast series and is looking for a new project and Josie is just feeling stuck in her life. Everything seems innocent at first but than things turn an obsessive turn once these two characters start to record a podcast together. And with this turn things also start to get a little weird. You learn about Josie and how she met her husband that is 26 years older than her. Then we learn about their children and what is going on in their homelife. It is a rabbit hole I didn't expect to be going down. I admit that the book was a little slow in the beginning. But once you hit the second part in the book and the weird things start, you just want to keep going to figure out what is actually going on. You get a few hints in the podcast clips throughout the book, but they don't really explain anything. They just keep you wondering what is going on. I stopped at the point where Josie is literally stalking Alix's husband and she has something planned. I just don't know what.

So until next time....


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Started reading Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix


Hello there Bookies,

I my have forgotten a book at work and somehow ended up with another book that fits the book bingo. This book falls in the "Published in 2025" square. I just so happen to be walking by the Lucky Day bookshelf and saw this book. Of course, knowing that this book literally just came out a few weeks ago, I grabbed it. Also this would be my first Grady Hendrix book. I've heard good things about this author and I do like the spooky stuff. I don't know how spooky this book is because I didn't read what it was about or any reviews. I like to be surprised by going into a book blind. I can't wait to read this book. I've only read a few pages and all I know so far is that this girl gets pregnant. Her family sees it as a disgrace and sends her to a home for wayward girls. That is all I know. She literally just arrived at the Home before I had to stop reading and get back to work. But I am curious on what this book holds.

So until next time....
