Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Finished reading Ice Planet Barbarians

 Hello Bookies,

This book was a good quick read for me. I did cheat and find an audiobook online to listen to the book before bed. But being a quick read, a lot doesn't happen. It is a spicy book and it does take place on a different planet. But the storyline isn't that intricate. We just have our main character learning about a new planet while trying to understand the customs. The book pretty much ends when she accepts the new planet as her home. That is how it ends. The book was okay. It will probably get three stars out of five from me, but I am curious about the other books in this series. Now that we are introduced to the new planet, I wonder if the stories will be more interesting. This one if more of an introduction into that new planet so I can understand why it wasn't that interesting. But this book will remain in limbo with my thoughts because I didn't hate it, but I also didn't love it. It was just okay.

So until next time...


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