Sunday, February 9, 2025

Let's Get Personal #23

 Hello there Bookies,

Well I have been taken out of town by my best friend. I did pack books with the hopes that I'll be able to read while I am away. I'm even lucky enough to be able to post while she cleans up our mess from dinner. We are also checking out the movie Wicked, which makes me want to reread the whole series again. The last time I read those books was way back in middle school. I know at work we have Wicked and I might pick that up when I get the chance. But right now I have twenty-four books I need to read before April for the winter bingo at work. So far I have finished two books and I am working on my third. Of course that book isn't really taking me the short amount of time I thought I would have to read it. It is actually taking me a lot longer. I was promised spooky and witchcraft. So far I've only had a taste of the witchcraft. But I am only a quarter of the way through the book and the spooky probably hasn't even started yet. Also I did pick up a short story collection as well that I am reading. They say you are not a true bookworm unless you are reading multiple books at once.

So until next time....


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