Sunday, February 23, 2025

Finished reading The Coven

 Hello there Bookies,

Nothing annoys me more than a book ending on a cliff hanger. Now I will have to wait for who knows how long to get the second book to find out what happens next. Nothing like the witch thinking that she is saving the Coven by doing what she thought was right. Only to find out that all she was doing was actually helping open Hell and release the archdemons. Including the devil himself. That is literally how the book ends. With a whole 'to be continued' at the very end. I enjoyed the book and it wasn't that dark to me. This is extremely mild compared to the other dark romance I've read. And we all know that I've read some dark stuff. But the book was interesting. It did have a good plot and a small twist. Other than that it wasn't anything different than what I've read before. I do want to read the second book just to find out what happens. I don't like how some books just don't end with a pretty little black bow and now I have to read the second book in order to hopefully get that small little bow. This book gets about three out of five stars. 

So until next time...


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