Monday, February 3, 2025

About two thirds of the way through None of This is True


Hey there Bookies,

Well this book has me questioning my own sanity. I don't even know who is telling the truth anymore and what anyone motives are. The only one I can be sure of is Alix. She somehow ends up in the same place at a woman named Josie, who shares a birthday with her. Alix runs a podcast series and is looking for a new project and Josie is just feeling stuck in her life. Everything seems innocent at first but than things turn an obsessive turn once these two characters start to record a podcast together. And with this turn things also start to get a little weird. You learn about Josie and how she met her husband that is 26 years older than her. Then we learn about their children and what is going on in their homelife. It is a rabbit hole I didn't expect to be going down. I admit that the book was a little slow in the beginning. But once you hit the second part in the book and the weird things start, you just want to keep going to figure out what is actually going on. You get a few hints in the podcast clips throughout the book, but they don't really explain anything. They just keep you wondering what is going on. I stopped at the point where Josie is literally stalking Alix's husband and she has something planned. I just don't know what.

So until next time....


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