
For those who are wondering what my choice of ebook was as of late, I'm
currently reading 3:AM Kisses by Addison Moore. I'm going alphabetic
order on my kindle app on my phone. It will make my reading choices so
much easier. Just so happens that this one is first, even when I
continue to buy more books. I'm terrible. Anyways, I'm sneaking this
between writing which is pretty often after all the Mountain Dew and
Coffee I've been drinking. So, the book is pretty easy to read and goes
by quick. I'm about a third of the way through already and already
loving it. It also helps that I was able to find this book for free on
Amazon.com. I'll be sure to share the link next time if it is still
free. Anyways, our main lady is named Baya. Cool name. Any who, she goes
to college and quickly runs into our main man, Bryson. She also finds
out that her overly protective brother isn't only the complete opposite
of what she thought he was, but also the fact that he's roommates with
the hottie called Bryson. She is pretty much determined to live the
college life no matter what her brother says. So you can say that she is
becoming a rebel. Anyways, she gets stuck rooming with her brother
because it just so happens that her roommate back at her dorm is on a
sex marathon. I wouldn't just leave if I were Baya. I'd give that girl a
piece of my mind, then leave. Just saying. Anyways, I left off with
Baya talking to her new found friends about Bryson. I want to read more
instead of write my book Elizabeth. Only because I want to know the
mystery of Bryson. Writing sucks lately. So until next time.....
So I'm just going to jump into it with the fact that out leading lady
Baya is getting a little jealous over the girls hanging around Bryson.
Its to the point that she even tries to up stage one. Sadly I didn't get
too far because I got caught reading by my grans and you know how she
feels about reading. Its the Devil's work. The lady is nuts, but we
still love her. But I'll be sure to sneak some more pages for you guys,
because even I'm on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what is
going to happen next. Also I want to know about Bryson's big bad past.
All you know about it is something bad happened and it involved a girl
named Steph. It is driving me insane to not know. But to make up for
lack of reading, I found the link to lead you to the free ebook. Its
because I'm so nice. So here's the link that I hope works,
http://amzn.com/B00EA45DUO. But I'm sure you guys will let me know if it

So lets get a talking about the books I'm reading. Starting with 3:AM
Kisses. Things are secretly getting serious between Bryson and Baya
since he locked lips with her. He's also seems to be going through a bit
of a dry spell. I think its because he is trying to impress Baya. Of
course now she knows that he's holding some heavy secret due to a
childhood friend of his. What that secret is, no one knows yet. But I'm
dying to find out. Anyways, I left off at a part where Bryson invites
her to go boating with him. Sadly it turns into a huge sex fest. I swear
the girls in this book have no shame what so ever. I guess that just
gives it some character.
Okay so I'm saying wrapping up because of the fact that I'm almost
done with the book, but not quite there yet. Also I still haven't heart
what happened to Bryson's ex, and I'm starting to think that I'm never
going to find out. I have thirty pages left and there is no sign that he
is going to tell what happened. It is driving me insane. Also I thought
for sure Bryson would confess before Cole found out about Baya dating
Bryson. But I at least got the whole caught them red handed deal right.
Nothing like being in the middle of pleasuring your boyfriend when your
brother storms into the room. Then kicks your boyfriend's butt for even
touching you in that sense. I'm so glad to be the oldest sibling in my
family. Can't say the same about my little sisters. Baya is lucky that
she doesn't have more then one older brother. Anyways, I'm amazed at how
fast I read this book. I'm actually kind of sad that it had to end.
Also if I don't find out the secret by the end of this book, there
better be a sequel so I can find out. I'm dying to know. And so will you
when you read the book. Trust me. Just pick it up and you won't want to
put it down until you find out because it likes to poke its head every
once in a while to remind you that it's there. So until next time....
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