Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wow, I'm almost done? (Never Never)

Its a shame that I fought tooth and nail to get the iPad, only to find out that I'm almost done with the book. It feels like I just started. I kind of don't want it to end either. I guess I'm just facinated by the plot of the story. The whole entire time reading the characters are trying to relearn themselves. I have a theory on what is going on, but I'm not going to say anything until I know for sure. Anyways, I love the book and I can't wait to read the next one. Sadly it won't be until everyone has read it because I'm poor and I never win the giveaways I want. Which kind of makes me sad. Anyways, I just got some books from the library and I'll be reading those soon enough. I know I have to finish Dangerous Secrets and Transformed. I have so many damn books to read, I just don't know what to do with my self. Anyways, this is most likely going to be my last post on Never Never. I might mention it in the next post I make. It all depends if I finish it, which I probably will. So until next time.....

Halfway through Never Never

I know that I just wrote a post not too long ago when I was about a third of the way through the book. Maybe less then that, but its still a post that I just did. Since that last post nothing has really happened. They still don't know why they can't remember things about themselves but can remember other things like the names of flowers and how to drive. Also they are realizing that they don't like themselves all that much. Well, Charlie at least doesn't like herself much from what she has learned. So far we know that Charlie and Silas are from completely different worlds. But it wasn't always like that. Something happened between their father's that pretty much has changed everything. Also Charlie cheated on Silas. They have been dating for four years and each have one sibling that doesn't like either of them much. Charlie's mother is an alcoholic and her father is in prison. That is pretty much all there is to know. Other then that these two loved each other very much before all of this started. I wonder how everything is going to turn out. Will they ever get their memories back? A lot of questions left unanswered. So until next time......

Reading Never Never

I am probably going to gets some complaints because I didn't mention the other author of the book. I'm sorry. So they book is by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. I haven't read any of Tarryn's books yet. I can here the gasps of disbelief after writing that. But I do plan on reading her books at one point. The library of where I live just doesn't have any. I know the library sucks but what do you expect when most of our population is over 60. Anyways, I'm about four chapters in and the book is really good so far. I like how it starts with both of the main characters completely forgetting everything while they are at school. Like oh my wow. I can't imagine that ever happening to me. But I do tend to forget what I'm doing from time to time. Anyways, I'm kind of curious on how they lost their memory and what happened. They are currently touring Silas' room looking for answers. So far they just got more questions. But I'm going to go read some more and maybe read Transformed after this. So until next time.......

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Finally reading Never Never by Colleen Hoover

Even though I would like to have the full on paperback version of the book, I am still not going to pass the chance of getting it for free through the iPad. Limited time, might I add? So I am finally going to read the book. Apparently there was so much talk about this book when it first came out. Everyone probably read it already, but for those who haven't we can read this together. I haven't started it and I have only heard rumors on it. Especially about the cliff hanger ending. But I have eight hours of nonstop reading a head of me so keep an eye out for more posts on this book. So until next time.....

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

More rambling

Just because I like to ramble and bore you guys to death, I'm just going to talk about anything that tickles my fancy. I'm just kidding.

I am actually confessing that I have read a little bit more of Transformed and good Lord the main character is stupid. How can she choose some a-hole over what could be the sweetest guy she knows. Yes, she may not actually be human. But come on. I say forget the mission or quest or whatever she is telling herself that she is doing, and got after Chamber and live happily ever after. Hell, her brother even came to see her in hopes to talk some sense in to her. It may not look like it at the point, but once you analyze it, its as clear as day. Anyways, I'll probably change my star rating on this book when I am officially done. I only gave it three stars because I thought it would only be fair since I didn't read all of the book yet. But now that I'm guarding the iPad with my life, I might actually get it done. So don't hate me for my rating.

Also I am asking for all of your help on this blog. I want to make it better so you guys have a reason to come back. Because lets be real here, you don't come here just to read what I have to say about books. But if you do, you are now my new best friend. I know I've tried polls before and I might do it again. So if you have ideas on what a poll subject should be, just send me a message and I might consider it.

So if you do want to send me something or anything in the matter, my email is

You can send me pictures, catch phrase ideas, fan art (not sure how you can do that since I never show my damn face), book suggestions, or you can just say 'hi'. I would really love to hear from you guys and maybe if you ask nicely, I just might post a recent picture of myself. Even though I hate cameras, I'll still do it for all of you. Because I'm awesome like that. Anyways, I'm going to head out and try to finish Transformed. Also I am pretty much just going to throw in the towel for my writing, because it is nearly impossible to finish that amount in such a short amount of time. I blame my computer for breaking down.

So until next time......

I am never writing again.

Okay, that title might be a lie. But I haven't been doing much reading. I'm an idiot who decides that they hate all the work that they did and then deletes it all four days before the official deadline. It will be a miracle if I can actually pull of writing 50,000 words in now three days. I am not even going to revise it. I'll leave that to my mother when she is editing. Anyways, in other news, my grandmother found out about my little trip to Baltimore to look at schools for an English major. She is throwing a cow and is threatening to throw my mother and the rest of our little family out onto the streets. But that is if I go. She is very dramatic at times. And I wonder how I come from a very dramatic family. Yes there are riots going on, which I find solves nothing, but I'm pretty sure everything will be mostly sorted out by the time I get there. That is all I'm saying. Also my favorite boys, All Time Low, moved a certain tour date for a later time. Which made me call places to reschedule and talk to my boss about the fact that I can work one day and then take off three instead. I hate you guys, you are lucky you are all cute. And that I love one more then the others. But that has been my life since the last time I posted. Also for those who do follow me on Twitter, you may have notice that I hardly use the thing. I know I should, but I just don't have an exciting enough life to tweet all the time. I could tweet about my dogs if you want. They tend to do some pretty interesting stuff. Like one of them decided to throw himself against a wall. He didn't really throw himself, its more like slid on our hardwood floors into the wall. I think its time for him to get a hair cut. Anyways, nothing is going on at the moment. But if you want me to talk about any subject, with in reason, I'll be happy to. I need something to do in between orders from the library. But I'm off for now. I have to convince my mom to let me get another book from Its used and cheap, so she might go for it. She could say hell no too because she really holds onto my money. She tends to throw Baltimore in my face when I ask about books. She is a cruel lady. So until next time.....

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Yay I got my computer back

So I got a pleasant gift yesterday. In all honesty I never thought I'd be so happy to see technology in my entire life. AKA my computer. I still hate it for having the hard drive fail on me. That is so not cool, but at least I got everything back and running. So now its crunch time with writing since I have only five days to even feel like I'm a winner. And of course I leave my stupid notebook at home with all of my writing in it. I hate the way I forget things. Also I know I should be reading, but I'm too busy enjoying the fact that I have a computer again. Along with the fact that I can by used books on the internet. That last one is great because my mom gave me a ridiculous amount of a book budget. I mean, twenty dollars is not going to satisfy my book addiction. Some people just don't understand. Anyways, I'm heading out because I'm at work and I'm supposed to be doing stuff. So until next time.....

Friday, April 24, 2015

Started reading Dangerous Secrets by Abbie Zanders

Okay before I start talking about this book, I have to admit that I manage to read a tiny bit of Transformed. Sadly not as much I want because it seems as soon as some one sees me on the tablet, they have to have it. AKA my grandmother. I am so ready to move right now. Why did I decide to wait another year before going back to school? I could be in Baltimore right now. Anyways enough of my complaining. It's time I talk about the book I just started reading. I have had this one on my bookshelf for a while been meaning to get to it but I just have too many books I have read. Also there is no picture because my computer is still getting fixed. Blogging would be so much easier if I had that thing. Anyways I literally just started this book. Like I have only read the prologue and first two chapters and honestly I am a little confused. Hopefully the more I read, the more it will start to make sense. So until next time....

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hey there

Since I am already getting complaints about my last post on Transformed. AKA my mom. Apparently I wasn't nice enough. The disadvantages of having your family able to read your blog. I can be on the East Coast and I will be getting a phone call telling me what I should of said or left out in general. Anyways, I'm not saying that I couldn't read it because it's terrible. The book is good. Don't get me wrong. I honestly really like it. Sure it's not something I usually read but I still enjoyed it. I just don't have the time or focus to finish it. I feel bad that I can't. I want to know how the book ends. But due to family issues and other personal reasons, I can't do it. Also it doesn't help that I have brothers hogging all of the devices. So I am sorry if I came off cold or harsh in my last post. I didn't mean much by it and I will consider my words in the future. So until next time.....

I can't do it (Transformed)

I am a horrible person. I can't focus long enough to read this book. Honestly I don't know what is wrong with me. It's like I get halfway and then nothing. I am not going to finish this am I? Sorry to the author who I promised to have this done on time. At least I tried. Anyways I like the book either way. It's a little slow but good. Still want to slap Brice and wish his death, but he is a fictional character. So that ain't happening. But I am pretty sure the book has a happy ending and Thea finally ends up with Chamber. Well that's all I want at the ending of this book...if I ever get there. I need a vacation from read. These reading marathons are taking a toll on me. So until next time......

Almost done with Bad Romeo

Have you ever read a book where you actually feel like you are the main character. Like when the character is nervous, your heart is racing like theirs would be. Or, if they are frustrated, you feel like you could slap someone as well. I will have to say that this book definitely made me experience that. Which is saying a lot since there is only a handful of books that can do that. For example Beautiful Disaster or Ugly Love. Anyways as I wrap the book, which kind of makes me sad, I get drawn more into the book. It also makes me look forward to the next book. Still makes me sad that its almost over. I was really liking the complicated relationship between Cassie and Ethan. I don't know what it is about me and complicated relationships, but I love them. Never a dull moment with that stuff. Maybe there is something wrong with me. I know there is because I'm supposed to be sleeping right now because I have been up all night for work. Sadly all the caffeine I have consumed hasn't decided to kick in until now. Which ends up with my dog RJ staring at me like he's ready to snuggle up and sleep. Poor guy because we were starting to snuggle when the stupid caffeine kicked in. I kind of want to finish this book now and yet I don't want it to end just yet. Its me preordering Beautiful Sacrifice all over again. I hate tough decisions like this. So until next time.....

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Halfway...ish through Bad Romeo

I know it's been a while since I posted. I spent my days off sleeping instead of reading. I am a bad person. But I am now on a shift where I have seven to eight hours of uninterrupted reading. So I can say I am now halfway through Bad Romeo and the book has me hooked. You have a complicated relationship between two people and you want to continuously read in hopes you find out why it's so complicated. All you know is that the two have undeniable attraction for each other since the day they first met. They also pretend to hate each other to hide said attraction. But I am going back to reading this book and pray I have my iPad back so I can finally finish Transform. My brothers hog the thing like they want me to fail. They can be so mean. So until next time.....

Monday, April 20, 2015

Started reading Bad Romeo by Leisa Rayven

I took over my brother's computer so I can post that I have started a new book. So far I have no idea what is going on. Just that I've been trying to get this book for sometime through contests and now I have it. I have no idea what the book is about, but I heard that it is really good. Anyways, I've only read one chapter so far and I can tell that it might just be something I'll read. But I'm going to head out. So until next time.....

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Finished reading Confess

I didn't think Colleen had any intention to tell us on how Owen knows Auburn. Then I got to the very last chapter. It is nice to see how that things could seem like fate and how Adam pretty much gave his blessings before he even died. Amazing. But the book is awesome and you find out why Auburn needs a lawyer. There are so many secrets in this book that I can't tell you even if I can't. Like the story behind the painting in Auburn's living room. Or, the relationship between Owen and his father. There is also the whole situation with Trey. But I'm going to head out before I tell you every detail on this book and I don't think Colleen would appreciate that. So go get the book and read it. Colleen doesn't disappoint with this book, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't disappoint with any. But I'm going to hunt down Never Never so I can finally read that book. But until then I'll read Bad Romeo. So until next time.....

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Halfway through Confess

I'm about halfway through the book and I kind of wish that I didn't have to work so I can finish it. So far the book has made me smile, laugh, and almost cry. I still want to know Owen's deal. I better find out soon because I am just flying through the pages. But I do know I will be buying some prints for my place after I move to Bmore. But I am going to head out. The guests need me. So until next time......

Finished reading Instinct

I really miss my computer. I can't do anything like email and putting pictures on my post. Anyways I finished my Sherrilyn Kenyon book. Nothing like sitting on the edge of your seat guessing who the traitor is while the main character is going through a test. But thank goodness that everything works out fine, barely. She had me going there at one point. I can't wait for the next one if there is one. The series has been good so far but I think that's because the author is awesome. But I'm going to head out. I have an early morning for a food drive. So until next time.....

Friday, April 17, 2015

Started reading Confess by Colleen Hoover

You have no idea how excited I am to finally read this book. Especially after trying so hard to get it. So bonus that it was the last copy at the bookstore. Anyways the book almost made me cry right away. Not something I want to do while at work. But I guess that is how Colleen pulls you in. She goes for the heart strings. And even though I know that I just started reading, I know I am going to really like it. Also I want to know Owen's secret and how he knows Auburn. So until next time......

Halfway through Instinct

So no photo for this one. Sorry. But I'm halfway through the book and I'm to a point where I really don't like a character and hope they die. He'll has broken loose with signs of an apocalypse and one of Nick's "allies" has to talk him down. Make him second guess everything he knows and loves. I hope she is the traitor and gets what she deserves. It will make me extremely happy. But I just have to read and find out. So until next time.....

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Beautiful Wedding by Jamie McGuire

There isn't much to say about this book because its short and everyone knows what its about even without reading it. If I was actually talking that would of been said in one breath. Anyways, I breezed through this book and loved it. It is actually nice to see how the wedding in Vegas went down and what they were thinking. My most favorite part was the letter from Travis's mom. It is such a heart felt moment and it pretty much makes Abby sure that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Travis. I wish I could write more, but I'm writing this on my brother's computer before work. I promise to write more with the other book that I'm reading. So until next time......

Computer is officially broken

So none of my posts are going to have pictures because I have no computer which holds all of my pictures. A family friend picked it up yesterday and told me it would be a week. Sad face. I also won't be making my writing deadline either. But I thought I would give you a heads up. So I am stuck on the iPad until my computer is back. I miss my computer. So until next time.....

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Started reading Instinct by Sherrilyn Kenyon

For those who didn't know, I'm a huge Sherrilyn Kenyon fan. So far I have five stared everyone of her books that I have read. So when the library get one of her books and I'm the first to read it. It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside just like the man I admire. Anyways, enough of my banter. I just got Instinct by Sherrilyn Kenyon from the library. As much as I like to own the book, I kind of exhausted my book budget the other day at the book story on Confess, Bad Romeo, and A Beautiful Wedding. That last book wasn't supposed to be bought but I have a thing called a Maddox Brothers Compulsion. Meaning I see anything involving Jamie McGuire's Maddox Brothers and I have to buy it. I'm a bad person. But at least I can say that I now have the complete series unless I can find Mrs. Maddox which I have come to accept doesn't exist. Yet goodreads likes to tease with the fact that it was out there at one point. Which makes me sad. Also I will read Transformed the moment I finish reading all of the books I got from the library and bought. Because I'm still avoiding it. Don't get me wrong, its a good book. Its just I'm not motivated to read it. I always lose interest when I have a deadline fast approaching. Don't believe me. I have a book I have to write in four days and I'm not even close to done. Like I said before I'm a bad person. I really need to stop doing stuff at the last minute. So until next time......

Almost finished reading Mystery Man

I'm not avoiding Transformed, I swear. I just don't have the motivation to read it at the moment. Anyways, I just pulled an all nighter and pretty much almost finished Mystery Man. After a few heated moments, war declarations, two almost huge heartbreaking close calls to a break up, and two kidnappings that almost ended lives, I have come to my last on the book. Sadly I can't tell you much because there are so many spoilers in this book. But since I'm nice, I'll give you a little spoiler. The heart wrenching almost breakup has to revolve around Hawk's past that involves his wife and child. That is all you are getting. If you want to know more, I recommend you read the book. But I'm going to head out and officially finish the book. Then I will most likely still avoid Transformed like its the plague and read one of my many books I just bought from the local bookstore. Its my favorite place in town and my mom ended leaving me unattended in the store. Which results in me pretty much spending my whole paycheck in books. But at least I can say I finally got my own Colleen Hoover book, more specifically Confess. Next goal is to by a print based on the book and put it in my future office/ personal library. So until next time.....

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Reading Mystery Man

Honestly I thought he was made up in the book. Only because he leaves without a trace. I know I usually don't start a post talking about the book, but I couldn't help it. You basically spend the first few chapters wondering if he is real. Then you start guessing who the mystery guy is. Until the guy shows up at her place after a break in. Then things get interesting. I only say this because our leading lady has three hot men after her, and she is only sleeping with one. We all know mystery man is going to win this macho battle but why not enjoy the book while it lasts. But I'm going to head out. I got some wrapping up to do before I clock out. Also sorry for not having a picture of the book, I will for sure have that for the next post. Promise. So until next time......

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hey Hey hey

Chilling at work right now and I'm pretty bored. I know that I should probably be reading but my mind can't focus. Really wish I brought some thing else to do. Like a notebook so I can finally get some writing done for NANOWRIMO. I am so behind due to my reading addiction. At least it's not drugs. Anyways I just thought to say hi before I die of boredom. If it's even possible. But I'm out. So until next time......

Started reading Mystery Man by Kristen Ashley

I'm on a new book from the library. This one has been sitting on my hold list for awhile and honestly its about time I requested it. I really need to stop putting books on hold at the library. Anyways, I just started the book. And since it has been on hold for so long, I can't remember what it is about. I am so disappointed in myself. Anyways, I just thought I would share what I'm reading right now. I am still reading Transformed, but people keep taking my Ipad. I could slap someone right now. At least there is always tomorrow for reading books. I just hope its not busy at work where I hardly get any reading done. I hate being normal. So until next time......

Friday, April 10, 2015

Two things.....

Okay I got two books to talk about and I'm starting off with Transformed. This book is taking me forever because its kind of a slow read. I hate slow reads, to tell the truth. Anyways, I'm a third of the way in to almost halfway through the book. Somewhere between 36-40% to be honest. Anyways, nothing exciting has happened except that Thea is pretty involved with two different guys. Cousins to be more accurate. Anyways, first up is Chamber and the guy is a complete sweetie. Thea really likes him and everything. The guy is even into nature and all that, which pleases Thea because she is mother nature herself. Then the other guy is Brice. Complete creep and is only dating Thea for immortality. He is also seeing some chick named May on the side. I hope he dies. But that is about it for now. I could of read more, but there was another book I just couldn't put down.

Which leads us to the next book I want to talk about. I'm honestly almost done with this book. Meaning that its really good. But what do I expect from the person who wrote one of my favorite series. We all remember our favorite Luxen in the Lux series. I know I haven't finished that yet, but I'm getting there. Lets focus on this book. So the relationship reminds me so much of Beautiful Disaster, which I love. Anything that reminds me of my favorite book goes straight to the 'must own' list. Anyways, Avery's secret does come out and you pretty much figure it out as you read the book. She pretty much panics when Cam finds out and nearly screws herself over by almost ruining the best thing to have ever happened to her. If the book ended like that I would of strangled someone and sent a very angry email. But luckly it doesn't end that way. Thank god. But I'm ready to read the next book already that I'm just itching to get my hands on it. Sadly with the long list of books I have at the library, its going to be a while. Sad face. Anyways, I highly recommend this book. But I'm going to head out. My late shift high is wearing off and I'm getting beyond tired. Gotta love working until the wee hours in the morning and the constant drinking of Mountain Dew. So until next time.......

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Started reading Wait For You by Jennifer L. Armentrout/ J. Lynn

Hey guys I'm on a new book. I'm almost a hundred percent done with Sign and I don't want to share anything on that book until I'm completely done. But I have to be honest it gets crazier the more you read on. Nothing still makes no sense in that book. Anyways, I had to pick up a book from the library and here it is, Wait for You by J. Lynn or Jennifer L. Armentrout. Who ever you want to go by. Anyways, if I remember correctly the fourth book just came out that is part of this series. Leave it to me to start a series when it is well into its fourth book. I really need to keep an eye out for these series. Anyways, I just started the book. I'm only three chapters in and its pretty good so far. Our main character Avery is going to school and she holds a little secret. I like secrets. Anyways, she running a little late to class and ends up running into a hot guy. Cam. Apparently everyone knows this guy, or has heard of him. But then he almost runs her over with his truck. Things are brewing and I can't wait to find out the end result. So until next time.....

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Finished reading Beautiful Redemption....sadly

Like always, good things must come to an end. Its just not fair. Anyways, loved the book as always. I loved the few shockers in the book that were sometimes part of a funny moment. Honestly I couldn't stop smiling at some parts. Also the ending had me a little worried there. Pretty much almost yelled 'no' and throw a tantrum. But no one died. Which is good. Or, I would be very displeased with Jamie. Anyways, I pulled an all nighter to finish this book. I couldn't sleep otherwise. Now I just wan the next one. Also I realize that I will be really sad when the series ends. It kind of breaks my heart a little. Unless Jamie writes the books in the point of view of the brothers.....hint hint. Either way I don't want the series to end. But I'm going to head out. Read all the books that are part of this series. You might even form an unhealthy obsession with the brothers like I have. So until next time.....

Can't put down. (Beautiful Redemption)

I don't know why I was panicing. Should of known that the moment I got to the mention of Travis Maddox that I wouldn't put the book down. Still my favorite Maddox brother out of all the five brothers. Probably because it was his story first. So you can just say that I love Travis Maddox because I met him first. Anyways, the book is really good. My obsession with the series is refusing to let me put the book down long enough to get some sleep. Shame on me, because I have Grans duty tomorrow. I honestly think that its stupid because she isn't my responsibility and the woman hates me for some reason. Its not the tattoo, not like she can do anything about that now. Anyways, I'm loosing my main focus. Back to the book. So these two are basically Travis and Abby, just older and have more secrets and issues. They like each other, but they won't do anything about it. Well Thomas wants to, but just like Abby, Liis won't have anything to do with it. I wonder if this relationship end up like Travis and Abby's. I don't know I'm only halfway through the book and I just want to read more. But it kind of makes me wish for something as intense as the love going around in these books. Like the whole 'no question about it, I love you and need you as much as the air I breath' thing going on. Why can't I have something like that? So until next time....

Monday, April 6, 2015

I thought I had more time (Beautiful Redemption)

I honestly thought I had time to catch up with this book, but apparently Jamie had other plans because Beautiful Sacrifice comes out in the next few months. Maybe. She could be lying. Either way I have to get my but in gear with this book. So the book is all about Thomas, Mr. FBI agent. The oldest of the Maddox brothers. Anyways, the book is told through Liis' eyes. I'm doing a recap more for myself then anything. So ignore my constant rambling about the book. Anyways, the book started off pretty heated. The book so far has the two arguing and stepping on each other's toes. Also things are a little awkward after their little heated moment. But I like the book already, but I had to put it aside due to the mountains of book I had to read from the library and also book requests. But I'm buckling down with this book because I want it done before Beautiful Sacrifice comes out. So until next time....

They stole the Ipad again

As much as I'd like to talk about the book above, I can't. Why? Because people keep taking the Ipad away from me. I'm currently pouting. How am I supposed to finish a request on time if people keep taking my devices. It makes me want to cry. I thought the book was making me cry with how long it is taking me to read it, but I was wrong. Its the fact that I can't read the book at all. I will for sure be fighting for the Ipad tomorrow so I can read this book. People that I live with make me so mad sometimes. So until next time.......

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Almost finished reading Angel After Dark

While those who celebrate Easter were celebrating and enjoying loved ones, I was stuck at work reading. I'm not complaining because I'm almost caught up in my reading and almost finished Angel After Dark. This will most likely be the last post on the book, but I will mention it in the next post before talking about the book of interest. Anyways, our two love birds in the book have finally gave into each other. Angel is still thinking the whole thing isn't going to work while Alex is realizing that everything is much more different with Angel then anyone else. But while our love birds try to figure things out, someone is after Angel. Only because she is working on a very important case. This kind of makes Alex investigate on his own behind her back. Things are pretty interesting right now and I'm kind of curious on how this book is going to end. So until next time.....

Happy Easter!!!!

Happy Easter to those that celebrate this holiday. My family celebrates it, just not this year. Well we will be but not until later on in the month because my grans is still not up to par. She is home finally after months of being in and out of the hospital. So I'm quite thankful for that. But once again, Happy Easter and until next time.......

Finally finishing the crazy.

My Ipad is dead and I have no more library books. So you know what that means. I'm finally able to possibly finish Sign. I actually love this crazy book. It pretty much grew on me and I feel like a liar by saying that I already finished it on Anyways, I'm ready to find out how this book ends. I know everyone of you are too. So let get to a reading and until next time......

Halfway through Angel After Dark

Okay I'm officially done with The Darkest Lie and it didn't have quite the epic ending that I was expecting. But all and all, it was still pretty good. But since I finished the book at work, I was able to get some of Angel After Dark done. I'm now almost halfway and things are starting to get interesting. Also Alex's best friend has a death wish trying to set Angel up with Alex. He even had them finally meet on the sly. So now the interesting part starts. I wonder how everything is going to go now that they know who each other is. Also it might also help that they remember each other from that fateful day at the do it yourself store. So until next time.....

Saturday, April 4, 2015

A little reintroduction.

Okay for those who don't know me or what I do.

Hi. My name is Lys and well I blog about books. But I do things a little bit differently, I tell you about the books as I read it. Just think of it as an open discussion blog. A website where you can openly discuss a book with me.

I'm not like some of those bloggers that talk about the structure of the book or how the grammar was so amazing that it moved me to tears. Honestly I don't really talk about the story line all that much. Just the parts I think are important enough to share. Also I don't give anything away, or at least I try not to. Only because I really do want you guys to read these books.

There are a lot of other things I tend to do a little different. Like I don't tell you guys what I would rate the book as, I think that just ruins your expectations on the book. I also tell straight out on whether or not I hate a book, so far we haven't really crossed one like that.

I'm just a huge book lover that just blogs about books. Sometimes movies, if it is book related. Honestly I don't even get paid for this stuff. And if I did, I never make enough to see the difference. I just do it for the joy of it.

Anyways, if you guys do read this blog and think I should share one of your favorites, send me a message with the book title and its author. I'll be happy to read the book and tell everyone else about it. But for now I'm going to head out and do some major catching up on my reading.

So until next time......

Almost finished with The Darkest Lie

This is most likely my last post on the book. And I will have to tell you that things are not what they seems. What do I mean by that? That is a secret I'm keeping to myself for those who haven't read the book yet. You can all hate me later. Anyways, Scarlet ran off and Gideon got the god queen angry. Like so angry that she ended up locking him up in a cage awaiting her punishment. I hope Scarlet comes to the rescue. But the book is pretty intense right now and I just want to know what happens now. Probably will also be a while until I read the next book. I think its The Darkest Secret next. Either way I'm ready to see what happens next. Anyways, I'll be reading more of Transformed after I'm done with this book. Hopefully the book will go faster while I'm sitting at work with nothing to do. So until next time......

Friday, April 3, 2015

I'm only that far? (Transformed by E.V. Fairfall)

I could swear that I'm farther in this book that I actually am. Out of all that I have read, it feels like I should be at least a fourth of the way through the book. Its making me sad. I have read so much that I don't even remember all of it. Its a good book, don't get me wrong. But its like taking forever to read. But I'm going to head out right now. I thought I should complain a little about how this book is taking forever for me to read. So now I'm going to go cry in a corner as I ask myself why I agreed to read this book. The thing is breaking my heart. So until next time.....

About halfway through The Darkest Lie

Okay before I talk about the book I'd like to share that I actually met a guy that read romance novels. Sadly he already has a girlfriend, but I was still shocked to find a guy that would admit that he reads the books. I had taken The Darkest Lie to work because it was a slow night and he just pointed out on how it was a good book. So ladies, there are guys out there that you do read in books. They are just hard to find or already taken, but there is still hope.

Anyways, lets get talking about the book. So Gideon had a son. Say what? Scarlet was nice enough to tell him the story and everything. Then she leaves the guy after throwing that load at him. Good thing she tried to go back to him or I would of slapped the character. I know she is fictional but I would still want to slap her. Anyways, Gideon makes plans in going to find revenge for his son's death. Or, at least find out if Zeus was in fact the one that took away his memory. But I honestly didn't get too far. But I thought you guys should know that I finally met a guy that openly reads romance novels. I never thought I'd see the day. But I'm going to head out because I'm tired and my bed is calling my name. So until next time......

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Back to reading Angel After Dark

Its pretty awesome that I'm going to get a lot of reading done during work. I guess its a perk of living in a small town and working a late shift. Anyways, I'm about a third of the way through this book now and I tired to hard not to laugh out loud in some parts. Especially during the conversation between Alex and Angel. So far I think these two have both met their match with each other. Its going to make a very interesting story. So far these two don't even know what to think about each other. I can't wait to see when they actually meet in the book. But I'm heading out for now and read a little big out of The Darkest Lie. So until next time.....

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Back to reading The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter

For those who didn't realize or notice, I stopped reading The Darkest Lie for a while. Only because I was so close to finishing The Fiery Heart and couldn't put it down. Which results in my final thoughts on that book. The ending was something I never saw coming. Okay, I did. But I didn't think it was going to throw down like that. So ready to read the next book because I want to know if love can really conquer all. Kudos for the suspense Richelle Mead.

Anyways back to talking about The Darkest Lie. So we all know that Gideon is faced with a past he can't remember. So its his main goal to find out if its true or not. Also to see why he forgot in the first place. I believe Zeus has something to do with that. Only because Gideon secretly got married to one of his enemies' daughter. I'm kind of curious if my theory is right, but this involves more reading and now that I have a normal job, it might be difficult. Anyways, I'll read as much as I can of this book. Also I have the two ebooks that I'm working on, especially when one is an author's request. But I'll keep in touch as often as I can before my computer is shipped off to be fixed. So until next time.....

Author's request: Transformed by E.V. Fairfall

Alright I got an author's request a few days ago. I was going to just go to the library and use their computer to talk about this book, but that didn't happen. So I'm on my broken computer talking about this book. Anyways, the author seemed pretty nice when I talked to her and figured I could help her out. So far I know very little about the book, but that is what makes thing more interesting. From what I have gathered in the first few chapters is that our main character is Mother Nature or Thea when she is in human form. She basically has a mission on some sort in order to I guess break a curse that she is on. But that is as far as I got before the Ipad was taken from me where this book is being held. Kind of made me sad. Anyways, I'll read more as soon as I get the Ipad back. So until next time......

Almost finished reading The Fiery Heart

Okay my computer still hasn't been shipped off to get fixed yet. So I'm post as much as I can before the thing decides to crash again. Its a handful lately. Anyways, I'm almost done with The Fiery Heart. Adrien and Sydney finally got their moments alone with out worrying about what others would think. Nothing like a crashed car in a snow storm to create the perfect getaway. Anyways, Sydney has accomplished a lot. She was able to replicate Marcus's ink and she has it so that it can be invisible. Better to make Marcus's cause more discreet and on the inside of alchemist walls. Also she was able to create an ink with  someone's blood that was turned back from being a bad vampire. There is an actual name for it, but I can't spell it correctly even if my life depended on it. Anyways, things are getting intense and we know that these two love birds are going to get caught some how. I just haven't gotten to that part. So until next time.....