Sunday, January 29, 2023

Started reading Lock Every Door by Riley Sager


Hey there Bookies,

I'm on to my second book of my 48 hour reading challenge. I have not officially started this book but I'm excited to start it. I don't know much about the book. I just know that it is a thriller mystery book, which is something I've been into lately. I don't recall reading any Riley Sager books in the past, but it is never too late to start. I just know that the book takes place in an apartment building and that is it. I did read the prologue which didn't give me much but a ton of questions. Now I just want to binge read this book and see what it is all about. What is about this apartment building that made one of its tenants get hit by a car and never want to go back to that place? 

So until next time...


Read The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman


Hello Bookies,

I'm currently doing a 48 hour reading challenge and I will have to say I'm not doing well with it, because life is busy to the point that it won't let me have time to read. Also I tend to have trouble focusing on one thing for a long time and that may also be a factor. But this book was the first book I read for the challenge. It took me longer than a day to read because well I'm a tired human being. I fell asleep while reading it. Not because the book was boring or anything, I just can't read laying down. The book follows a young boy and I don't think it ever said his name in the whole book. A lot of bad events happen to him following his failed birthday party, but then he meets a young girl at a farmhouse who lives in the house at the end of the lane. This girl introduces him to a world outside of his own but something goes wrong. Bad events start to happen and a new nanny comes to stay at their house. The nanny isn't what she seems to be and the boy goes to the little girl's family to help protect him from this nanny. The nanny ends up being this creature they encountered in the woods earlier in the book and she keeps saying how the boy belongs to her because she made her way home inside this boy. But then these hungry birds come, more known as cleaners, and they destroy the nanny but also try to go after the boy. The girl protects the boy from the birds but she gets hurt really bad. There is more to this story but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who wants to read it. I discovered this book through a video essay on Youtube and thought I should give it a read. Now this book is probably going to get a low rating because it was hard for me to focus on the true story behind this book. Maybe if I had a quiet house and a not so busy lifestyle, I would have been able to sit in a quiet room and really read the book. Really analyze what it was trying to tell me, but I couldn't. But I did still enjoy it. It was a good short read and I can proudly say that I have read two Neil Gaiman books now.

So until next time....


Friday, January 27, 2023

Reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


Hello fellow Bookies,

Well, I'm just casually reading along with an audiobook while I prepare for my first 48 hour reading challenge. While I wait for the challenge to start, I grabbed one of the few books off my shelf that had an audiobook available at the library. Gone Girl was the first one I found and I'm now reading it. I know this book was turned into a movie, but I probably won't watch it. Depends if I like the book or not. Lately I've been a pretty hard critic when it comes to books. Anyways, I started the book a few days ago and I'm honestly that far. I'm only about ten percent of the way through the book. But I do have to say that I see red flags immediately in this married couple's life. We have one spouse making decisions on things without hearing out what the other spouse has to say. And, if they do, they completely ignore it and do what they want in the first place. That is just one example. Anyway, I have to say that the book is a little slow right now. It's not pulling me into the mystery that is taking place. I've heard people talk about this book or mention it, so it made a big enough impression to get people talking. Or, maybe they are just talking about the movie. I guess I will never know unless I force myself to read more. So far this book is looking at about a one or two stars.

So until next time....


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Almost done reading Uprooted


Hey there Bookies,

It's been a while since I updated you on this book. But that is because it is so long. The reading for it has gotten faster the moment I got the audiobook to listen to while I follow along. Now I don't know what my thoughts are on this book but I'm going to try to sort them out as we go. I still don't remember how this ended up on my long list of books to read, but I found it on the list while I was reorganizing. So this is a book I wanted to read and I can't remember why. Now I would love to give you a summary of the book but there is a slight problem. I don't remember most of the book I read. I remember bits and pieces but not enough to give the book justice. As I was reading along with the audiobook, I was realizing that this book had a lot of information. Maybe too much information. Like if you got rid of some of the details, you wouldn't lose any of the plot and the book wouldn't be as long. But due to the fact that there was so much information to take it the book kind of became forgettable in my opinion. Its not a bad book. I don't hate it. But I think I'm just turned off with how some parts are very descriptive when they don't need to be. Also the book has a slow start with some action to keep the reader going. But the big action doesn't happen until you get about two thirds of the way through the book. So if you can survive the slow burn until then, this might be a book for you. But I'm an impatient person and if I didn't switch to the audiobook, I probably would have never finished this book. Now I had to sit and debate what to give this book. I was thinking about giving it three stars but I didn't like the book. But I also didn't hate it. And, two stars seemed unfair to the hard work the author put into this monstrous book. To me the book is just okay and maybe a little forgettable.

So until next time....


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Halfway through Uprooted


Hello there Bookies,

I'm reading this book along with an audiobook. Why? Because there are too many words I struggle to pronounce and it is taking me forever to read. Anyways, I feel like I have learned so much in this book but I remember none of it. I think we can already predict how this whole reading experience is going to go. I went into this book knowing nothing about it. I couldn't even remember how it ended up on my holds list at the library. But I gave it the benefit of the doubt. There are some parts that are really good to the point I don't want to put the book down but majority of the time it kind of drags on and I just don't know what is going on. I will do a whole summary video on Youtube once I finish this book. But I'll probably do my actual thoughts here. So far the book is pretty forgettable. The only time I remember something in the book it involves the Wood. Like that is the main mystery in this book that I want answers to. What is these Woods? Why is it so evil and bad? How did it start in the first place? I doubt the book will tell me about it, but the only way to know for sure is to continue the journey of reading the book. Wish me luck.

so until next time...


Finished reading Desperate Measures


Hello Bookies,

Well I really breezed through this book. Also while reading this book I've learned a lot about myself when it come to spicy situations. I will not go into detail, this is a family friendly blog...I think. Anyways, as I'm reading this book I'm getting like Disney as if it takes place in Gotham and that is the only way I can explain this book. Or, at least the setting. It is a very spicy book that still has a plot to it. Is the plot good? It could use some improvement but I still enjoyed it. I would recommend it to those that like books with different forms of BDSM or kinks with a storyline. I don't know if I enjoyed this book or not. It did annoy me that everyone was pretty much beating around the bush about their feelings because it was considered "weak". Yes, I'm looking at you Jafar. Jasmine just annoyed me because she denied her feelings until the very end. She also didn't show any growth until the very end. Give me a stronger lead with the next book. I do plan on reading the next book in this series. I don't know when but it has already been added to the list. I'll have to sit and think over what I'm rating this book. It might get three stars at best. Like I said, it could use some improvement. 

So until next time...


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Reading Desperate Measures by Katee Robert


Hey there Bookies,

I have to read this book right away and quick because the library is only going to let me have it for about a week. This book is the first in the Wicked Villains series. Now how I would describe this book is if Disney took place in city just like Gotham. Crime runs the city and everyone does what they can to survive. That is the setting I picture. Jasmine is our leading lady here and she is well kept in the mansion that belongs to her father. Now, her father isn't a good guy. He some big criminal lord and Jasmine is seen as a princess because she is his daughter. Jafar is one of Jasmine's father's men slash bodyguard. Something like that. And, Ali is just the guy that Jasmine is sold to in order to make her father more powerful. Sadly we don't get to see much of Jasmine's father since Jafar pretty much overthrows him and takes Jasmine to his home a little against her will. She says she is against it but her actions are speaking very louder than words. This book is very spicy and I know it is supposed to be. But the spice that is taking place is a kink that might make some people uncomfortable reading about. I'm talking about the consensual non-consent kink. The author is nice enough to even warn you before you read in case you decide that it is not your thing. I'm about halfway through the book and I have learned nothing other than Jasmine has the serious hots for Jafar. Jasmine also doesn't like the fact that she is constantly trapped and being used for her body, but also she loves the idea as long as Jafar is concerned. It's like, Girl, make up your damn mind. She is all "I want my freedom at any cost" then switches gears and be like "But I have no choice but to stay because I have nothing left. I'm trapped forever." I feel like Jasmine is resourceful enough to make her way out in the real world. Outside her father's walls. But I don't think I'm going to get that. I guess I will find out more about the book the more I read. It's interesting, I give it that. 

So until next time....


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Started reading Uprooted by Naomi Novik


Hey there Bookies,

I'm starting a new book right away. I also have to be honest. I have no idea what this book is about. It was just sitting in my holds list for the library and I figured I would get it. The cover is gorgeous and it will pulls me in. Also this book is thicker than I expected it to be. This book was in the adult fantasy section at my library, a place I still haven't located in my many trips to the library. But from what I gathered while researching if this book was a series or not, which it is not, it's based on Polish Folklore. I could be wrong though. But I love folklore especially if it involves a different country.  Maybe this book was suggested to me at one point because of that very reason. I guess the only way to solve the mystery is to read to book.

So until next time....


Finished reading Persepolis


Hello Bookies,

I finished my first book of the year. This book took me a little long that I expected. It probably is due to all the breaks I had to take while reading this. Reading about someone's experience during a war is a little heavy. But I was glad to have learned about some of the struggles that the character/author had to face while growing up during such a tough time. The book ends with author leaving home to live safely in a different country. I would like to know if they were ever reunited with their family or did they suffer more in the war. How this ended made me want to know more. I should see if there is a second book to this or not. I just found it to be so interesting and I learned so much that we never learn in schools. But sadly the book only got three stars because even though I enjoyed it, there were still some things that I didn't like. I didn't like the end, which I mentioned before. I wanted to know more about our main character and to see what her life was like in a country away from her home. Did she reunite with her family? Or, did she get terrible news about them? I need answers. 

So until next time...


Monday, January 2, 2023

Reading Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

 Hello there Bookies,

We are starting this year strong with another book. This is a historical graphic novel. I think if we were allowed to have these in history class instead of thick dry textbooks, I would have done better. I feel like I learn so much more about history and different cultures by reading historical graphic novels. The last one I read was the Maus series and I devoured that. I found it so fascinating and I'm finding this one just as fascinating. I'm probably not going to be able to give this a good rating just because it is so short, but I do love the concept. This graphic novel takes place is Islam or Israel and it is telling the political struggles it went through in the 1970s and 1980s. The author did a good job explaining how it affected her in a not so forward way. Because politics affects everyone, even children. I can't wait to read more of this and learn even more about a culture I know nothing about.

So until next time....
