Sunday, January 15, 2023

Finished reading Desperate Measures


Hello Bookies,

Well I really breezed through this book. Also while reading this book I've learned a lot about myself when it come to spicy situations. I will not go into detail, this is a family friendly blog...I think. Anyways, as I'm reading this book I'm getting like Disney as if it takes place in Gotham and that is the only way I can explain this book. Or, at least the setting. It is a very spicy book that still has a plot to it. Is the plot good? It could use some improvement but I still enjoyed it. I would recommend it to those that like books with different forms of BDSM or kinks with a storyline. I don't know if I enjoyed this book or not. It did annoy me that everyone was pretty much beating around the bush about their feelings because it was considered "weak". Yes, I'm looking at you Jafar. Jasmine just annoyed me because she denied her feelings until the very end. She also didn't show any growth until the very end. Give me a stronger lead with the next book. I do plan on reading the next book in this series. I don't know when but it has already been added to the list. I'll have to sit and think over what I'm rating this book. It might get three stars at best. Like I said, it could use some improvement. 

So until next time...


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