Saturday, February 28, 2015

Reading Murder My Love

Okay so I got this book in the mail yesterday, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I don't think I'm ever going to finish this book because I keep going back trying to make sense on what I had just read. Thirteen pages in and I have no idea what the hey is going on. I don't know if its futuristic or what not. I'm so confused I don't know what to do. I would love to tell you about what I had just read but I can't because I am so lost. Someone please read this book and tell my dumb self what is going on. Until then, I'm going to go in a corner and cry. Thanks a lot book you made me sad. So until next time....

Reading Updates

Okay so for those who are wondering if I finished reading Sign or not, I did not. That was one of the few books I couldn't find when my mom decided to hide everything from me. But I promise to at least attempt to read it as soon as I find it and finish the two library books I have. My mom is so mean sometimes. Anyways, I'm still reading Indigo Spell and then I'll be finishing the Fallen Series by finally finishing Rapture. Do I remember anything that went down in that series? Most likely not since it was like forever ago. But I'm going to brave the comfy chair sine I had some funky looking bug crawl on me the last time I sat in that chair. But its like my reading chair and I like to read in that chair. Sometimes I even write. But I'm going to head out. So until next time......

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Back to reading The Indigo Spell

So I'm back to reading The Indigo Spell. You know that book from that one series that I'm sure everyone has read. Anyways, I'm back to reading it. Its the last library book I have at the house and then I'll be picking up yet another book from way back when. So back that I haven't talked about it since the beginning of my failed website. Anyways, we'll see how this all goes down while I wait for the books in the series I was reading to come out. I hate waiting games, but at least I can get some of my To-Be-Read list cut down. So until next time.....

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Finished....ish reading Stone Cold Touch

So  here is the low down on the book in just a few sentences. It won't be the whole book because I am not completely done yet. But here we go. Layla got hot and heavy with Roth. She then passed out only waking up in a panic. Then she runs into some crazy demons leaving some nonsense advice. Scare the crap out of Layla, only to have her run into a pissed Zayne. Zayne doesn't talk to Layla for a while. Some one dies. Layla get suspended. Layla and Zayne make up in their own weird way. They go on a date to the movies where it goes horribly wrong. Layla's secret is out to her best friends. Layla goes home and Zayne is summoned by his father. Layla has some doubts. And that is where I'm leaving it off because I'm mean like that. Also I want you guys to read the book. So until next time....

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Almost finished reading Stone Cold Touch

Holy....I don't even know what to say. Not only do we have witches, night crawlers, and creepy winds, but Layla's love triangle just got more complicated. But I'm getting ahead of myself, or am I? Anyways, things get a little creepy at the house that has stuff happen that can't be explained. At first I thought it was Roth messing around, but I'm starting to think other wise. Layla gets the blame put on her like crazy when windows explode and a warden falls down the stairs. Seems like Zayne is the only one in her corner during these incidences, but she needs more then just him. So you don't blame the girl to run off with Roth to a place where all the little demons play. Of course things end up pretty heated between Roth and Layla and now you wonder how this is all going to affect her relationship with Zayne. I kind of didn't want to put the book down to tell you guys about what was going on. So until next time....

Monday, February 23, 2015

Halfway through Stone Cold Touch

So I'm sick in bed, and what better way to spend that time reading a book. I can't sleep all day. Anyways, Roth is back. We all knew that he would be, admit it. But it causes quite a love triangle. Shocking. Anyways, I wonder how she is going to get herself out of this. Who will she chose? Is it bad that I'm hoping she chooses Roth? But I'm only halfway and right now she just learned that Zayne has serious feelings for her. Which just makes things more complicated. Also there is a major threat ready to bring the world to an end. So she also has to work with both Roth and Zayne on defeating it. Now only the two boys could tolerate each other long enough to make some progress in finding the demon threat. But I'm going to head out. My head is killing me and I'm about to pass out from the cold medicine I took for my runny nose. So until next time......

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Started reading Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Okay so we all know that I read the prequel of this book way back in October. So half of you probably read this book by now. But I had to get it because I couldn't accept how the other one ended. And I may have cheated to see if and when Roth comes back into the picture. Do you blame me. It killed me not knowing. Anyways, I'm going to start reading this book even if I'm like twenty pages in already. So I can tell you that some crazy stuff is already happening. So until next time....

Friday, February 20, 2015

Finished reading Providence

I can't believe that they broke up! You got to be kidding me! Why would you do this to me Jamie? Its Beautiful Disaster all over again. Anyways, I have to admit that I cheated. Apparently I couldn't wait long enough to find out if they get back together or not. I'm a terrible reader. But I loved the book. I'm saying past tense only because I have only like thirty pages left. I'm also going to say that I'm still waiting to see if the two get back together. I already know, but I'm not telling. You'll just have to read the book to find out. I mean go read the book. Its awesome and you'll fall in love with it after reading the sweet things Jared says to Nina. Still can't believe they broke up. So until next time....

Halfway through Providence

There is so much going on in this book that I don't know what to tell you. Also you learn a lot about Nina herself and her relationship with her friend Ryan. Which also makes Jared a little insecure. Yes I know, I was spelling his name wrong this whole entire time. I'm sorry about that. Anyways, I'll probably won't post again until the end of the book or almost the end. Right now I'm at the part where her ring has something to do with her father's business. Wonder how that is. This is going to get really interesting and I probably won't have any sleep tonight. I must finish this book, it so good. So until next time....

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Some what finished reading Frature

Okay I'm not even close to being done reading the book, but before I ruin anything more about this book. I'm about to tell you every single detail about this book and that is bad. You might not think so, but I want you to read the book. I can at least tell you that there isn't as many sex scenes as the first book. Which is good in a way. But I'm at a really intense part, so I'm going to go finish reading the book. But I'm telling you to go read this series, if you haven't started yet. After you get past all of the sex scenes its actually a really good book. So until next time...

Also here is the link to the first book with you can get for free for Kindle:  (if it doesn't work, I'm sorry ahead of time.)

I like being right (spoiler)

So my theory on Lacey was correct. I love it when I get something right. Now the question is on how they are all going to tell Zeth that Lacey is actually his sister. I have a feeling he isn't going to believe a word they say. Anyways, I'm not that far into the book. I just wanted to announce that for once I'm right about a book. I am going to go do my happy dance now. So until next time....

Still reading Providence

I'm just going to jump in to talking about the book because everything makes so much more sense now. Nina pretty much told Jarred that he better come clean and tell her everything, or she didn't want to see him ever again. I pretty much said 'oh snap' after reading that. He didn't really have to think it over much because he ended up asking her out and gave her his number. Apparently the guy does in fact have serious feelings for the girl. But I give power to the girl for making him choose. I should really learn something from Jamie McGuire's books when it comes to getting a guys attention. Anyways, he finally tells Nina everything. And I mean everything. He pretty much went against everything he was taught just to prove his feelings for Nina. Then Jarred says the most sweetest line in the whole entire book so far. He pretty much says that he literally couldn't live without her and wouldn't want to if he could. Swoon. Kind of makes you wish you found a guy like that. Now we all understand why I'm a sucker for these kinds of books. So until next time.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Two book updates

Okay here is the low down on what is going on. I have two books to talk about. Only because I'm reading two books at once only because I have a mother who thinks its funny to hide my books to get a rise out of me. She can be so mean sometimes.

First up is Fracture. And I have a theory on Lacey that she is Zeth's supposed dead sister. How I got this theory is that you get flash back to Zeth's past and you find out that his parents died in a car accident. Also you learn that his mother was actually pregnant. Now the thing is if Zeth knows or not. I think Lacey does, but she won't tell anyone. I guess she somehow found out about Zeth, searched for him, and now is living with him until he leaves her with Sloane. Also it doesn't stop Zeth from embarrassing Sloane from miles away. Bet she'll never answer his call again while at work. Anyways, I'm pretty close to the end of this book. If I don't find out if my theory is correct by the end of the book, I'll pretty much be highly sad. And disappointed.

Anyways, I'm almost halfway through this book already. Shocker because it feels like I just started the book. Right now the main lady just found out her father isn't who he really was. The defence to that was that he was protecting her from things that could of put her in danger. Too bad that protection didn't stick around after he died. But I believe Jarred is the hired help to protect her. A little bit of his secrets are starting to be revealed as well. I wonder what other secrets are going to be revealed. So far one secret being revealed is that he has been protecting Nina longer then he is letting on. So until next time.....

Reading Providence

You ever have that feeling while your reading where you think that you aren't getting that far but then you look down and realize you are almost a third of the way through the book. That is what is going on with my now with the book. One minute I'm on page 2 and then next thing I know I'm at the end of chapter three. I'm breezing right through this book, which only means one thing. I'm
enjoying the book. Anyways, the book starts with our main character, Nina, visiting her father on his death bed. She becomes a wreck and meets a mysterious guy on her way back from her father's funeral. And when I say this guy is a complete mystery, I mean it. You don't know what his job is, you don't know anything. Just his name. Also that he sometimes has his sister with him, who creates a scene at a bar that Nina just so happens to be at with some friends. But I want to know who this guy is and what all his secrets are. So until next time.....

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Started reading Providence by Jamie McGuire

Honestly I expected this book to be slightly smaller then it actually is. So this might take me longer then I expected to read it. But since Jamie is such a good writer, I'll probably have not trouble reading the book. I have no idea what it is about. I didn't read the back of it. I did nothing to prepare myself for this book. I just saw that it was a Jamie McGuire book and requested it from the library. I tend to do that. But I'm going to start reading this book and hopefully I'll post something about the book soon. So until next time......

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Finished reading Hearts to Follow series

So I pretty much just read this book in one day. I told you it was an easy read and its a good choice when you need to do catch up work on your yearly reading goal. Anyways, I liked it a lot. The stories are pretty relateable with how short they are. Also it shows how high school can by sometimes with rumors and misunderstandings. Also it can be a lesson that what you have been looking for could have been in front of you the whole entire time. Anyways, I also like how all of the stories somewhat tie into each other. Even though they are about different people but it all still flows in well with each other. The last story is about a girl who is highly into theater and has a crush on the guy who plays the male lead in a play they are doing together. Honestly I can't tell you how it ends because I haven't quite finished reading the book yet. Guess you'll just have to get the book to find out on how it ends. So until next time.....

Reading Hearts to Follow Series by Dana Burkey

Since I'm so far behind on my reading, I figured that I'd grab and easy read. So I picked up this book that I won in a giveaway that just came in the mail a few days ago. Anyways, this book is pretty much just three short stories put into one book. All are still pretty good and highly relateable. The first story is called Pretending. Basically a girl moved to a new town, formed a crush on the boy next door, and then he moved away. He ended up getting a girlfriend during the school year, which broke the main girl's heart. So she ended up getting one of her guy friends to pretend to be her boyfriend during the summer to make her crush jealous. Ironically enough, it didn't quite work out that way. She ended up forming feelings for the guy she was pretending with, and her old crush just wasn't who she thought he was. So long story short, she leaves her old crush on the curb and starts officially dating her guy friend. Happy ending to that one. Right now I'm about halfway through the second short story. Basically the guy that didn't win in the first story is basically having his story being told as an aftermath. Luckly he finds someone new, but right now they are just being friends. But I can see where this story is going to end up. I'm going to head out right now and finish the book. Then maybe get the motivation to finally read one of the library books in my back pack. So until next time....

I just wanted to say.....

Honestly its my least favorite holiday of the year, but who am I to not wish everyone a happy valentine's day. Also I still haven't gotten far in Reckless. I'm just not in a reading mood. It kind of makes me sad. Anyways, I have to return the book so I have to request it from the library....again. And it was such a long wait to get the book. Sad face. Anyways, I am not sure what I'm going to read next. But keep and eye out for a post about the book I'm reading. Also if you want a certain book to be read or need a recap on any of the book I have read, just send me a message and I'll do a post right away, or request the book from the library. So until next time......

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hey Y'all

Okay here is the low down on what is going on. Home reno has started, so my reading time just got cut in half. I am pretty much done for the night because of a dead spider. I have a slight phobia of them, even if they are dead. I think it has to do with the one at my apartment that refused to die. Ended up calling it zombie spider and I refuse to experience that. Anyways, I can say that I did at least read two chapters out of Reckless. It was while the fam was in a meeting with my grans' doctor. So I feel very proud of myself for that. Also it is official. I'm taking a trip to Baltimore this summer. I'm pretty excited about that because its one step closer to actually moving there. Now if only I can convince my grandparents that I'm not going because of some guy. He may be living there now, but he wasn't when I decided to go. The blame for me need to move falls on one of my instructors back at the college I went to. Old people just don't understand sometimes. Anyways, I'm also writing another book. I am also going to be rewriting Elizabeth. I might as well since I haven't heard a thing about editing from my editor. He pretty much disappeared off the face of the Earth. Jerk. But I'm going to head out and work on a few more chapters. Maybe I'll post a picture of what I have so far. So until next time......

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


So I know that I need to do something other then talk constantly about books. What? I'm not sure. I'm currently brainstorming on that. If you have suggestions, I'd be happy to hear about it. I could post videos, but I have no idea on how to do that. Only because I want to at least have a list of my videos and have everyone be able to watch what ever one they want. I feel so dumb when it comes to this blog. Anyways, I'm trying to read Reckless, but I have a dog jumping on my lap and licking my face. He wants attention. But I'm going to go back to brain storming. So until next time.....

Reading Reckless

So I'm just going to talk about the book, starting with the fact that Kellan's past is really starting to catch up with him. We all know that he slept around and what not, but apparently he did some videos as well. But now that he is working his way up the music ladder, those videos are going to be surfaced. Karma is really a bitch. Anyways, Kiera is saying that its okay and that it doesn't bother her. But I think she isn't really showing how she really feels about the situation. Anyways, Kellan is back on tour and waiting for Kiera to join him. Sadly she still has to break the news to some people. Just sooner then later because Kellan spilled the beans at his going away party. Good going Kellan. But I'm going to head out. Sorry its not a longer post, but honestly I'm only on the fourth chapter. Also I have a feeling we won't see the end of Kellan's ex-roommate. So until next time.....

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Started reading Reckless by S.C. Stephens

So here is the low down on this book. I have a little over the week to read it and its the final book in the thoughtless series. Also I'm pretty excited the Thoughtful is coming out, which is basically in Kellan's point of view. I love books like that because its just a completely different experience. But first I have to finish the series before I can read a different point of view. So I just started this book and I'm not that far into it. I'm only on like page five. But I'm going to head out right now and 'watch my brothers'. Since my mom is out visiting my grans at the nursing home. So until next time.....

Finished reading Misbehaving

Yay! I finished the book. Loved it by the way. I honestly thought the book was going to be all good and happy after Jess and Jason got back together the first time. Didn't see the whole second break up happening. So props to Abbi on that one. I'm so ready to read the next book in this series. I don't even know who it is about, but I'm thinking its going to be about Krit since Jess left him on the curb for Jason. Poor guy. But sadly I can't request the book from the library until I finish reading the stack of books I have now. Mom's rules, not mine. I'm kind of wishing that it was May now. Not only do I get to see my favorite guys on earth, but I'm finally making a trip to Baltimore and look for a place to live. I say thank god to that. Its been a long wait, three years to be more exact. But I'm going to head out. I have an early morning tomorrow. Also go read this series if you haven't yet. You'll love it. So until next time.....

Friday, February 6, 2015

Still not really reading

My excuse this time is that I've been listening to Papa Roach's new CD nonstop lately. I'm sorry, but I loves the band and I'm thinking that Jacoby is quite hot. Anyways, I'm reading as much as I can. I know its not a lot, but I swear that I'm trying. It also doesn't help that I'm trying to go back to school. Yikes! Also just out of curiosity I Googled my name. Admit that I'm not the only one that tends to do this. Anyways, I discovered that his blog is actually on google, but at the very bottom of the first page. I wonder what I have to do to make it get to the top. I don't really care, but it would be nice. Also I have bookmarks and a book that I'd like to give to someone. Not sure how to do that since no one wants free stuff from me. That makes me sad guys. Give me some ideas because I want to give away free stuff and because I appreciate you guys.  I want to show that appreciation by giving you stuff. So help me out. But I'm going to head out right now. I have stuff I have to get my dogs because I loves them so much and its winter, and they need coats because they are about to get shaved. So until next time.....

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Reading Misbehaving

Whats so great about being home alone is that you get a lot of reading done. I have no desire to watch TV and I already cleaned up the house to the point there there will be no complaints. So all I have to do is turn on the music and read. That is about it. Hopefully in a months I'll have a reading nook where I can read with out being disturbed. I've watched enough home remodeling shows, that I think I have the hang of it. If not, I'm sure I can find someone to help me. Anyways, lets get talking about the book. This book is going to be highly interesting. Only because you got two people from two completely different worlds. But that is just how Abbi Glines works with these books. Kind of gives you the sense that there is a possibility for people to find love anywhere. This one just so happens to start with the fact that Jess was just in the right place at the right time. But things seem to be moving quick between our star-crossed lovers. It is only going to be a matter of time before everything crashes and burns. I wonder how that will play out. So until next time.....

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Am I reading?

Am I reading? Not really. I'm trying, but not really. Its like since the new year started I just don't want to read anything anymore. And I was doing so well. It makes me sad. So I need some motivation guys. I don't know what, but maybe you guys can encourage me to read more. Or, maybe my mother will help out. I don't know. I just need an ego boost or something. Pretty much anything to get the will to read.

Anyways, I did get some reading done with my latest ebook. And I have to say that I've read two or three chapters and sex was not involved. Shocking. But I must remind you guys that when it comes down to doing the naughty in this book, it gets really detailed. Like you have no problem imagining what is going on. It makes things awkward sometimes. Anyways, I'm going to head out and fight for the Ipad back. Since I want to at least finish one book by the end of the week. So until next time.....

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Started reading Misbehaving by Abbi Glines

Sadly I didn't finish Captivated by You before I had to return it to the library. Also I had my mom take away Beautiful Redemption, only because I have two books I have to finish in two weeks. Can I do it? Probably not. Anyways, I'm reading another Abbi Glines book. I can hear you all moan and groan about my choice in books. But I don't care because she is one of my favorite writers. Anyways, the book is about Jax's brother Jason and his love life with Jess. This is going to be interesting. Especially when it starts with Jess trashing her ex-boyfriend's truck. I cheer her on for this because the guy had it coming  for trying to sleep with every willing girl in their small town. I would of done the same thing if I had the balls that Jess has. But I don't, so I'll just fantasize being one of these characters and doing everything they are. Its the only action I've been getting lately, so why change. But I'm going to head out and try to get through my Maddox withdrawls because I have it bad. So until next time.....

I might not finish Captivated by You

So its the due date for one of my books. And I would really hate to return this book because I only have like sixty pages left. Its not fair. So sadly I might have to return it with out finishing. I'll rerequest it so I can finish it, but who knows when I'll get it back. So I'll just say that I'm sorry I couldn't really give a full opinion on the book. I just got caught up in all that was going on with the family. Lets hope that I can read the other books I've ordered before they have to go back next week. Sad face. We'll just have to see. But I suggest you read this book if you haven't yet. Read the whole series if you haven't. I love it all the same and can't wait until the next one comes out. Sylvia is pretty talented and is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers. But I'm going to head out and tackle all of the other books I have. Sorry again, and until next time....